List of translations of works by Arthur de Gobineau

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This is a list of translations of works by Arthur de Gobineau.

Date Title Original specific work Translator(s) Location Language ISBN WorldCat OCLC Notes
1843 Scaramuccia Scaramouche Anonymous Madrid Spanish
1856 The Moral and Intellectual Diversity of Races Essai sur l'Inégalité des Races Humaines Henry Hotze Philadelphia English 58940461
1865 Method of Reading Cuneiform Texts Lecture des Écritures Cunéiformes Muncherjee Cowasjee Shapoorjee Bombay English 61480095
1869 Typhaines Abbey L'Abbaye de Typhaines Charles Delucena Meigs Philadelphia English Reprinted as The Rose of Typhaines in 1872.
1873 Viaggio in Persia Trois Ans en Asie Anonymous Milan Italian Illustrated with a portrait of the Shah, engravings and a map of Persia, with excerpts from Notes of a Journey to Persia by Filippo De Filippi, A Royal Hunt in Persia by Commander Émile Duhousset and Mashhad the Holy City and Its Territory by Nicolas de Khanikoff.
1876 Das rothe Tuch Le Mouchoir Rouge Isolde Kurz Munich German 634292156 Published in the 14th volume of the series Novellenschatz des Auslandes, edited by Paul Heyse. Reprinted in 1920 with drawings by Hans Scheller.
1878 Romances of the East Nouvelles Asiatiques Anonymous New York English 625927 The novella entitled "Life of Travel" was ommited from this version and was not translated into English until 1947. Reprinted as Five Oriental Tales (1928) with preface by Ernest A. Boyd.
1878 Eine Rennthierjagd auf Neufoundland La Chasse au Caribou B. Turley Leipzig German Published in the magazine Der Salon für Literatur, Kunst und Gesellschaft.
1882 Akrivi Phrangopulo Akrivie Phrangopoulo B. Turley Leipzig German Published in the magazine Der Salon für Literatur, Kunst und Gesellschaft.
1896 Die Renaissance La Renaissance Ludwig Schemann Leipzig German 495204985 Reprinted in 1912 and 1922.
1898–1901 Versuch über die Ungleichheit der Menschenracen Essai sur l'Inégalité des Races Humaines Ludwig Schemann Stuttgart German 12325957
1900 Der turkmenenkrieg La Guerre des Turcomans Bernhard Jolles Leipzig German 2019108 Reprinted in 1910 and 1955.
1902 Alexander Alexandre le Macédonien Ludwig Schemann Strassburg German 15154306
1904 Renaissance La Renaissance Adolf Gottwald Prague Czech 39546830
1904 Die tänzerin von Schemacha La Danseuse de Shamakha Rudolf Schlösser Leipzig German 1042932740
1906 Reisefrüchte aus Kephalonia, Naxos, Neufundland Souvenirs de Voyage Franz Hahne Leipzig German 495205038
1907 Alexandre le Macedonien Alexandre le Macédonien Friedrich Hildebrand Osterode German Drama in verse by Count Gobineau in metrical translation by Hildebrand.
1909 Das Siebengestirn Les Pléiades Agnes Kretzer Leipzig German 495205054
1910 Die Renaissance La Renaissance Albert Ritter Berlin German 631583154 Reprinted in 1928 and 1935.
1911 Il Rinascimento La Renaissance Giuseppe Vannicola Rome Italian 255064436
1911 Die Renaissance La Renaissance Bernhard Jolles Leipzig German 496977791 Reprinted in 1912, 1919, 1923 and 1927.
1912 Saggio sulla Disuguaglianza delle Razze Umane Essai sur l'Inégalité des Races Humaines A. Sangiovanni Rome Italian 18731465 Partial translation.
