Texas Credit Union League

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The Cornerstone Credit Union League (Cornerstone) is a not-for-profit credit union league that publicly represents nearly 600 credit unions[1] across Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. It communicates with and educates the general public on credit unions as a safe and secure financial institution, provides professional development to practitioners in the industry and advocates for the credit unions on a state and federal legislative and regulatory level. More than 8.4 million members[1] in turn own these credit unions, with Cornerstone's service corporation providing industry assistance and tools (such as financially related products and services, education and assistance grants, marketing communication resources, educational and training options, and more) to help spread their presence as full-service financial institutions.


The original Texas Credit Union League was incorporated on October 6, 1934, in the Hotel Texas in Fort Worth, now the Hilton Fort Worth.[2]

Since its organization,[1] Cornerstone's vision statement ensures that Cornerstone will "be the essential partner for credit union success."[1]

Further building upon this principle, Cornerstone's mission statement proclaims a goal "to protect credit unions, and promote their growth, strength and unity.[1] Cornerstone currently employs approximately 150 employees, with the majority being "out in the field," to make sure their vision and their mission reach as large an audience as possible.

Current Activity

In recent years, Cornerstone has been an active participant in promoting the credit union philosophy of "people helping people"[3] both on a local and on a state level. Cornerstone achieves this through efforts with the 501(c)3 public charity, the Cornerstone Credit Union Foundation (CSCUF), including educational grants, financial literacy programs and more, or through providing training opportunities, chapter meetings, council meetings and various other awareness-raising activities.

In 2006, the Cornerstone Credit Union Foundation received a grant from the National Credit Union Foundation to implement a state-legislated financial education program for high school students. The project enables teachers in Texas school districts to deliver financial education curriculum.

Additionally, Cornerstone has been an active provider of disaster recovery relief materials for its credit unions that may find themselves the victim of unexpected environmental causes. Most recently, in August and September 2008, hurricanes Gustav and Ike were under strict monitoring by the Cornerstone staff. Updates were posted on Cornerstone's homepage with e-mails circulating among employees and members to ensure their safety and awareness.

As a result of Hurricane Ike's destruction along the Southeast Texas coast, many families and workers within the credit union movement found themselves needing substantial assistance and relief efforts. Cornerstone began their charity relief "Adopt-a-Family" program in October 2008 to help these families in need achieve a sense of stability and hope for the holidays.


Cornerstone has produced a number of printed and electronic publications over the years. Key among those are:

  • Cornerstone Perspectives[3] - A quarterly magazine that showcases topics of interest in the credit union movement, as well as political and consumer updates.
  • The Advocate[3] - Electronic publication that focuses on the continually updated political and regulatory subjects involving credit unions.
  • The Leaguer[3] - A daily electronic publication delivering credit union news, business practices and updates.
  • Infosight e-Newsletter[3] - A weekly electronic newsletter that provides a critical link between member credit unions and the various regulatory and compliance issues of the day. The Infosight e-Newsletter is published through a partnership between the Cornerstone Credit Union League and the Credit Union National Association.
  • Credit Union Planning and Resource Guide[3] - An annually compiled reference source for credit unions to assist in their operations.

Credit Union Resources, Inc.

As an affiliate with Cornerstone, Credit Union Resources, Inc. (CURI) assists in the betterment of the credit union movement by providing goods and services that effectively raise membership numbers.[4] Research, resource providers and additional membership services are available for credit unions to benefit from.

CSCUF Activity

The Cornerstone Credit Union Foundation has made it their mission to empower people to improve their financial well-being.[5] Be it through their participation with the National Endowment for Financial Education's High School Financial Planning Program (NEFE HSFPP), their generous grants, their annual charity golf invitational or their disaster relief services, CSCUF is committed to the "people helping people" philosophy that has shaped credit union development.

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 "About Cornerstone," http://www.cornerstoneleague.coop
  2. Wimmer, Leslie. Credit Union League celebrates 75 years. Fort Worth Business Press. 6 July 2009. Web. 15 Nov. 2009.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Cornerstone's "Statement of Commitment," http://www.cornerstoneleague.coop
  4. CURI's official homepage, http://www.curesources.coop
  5. CSCUF's official homepage, http://www.cscuf.coop

External links