Aimee Challenor
"Aimee" Challenor (real name Ashton Lucas David, born male 1998 in Coventry, England) UK transgender activist and former member of the Green Party of England and Wales. Adviser to Stonewall UK.Identifies as female. Held post of LGBTQI+ officer and campaigned vociferously for the transgender agenda, including gender-self-identification without medical or legal hurdles. Loud and aggressive on social media he has taken a leading part in the banning of all those who express dissenting views. In 2018 his father David Challenor Green Party was convicted of imprisoning, raping and torturing a 10-year-old girl in the attic of the family home. Ashton's claims to be unaware of what was going on were met with widespread incredulity. On 3 Sept 2018 he announced that he was resigning from the Green Party, after a scandal which he blamed on their "transphobia".
He has since been allowed to join the UK Liberal Democrat Party. However in November 2019 he was suspended from the LibDems after an investigation revealed that his partner Nathaniel Knight writes child pornography.[1]
Since then Challenor has announced that he is entering into a civil partnership with Nathaniel Knight.
Educational qualifications
Ashton attended Lewis Charlton School for backward or disturbed pupils. Its website says “Lewis Charlton admits students referred on the basis of social, emotional and mental health needs.” [2] His LinkedIn page claimed in 2018 to have a degree in politics from the Open University, obtained in 2018-2024 i.e. the future. [3]
Political career
In February 2013 Ashton became involved with the anarchist group Anonymous, and was arrested for threatening to launch a cyber attack on the Birmingham Bullring Shopping Centre. He boasted that he could hack into their website and bring it down. West Midlands Police stormed the family home, in the Stoke area of the city, where seven officers broke down the door and arrested him. No charges were brought as he was then aged only 15. [4]
In 2015 Challenor, aged 17 and using the name of Aimee, was elected chairman of the Green Party's LGBTQI+ committee. Soon afterwards, he was invited to join the advisory board of Stonewall UK which frequently advises the UK government. In December 2015, he persuaded the Green Party to adopt a policy that male prisoners who "identify" as women should be housed in women's prisons, even when the men are convicted rapists and murderers.
In May 2016, Challenor stood as Green candidate in the local council elections for St Michael's Ward in Coventry. He came last out of four candidates. The results were Labour 2122 (win); Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 635; Conservative 274; Challenor, Green 178. [5]
Challenor stood as Green Party parliamentary candidate for Coventry South in May 2017, and gained only 1.3% of the vote, losing his deposit. His father David acted as his nominator and agent. After this triumph Aimee announced he would put himself forward as deputy leader of the party. He was also the Green Party's "Equalities Spokesman" which means he is entrusted to represent women, racial minorities and disabled people as well as homosexuals and transgenders.
In 2016, a UK court ruled that a 5-year-old boy should be separated from a mother who was bringing him up as a girl against his will, under the auspices of a transgender-promotion group called Mermaids UK. Aimee Challenor wrote an open letter of protest #StandwithMermaids which was sent to the press including Huffington Post. It was signed by dozens of trans-activists including himself and his father David using his nickname "Baloo" Challenor.[6]
In 2017, Aimee and his father took out a private court injunction against another member of the Green Party, Andy Healey, to prevent him from speaking at the Green Party conference on the topic of Gender-self-ID. Aimee was clamoring for the Greens to adopt the policy and Healey had spoken against it at two previous conferences. The court hearing was timed exactly so as to prevent Healey from speaking at the 2017 conference, as he was summoned to court. It seems very likely that Stonewall UK financed this expensive legal operation.[7]
At the Green Party Spring conference in 2018, Challenor got a motion passed to remove the word "female" from the party's constitution and allow men who "identified" as women to be regarded as women regardless of whether they had undergone medical or legal re-assignment. This enabled transgenders such as himself to take advantage of the 50% quota reserved for women candidates. Real women were told they could be called "non-men." At the same conference he attempted to change the party rules on automatic expulsion of candidates or officers who were convicted of a crime.