1913 Amadis Amadis: Poëme Martin Otto Johannes Leipzig German 73100670
1913 Die Renaissance La Renaissance Adalbert Luntowski Berlin German 495205103
1913 Renässansen La Renaissance Ernst Lundquist Stockholm Swedish Partially reprinted in 1962.
1913 The Renaissance La Renaissance Paul V. Cohn New York English 622776286
1913 Die Renaissance La Renaissance Maria aus’m Weerth Berlin German 496977811 Reprinted in 1922.
1914 Asiatiska Noveller Nouvelles Asiatiques Ernst Lundquist Stockholm Swedish
1914 Alexander von Macedonien Alexandre le Macédonien Hildegard Stradal Leipzig & Vienna German
1915 The Inequality of Human Races Essai sur l'Inégalité des Races Humaines Adrian Collins London English 1047522657 Reprinted in 1967 and 1999. Partially reprinted in Michael D. Biddiss, ed., Selected Political Writings (1970; 1971). Biddiss' selection was translated into Spanish by Rodolfo Mattarollo Benaso in 1973.
1916 Gamber-Alis Geschichte Histoire de Gambèr-Aly Bernhard Jolles Leipzig German 493321208 Reprinted in 1918 and 1960.
1917 Adelheid Adélaïde Rudolf Schlösser Braunschweig German 495205224
1917 Frankreichs Schicksale im Jahre 1870 Ce qui est arrivé à la France en 1870 Rudolf Schlösser Leipzig German 938032
1920 Abtei Typhaines L'Abbaye de Typhaines Rudolf Linke Leipzig German
1920 Die Renaissance La Renaissance Hanns Floerke Berlin German
1920 Das rote Taschentuch eine Reiseerinnerung an Kephallenia Le Mouchoir Rouge Rudolf Linke Leipzig German 1074868788 Illustrated by Karl Stratil.
1920 Olaf Tryggvason Olaf Tryggvason Kurt Gerlach Leipzig German Poem published originally in German translation by Ludwig Schemann in 1919. See Quellen und Untersuchungen zum Leben Gobineaus, Vol. 2. Strassburg: K.J. Trübner, pp. 62–85.
1921 Die Tänzerin von Schemacha La Danseuse de Shamakha Herbert W. Duda Leipzig German
1921 A Renaissance La Renaissance Aladár Kuncz Budapest Hungarian 1014692454 Reprinted in 1925.
1921 Aphroëssa L'Aphroessa Hans von Wolzogen Leipzig German
1921 Adelheid Adélaïde Rudolf Linke Leipzig German 162704319
1921 Die Renaissance La Renaissance Anna Brunnemann Leipzig German Reprinted in 1922.
1921 Genoveva Geneviève de Brabant Hans Linke Leipzig German Translation of the poem Genevieve of Brabant, published in the 1869 collection L'Aphroessa.
1922 Ermeline Firnis Mademoiselle Irnois Hans Pfeifer Basel German 15154623 Illustrated by Ludwig Kainer.
1922 La Danzarina de Shamakha La Danseuse de Shamakha Pedro Vances Madrid Spanish 912271484 The famous publishing house Editorial Calpe of Spain released each tale from the Nouvelles Asiatiques individually in 1922 (with exception of the 2nd installment). Reprinted as La Danzarina de Shamakha y Otras Novelas in 1949.
1922 El Ilustre Hechicero
Historia de Gamber-Aly
L'Illustre Magicien
Histoire de Gambèr-Aly
Pedro Vances Madrid Spanish 912270738
1922 Fräulein Irnois Mademoiselle Irnois Rudolf Linke Leipzig German
1922 La Guerra de los Turcomanos La Guerre des Turcomans Pedro Vances Madrid Spanish 1123914750
1922 Los Amantes de Kandahar Les Amants de Kandahar Pedro Vances Madrid Spanish 912271485
1922 Asiatische Novellen Nouvelles Asiatiques Ernst Klarwill Vienna German 493972334 Reprinted in 1924.
1922 Renesansa La Renaissance Iso Velikanović Zagreb Croatian 19099268
1922 La Vida de Viaje La Vie de Voyage Pedro Vances Madrid Spanish 1025144399
1922 Emelina Mademoiselle Irnois Juan de Málaga Madrid Spanish Reprinted in 1943 alongside "The Legend of Sister Beatrix" by Charles Nodier.
