Manuel García Morente

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Manuel García Morente (22 April 1886 – 7 December 1942) was a Spanish philosopher, theologian and translator. He was also a student of the Free Institution of Education and a collaborator in its teaching staff. Converted to Catholicism, he was ordained a priest in 1940.


Manuel García Morente was born at Arjonilla in the Province of Jaén, the son of a Volterian anticlerical father and a fervent Catholic mother. He had a Europeanist education of high intellectual formation. He attended high school at the Lycée of Bayonne, and graduated in Letters at the University of Bordeaux in 1905. Once in Spain, he joined the Free Institution of Education (1906), thanks to which he traveled to Germany, with a scholarship from the Spanish Council for Advanced Studies and Scientific Research. There he was initiated in the philosophy of the Marburg neo-Kantians: Cassirer, Cohen and Natorp.

In 1912 he obtained the chair of Ethics at the University of Madrid.[1] From then on, he devoted himself to teaching, an activity in which he acquired fame as the author of clear expositions of high didactic value. At that time, his thought oscillated between kantism — his doctoral thesis was on Kant's Aesthetics (1912); he wrote the monograph Kant's Philosophy: An Introduction to Philosophy (1917).

On the other hand, he was translator of the main works of Immanuel Kant, a task he undertook between 1912 and 1928 for the Victoriano Suárez publishing house: the Critique of Judgment in 1914 (two volumes), the Critique of Pure Reason in 1928 (two volumes), the Critique of Practical Reason in 1918 (two volumes) and the Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals in 1921. Even the main publishers of today publish Kantian works reprinting García Morente's translations. He also translated for the first time Edmund Husserl's Logical Investigations in 1928 (four volumes) (under the direction of José Gaos), or Spengler's The Decline of the West in 1922 (four volumes), for the then publishing house Espasa-Calpe; and The Origin of our Knowledge of Right and Wrong, by Franz Brentano in 1927, for the Revista de Occidente.

He was interested in Kantianism and Bergsonism — hence his works The Philosophy of Bergson (1917) and The Philosophy of Kant (1917). He studied the German philosophy of the moment of Rickert, Simmel, Scheler and Hartmann, taking the side of the study of axiology. He wrote articles for the Revista de Occidente, as well as theological research. Already in the twenties he became interested in historical biologism.

In 1930, García Morente was appointed Undersecretary of Public Education and, two years later, he was appointed Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the Central University of Madrid. There he became the architect of the new Faculty on the grounds of the University City, in close collaboration with the architect Agustín Aguirre López.[2] During these years, García Morente published El mundo del niño (1928), Ensayos sobre el progreso (1932), Ensayo sobre la vida privada (1935) and El ámbito anímico (1935).

In 1933 he organized and participated, together with the archaeologist Antonio García y Bellido, in the expedition that, aboard the Ciudad de Cádiz, toured for forty-eight days the main archaeological sites of the Mediterranean and is known as the 1933 Mediterranean university cruise.

After the outbreak of the Civil War in 1936, García Morente was dismissed from his posts at the Central University and moved to Paris. In this city, in the early morning of April 29-30, 1937, after listening on the radio to an excerpt from the oratorio The Childhood of Christ by Hector Berlioz,[3] he experienced a profound inner transformation,[4] which he referred to as "the extraordinary event"; this experience would trigger his conversion to Catholicism.[5]

In July 1937 he left for Argentina,[6] where he taught at the National University of Tucumán, the source of his Lecciones preliminares de filosofía (1938). In June 1938 he returned to Spain to begin his formation as a seminarian in Pontevedra and, being admitted to the Seminary of Madrid in 1939, he was ordained priest in 1940.

He was a full member of the Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences. The last years of his life, having assimilated Thomistic philosophy[7] (among his unpublished writings is the translation of the first five questions of the Summa Theologica), he devoted them to completing his studies on the Philosophy of the History of Spain (1942), Ideas para una filosofía de la historia de España, in which he proposes the existence of an eternal idea of Spain around the notion of hispanidad, as well as the development of the special metaphysics that are latent in his differentiation of the different spheres of reality: physical, psychic, ideal, axiological, historical and supernatural.

He died in Madrid on December 7, 1942. Subsequently, Juan Zaragüeta published his work Fundamentos de filosofía (1967).


