Contraction (operator theory)

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In operator theory, a discipline within mathematics, a bounded operator T: XY between normed vector spaces X and Y is said to be a contraction if its operator norm ||T|| ≤ 1. Every bounded operator becomes a contraction after suitable scaling. The analysis of contractions provides insight into the structure of operators, or a family of operators. The theory of contractions on Hilbert space is largely due to Béla Szőkefalvi-Nagy and Ciprian Foias.

Contractions on a Hilbert space

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If T is a contraction acting on a Hilbert space \mathcal{H}, the following basic objects associated with T can be defined.

The defect operators of T are the operators DT = (1 − T*T)½ and DT* = (1 − TT*)½. The square root is the positive semidefinite one given by the spectral theorem. The defect spaces \mathcal{D}_T and \mathcal{D}_{T*} are the ranges Ran(DT) and Ran(DT*) respectively. The positive operator DT induces an inner product on \mathcal{H}. The inner product space can be identified naturally with Ran(DT). A similar statement holds for \mathcal{D}_{T*}.

The defect indices of T are the pair

(\dim\mathcal{D}_T, \dim\mathcal{D}_{T^*}).

The defect operators and the defect indices are a measure of the non-unitarity of T.

A contraction T on a Hilbert space can be canonically decomposed into an orthogonal direct sum

T = \Gamma \oplus U

where U is a unitary operator and Γ is completely non-unitary in the sense that it has no reducing subspaces on which its restriction is unitary. If U = 0, T is said to be a completely non-unitary contraction. A special case of this decomposition is the Wold decomposition for an isometry, where Γ is a proper isometry.

Contractions on Hilbert spaces can be viewed as the operator analogs of cos θ and are called operator angles in some contexts. The explicit description of contractions leads to (operator-)parametrizations of positive and unitary matrices.

Dilation theorem for contractions

Sz.-Nagy's dilation theorem, proved in 1953, states that for any contraction T on a Hilbert space H, there is a unitary operator U on a larger Hilbert space KH such that if P is the orthogonal projection of K onto H then Tn = P Un P for all n > 0. The operator U is called a dilation of T and is uniquely determined if U is minimal, i.e. K is the smallest closed subspace invariant under U and U* containing H.

In fact define[1]

Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle{\mathcal{H}=H\oplus H\oplus H \oplus \cdots ,}

the orthogonal direct sum of countably many copies of H.

Let V be the isometry on \mathcal H defined by

Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle{V(\xi_1,\xi_2,\xi_3,\dots)=(T\xi_1, \sqrt{I-T^*T}\xi_1,\xi_2,\xi_3,\dots).}


Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle{\mathcal{K}=\mathcal{H} \oplus \mathcal{H}.}

Define a unitary W on \mathcal K by

Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle{W(x,y)=(Vx+(I-VV^*)y,-V^*y).}

W is then a unitary dilation of T with H considered as the first component of \mathcal{H}\subset \mathcal{K}.

The minimal dilation U is obtained by taking the restriction of W to the closed subspace generated by powers of W applied to H.

Dilation theorem for contraction semigroups

There is an alternative proof of Sz.-Nagy's dilation theorem, which allows significant generalisations.[2]

Let G be a group, U(g) a unitary representation of G on a Hilbert space K and P an orthogonal projection onto a closed subspace H = PK of K.

The operator-valued function

Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle{\Phi(g)=PU(g)P,}

with values in operators on K satisfies the positive-definiteness condition

 \sum \lambda_i\overline{\lambda_j} \Phi(g_j^{-1}g_i) = PT^*TP\ge 0,


Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle{T=\sum \lambda_i U(g_i).}


Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle{\Phi(1)=P.}

Conversely, every operator-valued positive-definite function arises in this way. Recall that every (continuous) scalar-valued positive-definite function on a topological group induces an inner product and group representation φ(g) = 〈Ug v, v〉 where Ug is a (strongly continuous) unitary representation (see Bochner's theorem). Replacing v, a rank-1 projection, by a general projection gives the operator-valued statement. In fact the construction is identical; this is sketched below.

Let \mathcal H be the space of functions on G of finite support with values in H with inner product

Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle{(f_1,f_2)=\sum_{g,h} (\Phi(h^{-1}g)f_1(g),f_2(h)).}

G acts unitarily on \mathcal H by

Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle{U(g)f(x)=f(g^{-1}x).}

Moreover, H can be identified with a closed subspace of \mathcal H using the isometric embedding sending v in H to fv with

f_v(g)=\delta_{g,1} v. \,

If P is the projection of \mathcal H onto H, then

Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle{PU(g)P=\Phi(g),}

using the above identification.

