List of birds of Singapore

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Lesser whistling duck
Lesser whistling duck (Dendrocygna javanica) swimming in Singapore
Schrenck's bittern
Schrenck's bittern (Ixobrychus eurhythmus) - Central Catchment Nature Reserve
Crested goshawk
Crested goshawk (Accipiter trivirgatus) perched on the 12th floor balcony of a condominium along Bedok South Avenue 1
Collared kingfisher
Collared kingfisher (Todiramphus chloris) - Nee Soon Forest
Common iora
Common iora (Aegithina tiphia) - adult breeding male, Singapore
Crimson sunbird
Crimson sunbird (Aethopyga siparaja) - male
Eurasian tree sparrow
Eurasian tree sparrow (Passer montanus) - juvenile

This is a list of the bird species recorded in Singapore. The avifauna of Singapore include a total of about 400 species.[1] In addition, there are some ornamental birds, escapees and free-ranging birds from the Singapore Zoo, Jurong Bird Park and private aviaries.



  • Very common (VC) - found almost all the time in suitable locations
  • Common (C) - found most of the time in suitable locations
  • Uncommon (U) - found some of the time
  • Rare (R) - found several times a year
  • Very rare (VR) - not found every year
  • Extirpated (Ex) - used to be found in Singapore, but not any more


  • Resident (R) - stays throughout the year without known breeding record
  • Resident breeder (RB) - stays throughout the year with known breeding record
  • Winter visitor (WV) - spends months at wintering site
  • Passage migrant (PM) - spends days to weeks at wintering site
  • Migrant breeder (MB) - breeds locally, but winters elsewhere
  • Non-breeding visitor (NBV) - can be found throughout the year for days to months, but does not breed locally
  • Vagrant (V) - not usually found locally
  • Introduced (I) - either released or escaped birds
  • Reintroduced (rI) - previously extirpated, but has been re-introduced into the wild
  • Ornamental (O) - placed in parks or gardens for display purpose
  • Free-ranging (F) - allowed to fly freely from zoos or bird parks


There are many locations for bird-watching in Singapore. The habitats include forests, mangroves, rivers, coasts, grasslands, woodlands, marshes and offshore islands.

Nature reserves[2]

Offshore islands[3]

There are many islands surrounding mainland Singapore. They often have names carrying the word "pulau" (P.), meaning "island" (Is.) in the Malay language.


There are many rivers in Singapore. They often have names carrying the word "sungei" (S.), meaning "river" in the Malay language.

  • Sungei Punggol - a river in the north-eastern part of Singapore. It has been converted into a reservoir in 2011 and is now known as Punggol Reservoir. It contains Sengkang Floating Wetland (SFW) and is beside Sengkang Riverside Park (SRP).
  • Sungei Serangoon - a river in the north-eastern part of Singapore. It has been converted into a reservoir in 2011 and is now known as Serangoon Reservoir. It is beside Lorong Halus Wetland and Punggol grassland.


There are many coastal habitats around mainland Singapore.

  • Lower Seletar Dam (LSD) - a mudflat and sandy beach at north-eastern Singapore. It is the northern border of Lower Seletar Reservoir (LSR).
  • Kranji Dam - a dam at north-western Singapore. It is the northern border of the Kranji Reservoir.
  • Mandai Mudflat -a mudflat at north-western Singapore. It is a feeding ground for migratory waders.

Parks and gardens[5]

There are many parks and gardens in Singapore. Some of them contain lakes, mangroves, forests, quarries or rivers. Others like Ang Mo Kio Town Garden West (AMK TGW) is a park in the middle of a town. Satay by the Bay (SBTB) is a part of the bigger Gardens by the Bay at the south-eastern end of Singapore (formerly Marina South).


Cemeteries, present or past, are good nature areas because they are left undisturbed most of the time.

Other locations

The other locations include reclaimed lands, woodlands and military grounds.