  1. Gutiérrez Zuloaga, Isabel (1998). "Presencia de Manuel García Morente en la Universidad de Madrid (1912-1942)." In: La Universidad en el siglo XX. España e Iberoamérica: X Coloquio de Historia de la Educación. Murcia, 21-24 de septiembre de 1998. pp. 545–50.
  2. López-Ríos Moreno, Santiago; Juan Antonio González Cárceles (2008). "Agustín Aguirre López y Manuel García Morente: La Arquitectura de un Ideal Universitario." In: Santiago López-Ríos Moreno & Juan Antonio González Cárceles, eds., La Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de Madrid en la Segunda República: Arquitectura y Universidad durante los Años 30. Madrid: Sociedad Estatal de Conmemoraciones Culturales: Ayuntamiento de Madrid: Ediciones de Arquitectura, Fundación Arquitectura COAM, pp. 3–39.
  3. Esquivias, Óscar (22 de julio de 2015). "Berlioz en el Kursaal". 20 minutos.
  4. Conesa, Francisco (2016). "La Música como Porta Fidei en la Conversión de Manuel García Morente (1886-1942): Una Interpretación Teológica a Partir de la Relectura Teológico-musical del Hecho Extraordinario," Scripta Theologica, Vol. XLVIII, No. 2, pp. 492–95.
  5. The author described it in an extensive letter addressed in 1940 to the priest José María García Lahiguera, published in El "Hecho Extraordinario" y Otros Escritos. Madrid: Ed. Rialp (1986), pp. 23–61. See also Carballo Fernández, Francisco Javier (2009). "La Conversión del Filósofo Manuel García Morente," Vida Sobrenatural: Revista de Teología Mística,, Año 89, No. 664, pp. 257–73.
  6. Martini, Osvaldo Rodolfo (2019). "Manuel García Morente en la Argentina de los Años Treinta. Aporte Filosófico al Concepto Tradicional de Hispanidad," La Razón Histórica: Revista Hispanoamericana de Historia de las Ideas Políticas y Sociales, No. 43, pp. 50–57.
  7. Beltrá Villaseñor, Isabel (2015). "Una Aproximación Contemporánea a las Cuestiones Fundamentales de la Filosofía de Santo Tomás de Aquino: La Interpretación de Manuel García Morente." In: José Luis Fuertes Herreros & Ángel Poncela González, eds., De Natura: La Naturaleza en la Edad Media. Ribeirão: Húmus, pp. 277–84.


Barres García, Carlos (2005). Un Viajero Hacia el Infinito: Itinerario Espiritual de Manuel García Morente. Barcelona: Borealia.
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Gambra, Rafael (1957). "El García Morente que Yo Conocí," Nuestro Tiempo, Vol. VI, No. 32, pp. 131–73.
Guerra Gómez, Manuel (2015). "San Manuel García Morente," Burgense: Collectanea Scientifica, Vol. LVI, No. 1, pp. 89–164.
Iriarte, Mauricio de (1953). El Profesor García Morente, Sacerdote. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe.
Jobit, Pierre (1953). Manuel García Morente: Dieu à la Recherche d'un Homme. Bruxelles: Foyer Notre-Dame.
López Baroni, Manuel Jesús (2010). "El Caso Morente," Revista Internacional de Pensamiento Político, No. 5, págs. 309–25.
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López Quintás, Alfonso (1996). "El Estilo de Pensar de Manuel García Morente," Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, No. Extra 1, pp. 37–385.
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Montiu de Nuix, Josep María (2006). "Itinerario Filosófico en el Proceso de Conversión del Dr. Manuel García Morente," Espíritu: Cuadernos del Instituto Filosófico de Balmesiana, Año 55, No. 134, pp. 271–88.
Montiu de Nuix, Josep María (2020). "Razón y Fe en Manuel García Morente," Burgense: Collectanea Scientifica, Vol. LXI, No. 1, pp. 165–89.
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Palacios García, Juan Miguel (2018). "Vía Crucis de un Filósofo. Cartas Inéditas de Manuel García Morente a Alberto Jiménez Fraud Relativas al Proceso Narrado en El Hecho Extraordinario," Diálogo filosófico, No. 100, pp. 57–85.
Pro, María Luisa (2020). "Manuel García Morente, un Filósofo de la Vida Humana." In: Miriam Ramos Gómez, ed., Miradas Hispánicas de Filosofía. Madrid-Astorga: CSED, pp. 351–80.
Rovira Madrid, Rogelio (1986). "Manuel García Morente y la Idea de lo Clásico," Revista de Occidente, No. 60, pp. 89–104.
Sánchez-Gey Venegas, Juana (2017). "Manuel García Morente." In: José Luis Caballero Bono, ed., Visión de España en Pensadores Españoles de los Años Treinta. Salamanca: Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, pp. 83–96.
Valado Domínguez, Oscar (2016). "Del Dios de la Filosofía de la fe Historia del Itinerarium de Manuel García Morente," Telmus: Anuario del Instituto Teológico San José, No. 7/8, pp. 103–26.

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