In June 2018 The Guardian leftwing newspaper did a feature article on him, saying that he was "aiming high". He aired his opinions which have a striking resemblance to those of Stonewall UK.[8]
In July 2018 he and other trans-rights activists wrote an open letter to the press denouncing the lesbians who had marched in the recent LGBT Pride parade in London holding a banner that said only women could be lesbians. The letter, signed by 2000 people, called for such women to be excluded from future Pride parades on the grounds that they were "exclusionary" (sic)[9]
Social media activism
Challenor is busy on Facebook and Twitter promoting an extremist transgender ideology which denies the biological reality of sex and labels women who wish to retain the biological definition as "TERFS" (trans-exclusionary radical feminists) or bigots. Challenor set up "Terfblocker" an app which enables TRAs to identify, track, troll and harass anybody who resists their agenda. The result of this concerted campaign was that hundreds of Twitter accounts of people accused of being "transphobic" were closed down including those of Venice Allen, Mayday4Women, Posie Parker and Miranda Yardley, another male>female transgender who did not agree with all the claims, demands or extremist ideology of Challenor and Stonewall. It seems likely that his father, with whom he always worked closely, helped him set up Terfblocker. Challenor has boasted that he has 50,000 women listed in his files.
An unsigned blog article in June 2018 described Challenor as an abuser of women. [10]
Other Achievements
Challenor has written articles for Pink News where he is regularly presented as a celebrity. [11]
Aimee/Ashton has been active for many years since the age of fourteen or younger on sexual fetishist websites such as Fur Affinity where he uses the name @MuckyMeerkat. He linked this to his Twitter ID @challenora which has since been suspended and replaced with another one. [12] In his profile he describes himself as "diapered at all ages” and uploads photographs of himself wearing nappies i.e. baby's diapers.
Aimee's photograph of himself wearing a diaper captioned "time for relaxation"
In one cartoon picture his fur persona is carrying a teddy-bear wearing a rainbow scarf. He says he has a sister who is "Maddie Wuff", a.k.a. Mixee Woo, known to be Aimee's elder brother who is also a male>female>transgender. [13]
On Fur Affinity he says he is in a relationship with Fiona Brown, a 39-year-old male>female>transgender who is a member of the Liberal Democrat party and together they engage in “adult baby” fetishism.
Mr "Fiona" Brown who works at PC World Aberdeen
A third member of their baby-paedo-fetishist circle is Katrina Swales, a male>female>transgender who is a member of the Green Party of England and Wales and campaigns vigorously for Ashton/Aimee to be elected Deputy leader. [14]
Swales is a former editor of
On another fur-fetishist website, Aimee using one of his many IDs “CassieLovecraft” lists all his fetishes including bondage, and sado-masochism.
He depicts himself as a child in a sexual relationship with an adult, 35-yr-old Nathaniel D Knight whose ID is "LovelyHusky". The drawing is signed "AimeeC" [15] [16]
Other IDs for Aimee are
Yahoo: muckymeerkat Skype: muckymeerkat Jabber: Twitter: @Muckymeerkat Facebook: Muckyiest Mmeerkat
Family Pedophile Scandal
On 20 August 2018 Challenor's father David Challenor, was convicted in Warwick Crown Court of serious pedophile offences. He imprisoned, raped and tortured a 10-year-old girl in the attic of the family home, where he had set up a sadistic torture den. The victim was strapped to a beam, subjected to electric shocks and raped. He also took photographs and videos which he was selling and circulating as child pornography. The victim described how he would dress up in the clothing of a young girl, wear a nappy and ask to be called Lucy while raping her. David Challenor pleaded not guilty and so the accuser was forced to undergo an 11-day public trial. David has been sentenced to 22 years in prison. [17] [18]
It has emerged from evidence on his Facebook page and elsewhere that Aimee/Ashton was well aware of the police inquiry and the criminal investigation into his father from 2015 onwards. The whole crime took place in his family home, a small house in Charterhouse Road, Lower Stoke, which is also the registered office of the Green Party in Coventry. His claim to be unaware of what was going on has been widely met with incredulity.
Observers have pointed out the close resemblance in the known sexual tastes of Aimee and his father i.e. pedophilia, bondage, fetishism and cross-dressing.
In June 2018, when his father's prosecution was well advanced, Aimee Challoner was invited to address the West Midlands Police Force Leadership Conference on the subject of "diversity and inclusion" and share his valuable insights on this topic.