  • Changi - the reclaimed land and coast at eastern Singapore
  • Neo Tiew Lane (NTL) - the area from Neo Tiew Lane 1 to 3, including a marsh, known locally as Kranji Marsh.
  • Western Water Catchment (WWC) - the four reservoirs in western Singapore (Tengeh, Poyan, Murai and Sarimbun) and surrounding forests
  • Tuas - the reclaimed land and coast at western Singapore

List of birds

Order Galliformes (fowls)

Family Phasianidae (pheasants and relatives)

  • Blue-breasted quail (Coturnix chinensis) - R/RB - Changi, Halus, NTL, P, Punggol, Punggol, SBWR, Tuas
  • Red junglefowl (Gallus gallus) - U/RB+IRB - RB: P. Ubin. IRB: Changi, East Coast, Fort Canning, PRP, Poyan, SBG, SBTB, SBWR, Sembawang Park, Tampines

Order Anseriformes (waterfowl)

Family Anatidae (ducks, geese and swans)

Order Podicipediformes (grebes)

Family Podicepidae (grebes)

  • Little grebe (Tachybaptus ruficollis) - U/RB - Halus, KRP, Kranji Marsh, P. Punggol, Punggol, Singapore Quarry, Tampines Quarry

Order Procellariiformes (tubenoses)

Family Hydrobatidae (storm-petrels)

Family Procellariidae (shearwaters)

Order Phaethontiformes (tropicbirds)

Family Phaethontidae (tropicbirds)

Order Suliformes (frigatebirds and relatives)

Family Sulidae (gannets and boobies)

  • Brown booby (Sula leucogaster) - VR/V - Pedra Branca
  • Red-footed booby (Sula sula) - VR/V - CCKC (2011), Singapore Strait (2012)

Family Fregatidae (frigatebirds)

  • Christmas frigatebird (Fregata andrewsi) - VR/NBV - P. Ubin, Singapore Strait, SBWR
  • Lesser frigatebird (Fregata ariel) - VR/NBV - Pedra Branca, Singapore Strait

Family Phalacrocoracidae (cormorants and shags)

  • Great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) - U/F - Changi, Johor Strait, Jurong Lake, Kranji Dam, Mandai Mudflat, Tuas

Family Anhingidae (darters)

Order Ciconiiformes (storks)

Family Ciconiidae (storks)

Order Pelecaniformes (pelicans, herons and relatives)

Family Pelecanidae (pelicans)

Family Ardeidae (herons, egrets and bitterns)

  • Grey heron (Ardea cinerea) - C/RB - waterbodies
  • Purple heron (Ardea purpurea) - C/RB - grassfields, waterbodies
  • Great-billed heron (Ardea sumatrana) - R/RB - Jurong Is., Jurong Lake, KRP, Poyan, P. Hantu, P. Jong, P. Semakau, P. Tekong, P. Ubin, Sentosa, SBWR, Tuas
  • Great egret (Ardea alba) - C/WV - waterbodies
  • Intermediate egret (Mesophoyx intermedia) - C/WV - grassfields, waterbodies
  • Little egret (Egretta garzetta) - VC/WV - waterbodies
  • Chinese egret (Egretta eulophotes) - R/WV - Changi, PRP, P. Ubin, SBWR, S. Serangoon
  • Pacific reef egret (Egretta sacra) - U/R - Changi, LSD, Marina Barrage, P. Hantu, P. Semakau, P. Ubin, PRP, Siglap Canal, SBWR, WCP, S. Punggol, S. Serangoon
  • Cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis) - VC/WV - grassfields
  • Chinese pond heron (Ardeola bacchus) - C/WV - Changi, Halus, Jurong Lake, LNR, Poyan, SBWR, Marina South
  • Indian pond heron (Ardeola grayii) - VR/V - Halus (2012), Bidadari (2015)
  • Javan pond heron (Ardeola speciosa) - R/WV - Pasir Ris Farmway, SBWR, S. Serangoon
  • Striated heron (Butorides striatus) - VC/RBWV - waterbodies
  • Black-crowned night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) - U/RB - waterbodies
  • Malaysian night heron (Gorsachius melanolophus) - R/WVPM - Bidadari, CCNR, Jurong Lake, NTL, SBG, Tuas
  • Cinnamon bittern (Ixobrychus cinnamomeus) - U/RBWV - Bidadari, CCKC, Halus, Jurong Lake, NTL, PRP, SBWR, Tuas, Jurong West, P. Punggol, Seletar West
  • Schrenck's bittern (Ixobrychus eurhythmus) - R/WV - CCNR, Changi, Halus, Jurong Lake, PRP, Sengkang, SBWR, Tuas, Venus Drive
  • Black bittern (Ixobrychus flavicollis) - U/WVPM - CCNR, Hindhede Quarry, Jurong Eco Garden, Jurong Lake, Halus, PRP, P. Ubin, SBG, SBTB, SBWR, Tuas
  • Yellow bittern (Ixobrychus sinensis) - C/RBWV - reeds