When G is a separable topological group, Φ is continuous in the strong (or weak) operator topology if and only if U is.

In this case functions supported on a countable dense subgroup of G are dense in \mathcal H, so that \mathcal H is separable.

When G = Z any contraction operator T defines such a function Φ through

Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle \Phi(0)=I, \,\,\, \Phi(n)=T^n,\,\,\, \Phi(-n)=(T^*)^n,

for n > 0. The above construction then yields a minimal unitary dilation.

The same method can be applied to prove a second dilation theorem of Sz._Nagy for a one-parameter strongly continuous contraction semigroup T(t) (t ≥ 0) on a Hilbert space H. Cooper (1947) had previously proved the result for one-parameter semigroups of isometries,[3]

The theorem states that there is a larger Hilbert space K containing H and a unitary representation U(t) of R such that

Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle{T(t)=PU(t)P}

and the translates U(t)H generate K.

In fact T(t) defines a continuous operator-valued positove-definite function Φ on R through

Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle{\Phi(0)=I, \,\,\, \Phi(t)=T(t),\,\,\, \Phi(-t)= T(t)^*,}

for t > 0. Φ is positive-definite on cyclic subgroups of R, by the argument for Z, and hence on R itself by continuity.

The previous construction yields a minimal unitary representation U(t) and projection P.

The Hille-Yosida theorem assigns a closed unbounded operator A to every contractive one-parameter semigroup T'(t) through

Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle{A\xi=\lim_{t\downarrow 0} {1\over t}(T(t)-I)\xi,}

where the domain on A consists of all ξ for which this limit exists.

A is called the generator of the semigroup and satisfies

Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle{-\Re (A\xi,\xi)\ge 0}

on its domain. When A is a self-adjoint operator

Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle{T(t)=e^{At},}

in the sense of the spectral theorem and this notation is used more generally in semigroup theory.

The cogenerator of the semigroup is the contraction defined by

Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle{T=(A+I)(A-I)^{-1}.}

A can be recovered from T using the formula

Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle{A=(T+I)(T-I)^{-1}.}

In particular a dilation of T on KH immediately gives a dilation of the semigroup.[4]

Functional calculus

Let T be totally non-unitary contraction on H. Then the minimal unitary dilation U of T on KH is unitarily equivalent to a direct sum of copies the bilateral shift operator, i.e. multiplication by z on L2(S1).[5]

If P is the orthogonal projection onto H then for f in L = L(S1) it follows that the operator f(T) can be defined by

Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle{f(T)\xi=Pf(U)\xi.}

Let H be the space of bounded holomorphic functions on the unit disk D. Any such function has boundary values in L and is uniquely determined by these, so that there is an embedding H ⊂ L.

For f in H, f(T) can be defined without reference to the unitary dilation.

In fact if

Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle{f(z)=\sum_{n\ge 0} a_n z^n}

for |z| < 1, then for r < 1

Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle{f_r(z))=\sum_{n\ge 0} r^n a_n z^n}

is holomorphic on |z| < 1/r.

In that case fr(T) is defined by the holomorphic functional calculus and f(T) can be defined by

Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle{f(T)\xi=\lim_{r\rightarrow 1} f_r(T)\xi.}

The map sending f to f(T) defines an algebra homomorphism of H into bounded operators on H. Moreover, if

Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle{f^\sim(z)=\sum_{n\ge 0} a_n \overline{z}^n,}


Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle{f^\sim(T)=f(T^*)^*.}

This map has the following continuity property: if a uniformly bounded sequence fn tends almost everywhere to f, then fn(T) tends to f(T) in the strong operator topology.

For t ≥ 0, let et be the inner function

Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle{e_t(z)=\exp t{z+1\over z-1}.}

If T is the cogenerator of a one-parameter semigroup of completely non-unitary contractions T(t), then

Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle{T(t)=e_t(T)}


Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle{T={1\over 2}I -{1\over 2}\int_0^\infty e^{-t}T(t)\, dt.}

C0 contractions

A completely non-unitary contraction T is said to belong to the class C0 if and only if f(T) = 0 for some non-zero f in H. In this case the set of such f forms an ideal in H. It has the form φ ⋅ H where g is an inner function, i.e. such that |φ| = 1 on S1: φ is uniquely determined up to multiplication by a complex number of modulus 1 and is called the minimal function of T. It has properties analogous to the minimal polynomial of a matrix.