On 26 August 2018 Aimee/Ashton announced that he was standing down from his official posts in the Green Party but on 29 August the decision was reversed. For two weeks he and the party ignored widespread social media calls for his expulsion.[19]
He released an official statement in which he claimed to be "horrified" and "devastated" although he must have been aware of the facts for three years beforehand, having been questioned by police in 2015. He says that he was not aware of the full extent of the charges against his father until the conviction in August 2018. However this conflicts with a statement by Coventry LGBT Pride, of which Aimee/Ashton was a trustee. They say that all trustees were made aware of the charges in November 2016. [20]
He claims further that he lived away from the family home at the time of the crime but this conflicts with other evidence indicating he has been residing there continuously for the last five years. Various documents on the web mention events where he participated with his father. He repeats the assertion that his mother is disabled and adds "The offences committed by my father took place in the attic of our family home. I did not go into the attic during my adult life - it was considered ‘dad’s space’. That didn’t seem unusual for me at the time." That is admitting that he had been up there at some time. Throughout the statement he refers to "survivors" and "young women" in the plural, implying that he knows that there was more than one victim. If so then one wonders why he did not inform the police or the court. [21]
On 3 Sept 2018 he announced on Twitter that he was resigning from the Party, blaming its co-leader Caroline Lucas for agreeing to meet with a feminist group "WomansPlaceUK" to talk about women's safety issues in the wake of the Coventry scandal. He referred to WPUK as a "far-right hate-group", accused Lucas of "transphobia" and as a parting shot placed her name on his "Terfblocker" blacklist although she has always been compliant with transgender ideology.
Family Background
In 2018 Ashton's father David Challenor was convicted of imprisoning, raping and torturing a 10-year-old girl in the attic of the family home. Very serious child pornography was found in the house, on his computer and camera, including photographs of the victim and him abusing her. It emerged that he used a transgender identity to carry out his crimes.
Ashton and his four siblings were all at various times taken into care by the local council, which happens when parents are neglecting or abusing the children. The two eldest children of Aimee's mother Tina by a previous relationship were removed on grounds of sexual abuse, one of them aged only three at the time, and were permanently adopted. One of the half-brothers, Tina's son, is known to be a transgender and passes as a woman. The two younger ones are still in council care homes. Social services reported to court that their parents were not sending them to school, not washing or feeding them, and they were inappropriately dressed. The mother made false claims that the children had serious illnesses, which doctors did not confirm. She claimed to have had two babies who died soon after birth but doubt has been shed on this. All the family's pets were removed from the house by the RSPCA on grounds of cruelty and neglect. Both parents got criminal convictions for severe animal abuse. A court report expressed grave concern for the children brought up by a mother who had "mental health problems." At age 13 Ashton returned to his parental home.
His father David Challenor Green Party has IT training but has not worked since 2009. In correspondence with Coventry Council on 18th June 2013 he claimed to be an ordained church minister and called himself "Reverend Challenor" but this is not confirmed by any known church.
Aimee's mother Tina claims to be disabled and is sometimes photographed in a wheelchair but sometimes appears not to need it. In June 2015 the couple were featured in a Daily Mirror article about their love, marriage and romance. The photographs showed her as perfectly healthy.[22]
Tina describes herself on LinkedIn as the "Reverend" (sic) and is listed on the Talent Directory website as an acting extra, clairvoyant, and "white witch" who runs a paranormal group. [23][24]
Over the past ten years the parents have repeatedly launched charity appeals to raise money for their two younger children whom they claim are seriously ill, in wheelchairs, and in need of expensive treatment abroad. These appeals have been reported in the local press and have raised at least £20,000. [25]
However, no pictures of these mysterious children are ever shown, and the two younger siblings of the family are known to be in care. The family described themselves to social services as being in debt, yet on one occasion they were noted as going on holiday to Egypt. [26]
Employment at Reddit
In 2019 Challenor obtained a post running a number of discussion boards on the social media platform Reddit, including several that are concerned with children, sexuality and welfare. Concerns were raised and Reddit announced that they had decided to terminate this employment. While running discussion groups he systematically silenced all who expressed views differing from his, to the point of getting groups closed down. [27]
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- ↑ " @djandyhealey Having spoken against gender-id motions at both GP conferences in 2016 I was unable to do so at this one as I was in court defending an attempted silencing civil injunction brought by Aimee, supported by #DavidChallenor"
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- ↑ 13 Jul 2018 - The letter was organised by Aimee Challenor, a trans woman and equalities ... Aimee Challenor organised the open letter to Pride in London.
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