Family Threskiornithidae (ibises and spoonbills)

Order Falconiformes (birds of prey)[9]

Family Pandionidae (osprey)

  • Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) - U/NBV - Changi, DFNP, Halus, Kranji, Mandai Mudflat, NTL, P. Punggol, P. Tekong, P. Ubin, SBWR, S. Punggol, S. Serangoon

Family Accipitridae (eagles, hawks and relatives)

  • Jerdon's baza (Aviceda jerdoni) - U/WVPM - Bidadari, BTNR, CCKC, CCNR, Changi, Clementi, DFNP, Halus, Jurong Lake, PRP, Poyan, Springleaf, Tampines, Marina South
  • Black baza (Aviceda leuphotes) - C/WVPM - islandwide
  • Oriental honey buzzard (Pernis ptilorhyncus) - C/WVPM, U/NBV - WVPM: islandwide. NBV: Bidadari, Poyan, PRP, Tampines, TBHP, Toa Payoh, USR, Warren
  • Bat hawk (Macheiramphus alcinus) - VR/NBV - MacRitchie, P. Ubin
  • Black-winged kite (Elanus caeruleus) - C/RB - grasslands
  • Black kite (Milvus migrans) - U/WV - BBNP, CCNR, Changi, Punggol, P. Punggol, Seletar Camp, SBWR, Tuas, Marina South
  • Brahminy kite (Haliastur indus) - C/RB - islandwide
  • White-bellied sea eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster) - C/RB - islandwide near water
  • Grey-headed fish eagle (Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus) - U/RB - CCNR, Changi, Jurong Lake, Little Guilin, LSR, NTL, Poyan, Seletar Camp, SBG, Springleaf, SBWR, Tampines
  • Himalayan griffon (Gyps himalayensis) - R/V - AMK, BTNR, Changi, Orchard Road, Simpang, SBWR, Tuas
  • Short-toed snake eagle (Circaetus gallicus) - VR/PM - CCNR, Changi, Jurong Lake, Halus, NTL, SBWR, Tuas
  • Crested serpent eagle (Spilornis cheela) - R/R - BTNR, CCNR, Goldhill Avenue, Jurong Lake, Malcolm Park, P. Tekong, P. Ubin, Sembawang Park, SBG, Springleaf, SBWR
  • Eastern marsh harrier (Circus spilonotus) - U/WV - Changi, NTL, Poyan, P. Semakau, Sengkang, SBWR, Tuas
  • Northern harrier (Circus cyaneus) - VR/WV - Halus, Poyan
  • Pied harrier (Circus melanoleucos) - R/WV - Changi, P. Punggol, Tuas
  • Crested goshawk (Accipiter trivirgatus) - R/RB - AMK TGW, Bishan Park, BTNR, CCNR, Changi, Goldhill Ave, Jurong Lake, Kranji Dam, NTL, PRP, Punggol, P. Ubin, Sembawang Park, SBG, Southern Ridges, Zoo
  • Chinese sparrowhawk (Accipiter soloensis) - U/WVPM - AMK TGW, CCNR, Changi, Coney Is., Jurong Lake, LSD, Mt Faber, NTL, P. Punggol, P. Ubin, SBG, SBWR, Tuas, WCP
  • Japanese sparrowhawk (Accipiter gularis) - C/WVPM - islandwide
  • Besra (Accipiter virgatus) - R/PM - Changi, Tuas
  • Eurasian sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) - VR/V - Tuas (2010)
  • Grey-faced buzzard (Butastur indicus) - U/WV - BBNP, CCNR, Changi, Sungei Buloh, Tuas
  • Common buzzard (Buteo buteo) - U/WV - Airport Road, Bidadari, BBNP, Changi, Halus, Holland, Jurong Lake, KRP, Sembawang Park, Sentosa, Tuas
  • Blyth's hawk eagle (Spizaetus alboniger) - VR/NBV - KRP, Simpang
  • Changeable hawk eagle (Spizaetus cirrhatus) - U/RB - forests, woodlands
  • Rufous-bellied eagle (Hieraaetus kienerii) - R/WVPM - BBNP, BBC, BTNR, CCNR, Halus, SBG, SBWR
  • Booted eagle (Hieraaetus pennatus) - U/WV - Bidadari, Bukit Panjang, CCNR, Changi, CCKC, Poyan, Punggol, P. Punggol, Tuas
  • Greater spotted eagle (Aquila clanga) - VR/WV - Changi, Murai, NTL, P. Punggol, SBG, Tuas
  • Imperial eagle (Aquila heliaca) - VR/V - Changi, Punggol
  • Steppe eagle (Aquila nipalensis) - VR/V - Changi, Halus, Tuas, Punggol, S. Serangoon