1923 Die tänzerin von Schemacha The Dancing Girl of Shamakha Rudolf Schlösser Leipzig German
1923 Die Liebenden von Kandahar Les Amants de Kandahar Franz Werner Schmidt Berlin German
1923 Asiatische Novellen Nouvelles Asiatiques Ludwig Schemann Leipzig German Reprinted in 1927; text revised by Otto Görner.
1923 Die Tänzerin von Shamakha La Danseuse de Shamakha Elisabeth Borchardt Munich German
1924 Die Akten von St. Avit Le Cartulaire de St. Avit Hans von Wolzogen Leipzig German 22686704 Translation of the poem The Cartulary of Saint-Avit, published in the 1869 collection L'Aphroessa. The German version was illustrated by Karl Mahr.
1924 The Golden Flower La fleur d'or Ben Ray Redman New York English 1294869
1924 Ternove Ternove Anonymous Vienna German
1924 Die Renaissance La Renaissance Otto Flake Berlin German
1924 Reiseleben La Vie de voyage George von Grävenitz Leipzig German 719053467 Annual gift from the Gobineau Society.
1925 Die Renaissance La Renaissance Georg C. Lehmann Berlin German
1925 Drei Jahre in Asien Trois Ans en Asie Theodor Grigull Leipzig German
1925 Ternove Ternove Rudolf Linke Leipzig German Reprinted in 1944 and 1952.
1926 The Dancing Girl of Shamakha, and Other Asiatic Tales Nouvelles Asiatiques Helen Morgenthau Fox New York English 4126641
1926 De abdij van Typhaines L'Abbaye de Typhaines Anonymous Blaricum Dutch 65589270
1926 The Lucky Prisoner Le Prisonnier Chanceux F. M. Atkinson London English 5861581
1927 Die Renaissance La Renaissance Robert von Voss Berlin German 4644757
1927 Die Renaissance La Renaissance Elise Lund Berlin German
1927 Die Abenteuer des glückhaften Gefangenen Le Prisonnier Chanceux Ernst Levy Cologne German
1927 The Crimson Handkerchief and Other Stories Souvenirs de Voyage Henry Longan Stuart New York English 5429162
1927 Glück und Leidenschaft oder Die Abenteuer des Jean de la Tour Miracle Le Prisonnier Chanceux Hans Heinrich Blumenthal Leipzig German
1928 La Abadia de Typhaines L'Abbaye de Typhaines José Insúa Madrid Spanish 1123513318
1928 El Renacimiento La Renaissance Ángel Sánchez Rivero Madrid Spanish Reprinted in 1943 and 1951.
1928 The Pleiads Les Pléiades J. F. Scanlan New York English 561368516 Reprinted in 1978.
1930 Recuerdos de Viaje Souvenirs de Voyage J. García Mercadal Madrid Spanish
1930 The Lucky Prisoner Le Prisonnier Chanceux William A. Drake New York English 1336269320
1931 La Historia de Gamber-Aly Histoire de Gambèr-Aly Anonymous Madrid Spanish Pubished in the magazine Novelas y Cuentos (Año 3, No. 136).
1931 El Ilustre Hechicero L'Illustre Magicien Anonymous Madrid Spanish Pubished in the magazine Novelas y Cuentos (Año 3, No. 136).
1933 Il Rinascimento La Renaissance Fulvia Gentile Tarozzi Bologna Italian 13987713
1934 Ricordi di Viaggio Souvenirs de Voyage Lorenzo Gigli Lanciano Italian
1934 Die Ungleichheit der Menschenrassen Essai sur l'Inégalité des Races Humaines Rosa Kempf Berlin German
1935 Der arische Mensch in Weltgeschichte und Weltkultur Essai sur l'Inégalité des Races Humaines Johann P. Horn Kampen German Partial translation with preface by Richard Wagner.