The minimal function φ admits a canonical factorization

Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle{\varphi(z) = c B(z) e^{-P(z)},}

where |c|=1, B(z) is a Blaschke product

Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle{B(z)=\prod \left[{|\lambda_i|\over \lambda_i} {\lambda_i -z \over 1-\overline{\lambda}_i }\right]^{m_i},}


Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle{\sum m_i(1-|\lambda_i|) <\infty,}

and P(z) is holomorphic with non-negative real part in D. By the Herglotz representation theorem,

Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle{P(z) =\int_0^{2\pi} {1 + e^{-i\theta}z\over 1 -e^{-i\theta}z} \, d\mu(\theta)}

for some non-negative finite measure μ on the circle: in this case, if non-zero, μ must be singular with respect to Lebesgue measure. In the above decomposition of φ, either of the two factors can be absent.

The minimal function φ determines the spectrum of T. Within the unit disk, the spectral values are the zeros of φ. There are at most countably many such λi, all eigenvalues of T, the zeros of B(z). A point of the unit circle does not lie in the spectrum of T if and only if φ has a holomorphic continuation to a neighbourhood of that point.

φ reduces to a Blaschke product exactly when H equals the closure of the direct sum (not necessarily orthogonal) of the generalized eigenspaces[6]

Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle{H_i=\{\xi:(T-\lambda_i I)^{m_i} \xi=0\}.}


Two contractions T1 and T2 are said to be quasi-similar when there are bounded operators A, B with trivial kernel and dense range such that

Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle{AT_1=T_2A,\,\,\, BT_2=T_1B.}

The following properties of a contraction T are preserved under quasi-similarlity:

  • being unitary
  • being completely non-unitary
  • being in the class C0
  • being multiplicity free, i.e. having a commutative commutant

Two quasi-similar C0 contractions have the same minimal function and hence the same spectrum.

The classification theorem for C0 contractions states that two multiplicity free C0 contractions are quasi-similar if and only if they have the same minimal function (up to a scalar multiple).[7]

A model for multiplicity free C0 contractions with minimal function φ is given by taking

Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle{H=H^2\ominus \varphi H^2,}

where H2 is the Hardy space of the circle and letting T be multiplication by z.[8]

Such operators are called Jordan blocks and denoted S(φ).

As a generalization of Beurling's theorem, the commutant of such an operator consists exactly of operators ψ(T) with ψ in H, i.e. multiplication operators on H2 corresponding to functions in H.

A C0 contraction operator T is multiplcity free if and only if it is quasi-similar to a Jordan block (necessarily corresponding the one corresponding to its minimal function).


  • If a contraction T if quasi-similar to an operator S with
Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle{Se_i=\lambda_i e_i}

with the λi's distinct, of modulus less than 1, such that

Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle{\sum (1-|\lambda_i|) < 1}

and (ei) is an orthonormal basis, then S, and hence T, is C0 and multiplicity free. Hence H is the closure of direct sum of the λi-eigenspaces of T, each having multiplicity one. This can also be seen directly using the definition of quasi-similarity.

  • The results above can be applied equally well to one-parameter semigroups, since, from the functional calculus, two semigroups are quasi-similar if and only if their cogenerators are quasi-similar.[9]

Classification theorem for C0 contractions: Every C0 contraction is canonically quasi-similar to a direct sum of Jordan blocks.

In fact every C0 contraction is quasi-similar to a unique operator of the form

Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \displaystyle{S=S(\varphi_1)\oplus S(\varphi_1\varphi_2)\oplus S(\varphi_1\varphi_2\varphi_3) \oplus \cdots }

where the φn are uniquely determined inner functions, with φ1 the minimal function of S and hence T.[10]

See also


  1. Sz.-Nagy et al. 2010, pp. 10–14
  2. Sz.-Nagy et al. 2010, pp. 24–28
  3. Sz.-Nagy et al. 2010, pp. 28–30
  4. Sz.-Nagy et al. 2010, pp. 143, 147
  5. Sz.-Nagy et al. 2010, pp. 87–88
  6. Sz.-Nagy et al. 2010, p. 138
  7. Sz.-Nagy et al. 2010, pp. 395–440
  8. Sz.-Nagy et al. 2010, p. 126
  9. Bercovici 1988, p. 95
  10. Bercovici 1988, pp. 35–66


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