Family Falconidae (falcons and relatives)

  • Black-thighed falconet (Microhierax fringillarius) - VR/NBV - BBNP, Jurong Lake
  • Common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) - R/WV - Bukit Batok West, Changi, CCKC, Jurong Lake, Kranji, KRP, P. Punggol, Tuas, Jurong West
  • Lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni) - VR/WV - Changi
  • Amur falcon (Falco amurensis)[10] - VR/V - Changi (2007)
  • Oriental hobby (Falco severus) - VR/V - P. Ubin
  • Eurasian hobby (Falco subbuteo) - VR/V - P. Ubin, SBWR
  • Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) - U/WV - Bishan Park, BBNP, CCNR, Changi, City, Jurong Lake, Kranji, KRP, LSD, NTL, P. Punggol, P. Ubin, Punggol Park, SBWR, Seletar Camp, St. John Is., Tuas, Woodlands, Khatib Bongsu

Order Turniciformes (buttonquails)

Family Turnicidae (buttonquails)

  • Barred buttonquail (Turnix suscitator) - U/RB - Changi, Halus, NTL, P. Punggol, P. Ubin, Punggol, TEG, Tuas

Order Gruiformes (cranes and relatives)

Family Heliornithidae (finfoots)

Family Gruidae (cranes)

Family Rallidae (rails and relatives)

  • Red-legged crake (Rallina fasciata) - U/RBWV - BBNP, BBC, BTNR, CCNR, Halus, Mt. Faber, P. Ubin, SBG, SBWR
  • Slaty-legged crake (Rallina eurizonoides) - VR/WVPM - Bedok (2012), Jurong Is. (2015), Jurong Lake (2014), LPR (2009)
  • Slaty-breasted rail (Gallirallus striatus) - C/RB - tall grass areas
  • White-breasted waterhen (Amaurornis phoenicurus) - VC/RBWV - islandwide
  • Baillon's crake (Porzana pusilla) - R/WVPM - Bt. Batok, Halus, NTL, Tampines, Tuas, P. Punggol
  • Ruddy-breasted crake (Porzana fusca) - U/RBWV - Bishan Park, Changi, Halus, Kranji Marsh, LSR, Punggol, P. Punggol, Tampines, Tuas, Marina South
  • Band-bellied crake (Porzana paykullii) - VR/PM - Jurong Lake (2014)
  • White-browed crake (Porzana cinerea) - U/RB - Halus, Kranji Marsh, SBWR, Punggol
  • Watercock (Gallicrex cinerea) - U/WV - Changi, Halus, Jurong East, Kranji Marsh, Poyan, SBG, SBWR, Tuas, Khatib Bongsu, Marina South
  • Black-backed swamphen (Porphyrio indicus) - R/RB - Halus, Kranji Marsh, Neo Tiew, TEG, Poyan
  • Common moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) - U/RB - Halus, Kranji Marsh, Poyan, WCP, Marina South, P. Punggol, Serangoon
  • Common coot (Fulica atra) - VR/V - Poyan

Order Charadriiformes (shorebirds)

Family Charadriidae (plovers and lapwings)

Family Scolopacidae (sandpipers and relatives)

Family Rostratulidae (painted snipes)

  • Greater painted-snipe (Rostratula benghalensis) - R/RB - Jurong Central Park, Halus, Kranji Marsh, Tuas, Punggol, Jurong West

Family Jacanidae (jacanas)

Family Burhinidae (thickknees)

Family Recurvirostridae (stilts and avocets)

Family Glareolidae (pratincoles and coursers)

  • Small pratincole (Glareola lactea) - VR/PM - Changi, P. Punggol
  • Oriental pratincole (Glareola maldivarum) - U/PM - CCNR, Changi, Kranji Marsh, Punggol, P. Punggol, P. Semakau, Tuas

Family Stercorariidae (skuas and jaegers)[11]

Family Laridae (gulls and terns)

  • Brown-headed gull (Larus brunnicephalus) - VR/V - Johor Strait, Kranji
  • Black-headed gull (Larus ridibundus) - R/WV - LSD, Mandai Mudflat, P. Ubin, Singapore Strait
  • Heuglin's gull (Larus heuglini) - VR/V - Singapore Strait (2011)
  • Gull-billed tern (Sterna nilotica) - R/WVPM - Changi, Mandai Mudflat, P. Ubin, Singapore Strait
  • Caspian tern (Sterna caspia) - R/WV - Mandai Mudflat
  • Great crested tern (Sterna bergii) - C/WV - Changi, Johor Strait, Mandai Mudflat, Pedra Branca, P. Ubin, Singapore Strait
  • Lesser crested tern (Sterna bengalensis) - C/WV - Changi, Johor Strait, Mandai Mudflat, Pedra Branca, P. Ubin, Punggol, Singapore Strait
  • Little tern (Sterna albifrons) - C/RBWV - inland (nest), rivers, coasts, seas
  • Aleutian tern (Sterna aleutica) - U/WV - Singapore Strait
  • Bridled tern (Sterna anaethetus) - U/RB, C/PM - Pedra Branca, Singapore Strait
  • Roseate tern (Sterna dougallii) - VR/V - Pedra Branca
  • Black-naped tern (Sterna sumatrana) - U/RB - Changi, Johor Strait, Pedra Branca, P. Ubin, P. Tekong, Singapore Strait
  • Common tern (Sterna hirundo) - U/WV - Changi, Halus, Mandai Mudflat, Singapore Strait
  • Whiskered tern (Chlidonias hybridus) - R/WVPM - Halus, Johor Strait, Jurong Lake, Kranji Dam, Serangoon, Singapore Strait
  • White-winged tern (Chlidonias leucopterus) - C/WVPM - rivers, coasts, seas

Order Columbiformes (pigeons)

Family Columbidae (pigeons)

  • Common pigeon (Columba livia) - VC/IRB - urban areas
  • Red collared dove (Streptopelia tranquebarica) - C/IRB - Changi, Halus, NTL, PRP, P. Punggol, P. Ubin
  • Spotted dove (Spilopelia chinensis) - VC/RB - urban areas
  • Emerald dove (Chalcophaps indica) - U/RB - BBNP, BTNR, CCNR, P. Ubin, SBWR
  • Zebra dove (Geopelia striata) - C/RB - urban areas
  • Cinnamon-headed green pigeon (Treron fulvicollis) - VR/NBV - CCNR, P. Tekong, P. Ubin, SBWR
  • Little green pigeon (Treron olax) - Ex/R - BTNR, CCNR
  • Pink-necked green pigeon (Treron vernans) - C/RB - woodlands
  • Thick-billed green pigeon (Treron curvirostra) - U/RB - BBC, BTNR, CCNR, St. John Is., Sentosa, Marina South
  • Jambu fruit dove (Ptilinopus jambu) - U/NBV - BBNP, Bidadari, BTNR, CCNR, Changi, KRP, Jurong Lake, Mt. Faber, P. Punggol, SBG
  • Green imperial pigeon (Ducula aenea) - R/RB - BBNP, Halus, Loyang, PRP, P. Ubin, P. Tekong
  • Mountain imperial pigeon (Ducula badia) - VR/V - P. Ubin (2012)
  • Pied imperial pigeon (Ducula bicolor) - R/NBV+U/F - NBV: P. Salu, Singapore Strait, Southern Islands; F: BBNP, Bt Batok West, Jurong Lake, LNR, Poyan, PRP, Tuas, WCP

Order Psittaciformes (parrots)

Family Cacatuidae (cockatoos)

  • Tanimbar cockatoo (Cacatua goffiniana)[12] - C/IRB - Bidadari, BBNP, Changi Village, Malcolm Park, Mt. Faber, PRP SBG, Sembawang Park, Sentosa, Springleaf
  • Yellow-crested cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea) - U/IRB -Bidadari, Changi Village, Clementi, Dover Road, Malcolm Park, St. John Is., Sentosa, SBG, Southern Ridges
  • Sulphur-crested cockatoo (Cacatua galerita) - R/I - Mt. Faber, Sentosa

Family Psittacidae (parrots)

Order Cuculiformes (cuckoos and relatives)

Family Cuculidae (cuckoos)

  • Greater coucal (Centropus sinensis) - U/RB - woodlands: CCNR, PRP, SBWR, Venus Dr
  • Lesser coucal (Centropus bengalensis) - C/RB - grasslands
  • Chestnut-bellied malkoha (Phaenicophaeus sumatranus) - U/RB - BTNR, CCNR, Poyan, TBHP
  • Black-bellied malkoha (Phaenicophaeus diardi) - Ex/RB
  • Chestnut-winged cuckoo (Clamator coromandus) - U/WVPM - Bidadari, CCNR, Changi, Halus, Jurong Lake, Murai, Poyan, P. Punggol, Simpang, SBG, SBWR, Khatib Bongsu, Marina South
  • Pied cuckoo (Clamator jacobinus) - VR/V - Halus (2013-2014, 2015)
  • Asian koel (Eudynamys scolopacea) - C/RB - Islandwide (including offshore islands)
  • Violet cuckoo (Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus) - U/RBWV - BBNP, BTNR, CCNR, Jurong Eco Garden, Mandai, NTL, PRP, Poyan, P. Ubin, SBG, Simpang
  • Horsfield's bronze cuckoo (Chrysococcyx basalis) - R/WV - Changi Beach, CCKC, Halus, Kranji, P. Punggol, P. Tekong, Punggol, Sentosa, Tuas, Marina East, Marina South
  • Little bronze cuckoo (Chrysococcyx minutillus) - C/RB - woodlands
  • Banded bay cuckoo (Cacomantis sonnerati) - U/RB - Bidadari, BBNP, BTNR, CCNR, Halus, Marina East, NTL, P. Ubin, SBWR
  • Plaintive cuckoo (Cacomantis merulinus) - U/RB - Bidadari, BBNP, BTNR, CCNR, Changi, Halus, Jurong Lake, NTL, P. Punggol, P. Ubin, Poyan, Punggol, SBWR, Tampines, Tuas
  • Rusty-breasted cuckoo (Cacomantis sepulcralis) - U/RB - Bidadari, BTNR, CCNR, Halus, NTL, Poyan, P. Tekong, P. Ubin, SBG, SBWR, Sentosa, Khatib Bongsu
  • Asian drongo cuckoo (Surniculus lugubris) - U/RBWV - Bidadari, BBNP, BTNR, CCNR, Jurong Lake, Mandai, NTL, PRP, Poyan, SBG, SBWR
  • Large hawk cuckoo (Cuculus sparverioides) - R/WVPM - Bidadari, CCNR, Changi, Jurong Lake, P. Punggol, PRP, Tuas, Khatib Bongsu
  • Hodgson's hawk cuckoo (Cuculus nisicolor) - U/WVPM - Bidadari, BTNR, CCNR, Changi, CCKC, Jurong Lake, Kusu Island, Mandai, PRP, Poyan, P. Punggol, Tuas
  • Malaysian hawk cuckoo (Cuculus fugax) - R/NBV - Bidadari, Bishan Park, BTNR, CCNR, Halus, Jurong Lake, Poyan, SBWR
  • Indian cuckoo (Cuculus micropterus) - C/WVPM - Bidadari, BTNR, CCNR, Changi, Jurong Lake, Mandai, Mt. Faber, NTL, Poyan, P. Punggol, SBG, SBWR
  • Oriental cuckoo (Cuculus saturatus) - R/PM - Bidadari, BBNP, CCNR, Coney Island, Jurong Lake, Tuas

Order Strigiformes (owls)

Family Tytonidae (barn and bay owls)

  • Barn owl (Tyto alba) - U/RB - under bridges, Changi, Istana, Jurong Lake, Kranji Dam, Marina Barrage, Sentosa, Tanjong Rhu, Toa Payoh, Tuas
  • Oriental bay owl (Phodilus badius) - Ex/RB

Family Strigidae (typical owls)

  • Sunda scops owl (Otus lempiji) - C/RB - Alexandra Hill, BBC, BBNP, BTNR, CCNR, P. Ubin, PRP, SBWR, Sentosa
  • Oriental scops owl (Otus sunia) - R/WVPM - Bidadari, BTNR, CCNR, Fort Canning, Kent Road, KRP, Kent Road, Mt. Faber, P. Ubin, Seletar Country Club, SBWR
  • Barred eagle owl (Bubo sumatranus) - VR/NBV - BTNR, CCNR, P. Ubin
  • Buffy fish owl (Ketupa ketupu) - R/RB - CCNR, Jurong Eco Garden, NTL, Poyan, P. Ubin, PRP, SBWR, Sentosa
  • Spotted wood owl (Strix seloputo) - U/RB - Bidadari, Chinatown, City, Dover Road, Jurong Lake, PRP, P. Ubin, Poyan, St. John Is., Sentosa, SBG, TBHP, Toa Payoh
  • Brown wood owl (Strix leptogrammica) - VR/RB - CCNR, P. Ubin
  • Brown hawk owl (Ninox scutulata) - C/RBWV - BTNR, CCNR, Jurong Lake, P. Ubin, Sentosa
  • Northern boobook (Ninox japonica) - R/PMWV - Tuas
  • Short-eared owl (Asio flammeus) - VR/V - Changi, Marina East

Order Caprimulgiformes (nightjars and relatives)

Family Caprimulgidae (nightjars)

Order Apodiformes (swifts)

Family Hemiprocnidae (treeswifts)

Family Apodidae (true swifts)

Order Coraciiformes (kingfishers and relatives)

Family Coraciidae (rollers)

Family Alcedinidae (kingfishers)

Family Meropidae (bee-eaters)

  • Blue-tailed bee-eater (Merops philippinus) - C/WV - islandwide (including offshore islands)
  • Blue-throated bee-eater (Merops viridis) - C/MB - islandwide (including offshore islands)

Family Phoeniculidae (wood-hoopoes)

Family Bucerotidae (hornbills)

  • Oriental pied hornbill (Anthracoceros albirostris) - U/RB - Bidadari, CCNR, Changi Village, P. Ubin, PRP, SBWR, St. John Is.

Order Trogoniformes (trogons)

Family Trogonidae (trogons)

Order Piciformes (woodpeckers and relatives)

Family Megalaimidae (barbets)

Family Picidae (woodpeckers)

Order Passeriformes (perching birds)

Family Pittidae (pittas)

  • Garnet pitta (Pitta granatina) - Ex/RB
  • Hooded pitta (Pitta sordida) - U/WVPM - Bidadari, BTNR, CCNR, Jurong Lake, SBG, WCP
  • Blue-winged pitta (Pitta moluccensis) - U/WVPM - Bidadari, BBNP, BTNR, CCNR, Jurong Is., Jurong Lake, Poyan, SBG, Sembawang Park, WCP, Kranji Nature Trail
  • Mangrove pitta (Pitta megarhyncha) - R/RB - PRP, P. Ubin, P. Tekong, SBG, SBWR

Family Eurylaimidae (broadbills)

Family Acanthizidae (gerygones and relatives)

Family Pachycephalidae (whistlers and relatives)

  • Mangrove whistler (Pachycephala grisola) - R/RB - Changi, Halus, P. Hantu, P. Semakau, P. Ubin, SBWR

Family Dicruridae (drongos)

  • Black drongo (Dicrurus macrocercus) - U/WVPM - Changi, Halus, NTL, P. Punggol, Poyan, Punggol, SBWR, Seletar, Tuas
  • Ashy drongo (Dicrurus leucophaeus) - R/WV - Bidadari, BBNP, CCNR, Mt. Faber, P. Semakau, SBG
  • Crow-billed drongo (Dicrurus annectans) - U/WVPM - Bidadari, CCNR, Changi, Fort Canning, Halus, Mt. Faber, NTL, P. Ubin, SBG, SBWR, St. John Is.
  • Greater racket-tailed drongo (Dicrurus paradiseus) - C/RB - forests
  • Bronzed drongo (Dicrurus aeneus) - Ex/RB

Family Rhipiduridae (fantails)

Family Monarchidae (monarchs, paradise flycatchers)

Family Prionopidae (helmetshrikes and relatives)

Family Campephagidae (cuckooshrikes, trillers, minivets and relatives)

Family Oriolidae (Old World orioles)

Family Corvidae (crows and relatives)

Family Irenidae (fairy bluebirds)

  • Asian fairy bluebird (Irena puella) - C/RB - BBNP, BBC, BTNR, CCNR

Family Chloropseidae (leafbirds)

Family Laniidae (shrikes)

Family Aegithinidae (ioras)

Family Turdidae (thrushes)

  • Orange-headed thrush (Zoothera citrina) - R/WV - Bidadari, BTNR, CCNR, SBG, WCP
  • Siberian thrush (Zoothera sibirica) - R/PM - Bidadari, BTNR, CCNR, KRP, Jurong Lake, Sentosa
  • Eyebrowed thrush (Turdus obscurus) - R/WVPM - Bidadari, BTNR, CCNR, P. Ubin, TBHP, Tuas

Family Muscicapidae (Old World flycatchers)

Family Sturnidae (starlings, mynas, oxpeckers)

Family Hirundinidae (swallows)

  • Sand martin (Riparia riparia) - U/WVPM - BTNR, CCNR, Changi, Halus, Kranji Marsh, LSD, NTL, P. Punggol
  • Barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) - VC/WVPM - islandwide (including offshore islands)
  • Pacific swallow (Hirundo tahitica) - C/RB - islandwide (including offshore islands)
  • Asian house martin (Delichon dasypus) - R/PM - BTNR, CCNR, Changi, NTL
  • Red-rumped swallow (Hirundo daurica) - U/WVPM - BTNR, CCKC, CCNR, Changi, Halus, LSD, Poyan, Punggol, TEG, Tuas

Family Pycnonotidae (bulbuls)

Family Phylloscopidae (leaf warblers)

Family Acrocephalidae (reed warblers)

Family Locustellidae (grass warblers)

Family Cisticolidae (cisticolas and allies)

Family Pellorneidae (ground babblers)

Family Timaliidae (Old World babblers)

Family Leiothrichidae (Laughingthrushes)

Family Zosteropidae (white-eyes)

Family Dicaeidae (flowerpeckers)

Family Nectariniidae (sunbirds and spiderhunters)

Family Motacillidae (wagtails, pipits and relatives)

  • Forest wagtail (Dendronanthus indicus) - U/WVPM - forest edges: Bidadari, BTNR, CCNR, Mandai, P. Ubin, Simpang, SBWR
  • Yellow wagtail (Motacilla flava) - C/WV - Bidadari, Changi, Halus, LSD, NTL, P. Punggol, P. Ubin, Punggol
  • Citrine wagtail (Motacilla citreola) - VR/WV - Punggol, Serangoon, Tuas
  • Grey wagtail (Motacilla cinerea) - U/WVPM - Admiralty Park, Bedok, Bishan, Bt Batok, BTNR, Buona Vista, CCNR, Changi, Jurong Lake, Punggol, P. Ubin, Simpang
  • White wagtail (Motacilla alba) - R/WV - BBC, Bishan, Buona Vista, Changi, P. Punggol, Punggol, SBG, TEG
  • Paddyfield pipit (Anthus rufulus) - C/RB - urban areas
  • Olive-backed pipit (Anthus hodgsoni) - VR/PM - Bidadari (2010)
  • Red-throated pipit (Anthus cervinus) - R/WV - Changi, P. Punggol, Tuas

Family Ploceidae (weavers and relatives)

Family Estrildidae (estrildid finches)

Family Viduidae (indigobirds and whydahs)

Family Fringillidae (true finches)

  • Yellow-fronted canary (Serinus mozambicus) - U/I - Changi, Halus, Jurong Lake, Marina East, Mt. Faber, P. Punggol, Serangoon Reservoir, Marina East, Marina South, Punggol
  • White-rumped seedeater (Serinus leucopygius) - R/I - Halus, Punggol
  • Black-throated canary (Serinus atrogularis) - R/I - Bishan Park, P. Punggol

Family Emberizidae (buntings and relatives)

Family Passeridae (Old World sparrows)

See also


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