1937 Ensayo sobre la Desigualdad de las Razas Humanas Essai sur l'Inégalité des Races Humaines Francisco Susanna Barcelona Spanish 803054832
1939 Il Prigioniero Fortunato Le Prisonnier Chanceux Anonymous Milan Italian
1942 O nerovnosti lidských plemen Essai sur l'Inégalité des Races Humaines František Xaverský Lánský Prague Czech 720102295
1943 Recuerdos de Viaje Souvenirs de Voyage Ramón Escarrà Buenos Aires Spanish 44452647
1944 Der glückhafte Gefangene Le Prisonnier Chanceux Alfred Winker Leipzig German
1945 Reiseerlebnisse Souvenirs de Voyage Rudolf Linke
Georg Goyert
Leipzig German
1945 Adelaide Adélaïde Rubino Rubini Milan Italian
1945 Il Rinascimento La Renaissance Roberto Ortolani Milan Italian
1945 Os Amantes de Kandaar Les Amants de Kandahar Anonymous Rio de Janeiro Portuguese Published in the anthology Os Mais Belos Contos Românticos dos Mais Famosos Autores, alongside Gérard de Nerval, Stendhal, Alexandre Dumas among others.
1946 Escenas Históricas La Renaissance Angel Sanz Rosende Buenos Aires Spanish
1949 Ricordi di Viaggio Souvenirs de Voyage Michele Lessona Turin Italian A new edition of Gobineau's oriental tales entiled Novelle appeared in 1959; annotated by Michele Lessona and Cordelia Guzzo with added story "The Dancing Girl of Shamakha" from Nouvelles Asiatiques. Lessona's version of "Akrivie Phrangopoulo" was reprinted individually in 1994.
1950 Adelaide Adélaïde Galeão Coutinho São Paulo Portuguese Reprinted in 1971.
1953 Livet på resa La Vie de Voyage Lily Vallquist Stockholm Swedish Illustrated by Jean Couy.
1954 Mademoiselle Irnois Mademoiselle Irnois Maria Giulia Quarello Turin Italian Reprinted in 1982.
1955 Aventuras de João da Torre-milagre Le Prisonnier Chanceux Silva Ferrão Rio de Janeiro Portuguese
1962 Asiatische Novellen Nouvelles Asiatiques N. O. Scarpi Zürich German
1964 Die Plejaden Les Pléiades Eva Rechel-Mertens Zürich German
1965 A Bailarina de Shamakha La Danseuse de Shamakha Anonymous Lisbon Portuguese Published in the anthology 5 Obras-primas da Novela Universal, alongside Adelbert von Chamisso, Vladimir Korolenko, George Eliot and Camilo Castelo Branco.
1965 Saggio sulla Disuguaglianza delle Razze Umane Essai sur l'Inégalité des Races Humaines Maria Luisa Spaziani Rome Italian Partial translation.
1966 Sons of Kings Les Pléiades Douglas Parmée London English 1978128
1971 The World of the Persians Trois Ans en Asie Anonymous London English 333895
1971 Die Welt der Perser Trois Ans en Asie Renate Navé Munich German
1972 La Guerra dei Turcomanni La Guerre des Turcomans Giovanni Mariotti Milan Italian Reprinted in 1994.
1972 Adelaide Adélaïde Maria Célia Coutinho Lisbon Portuguese
1976 Novelas Asiáticas Nouvelles Asiatiques Luiza Neto Jorge
Vítor Ricardo Jorge
Lisbon Portuguese
1980 Il Mondo dei Persiani Trois Ans en Asie Anonymous Milan Italian 956127712
1984 Novelle Asiatiche Nouvelles Asiatiques Paola Sodo
Enrico Zummo
Naples Italian
1986 De rode zakdoek, gevolgd door Adélaïde The Red Handkerchief
Geerten Meijsing Amsterdam Dutch 64270450
1993 A Gentleman in the Outports Voyage à Terre-Neuve
La Chasse au caribou
Michael Wilkshire Ottawa English 964618715
1994 Adelaide Adélaïde Maria Giulia Quarello Palermo Italian
1997 Saggio sulla Disuguaglianza delle Razze Umane Essai sur l'Inégalité des Races Humaines Francesco Maiello Milan Italian With an introduction by Jean Boissel.
1998 Afsānahʹhā-ʾi Āsiyā'ī Nouvelles Asiatiques David Abbasi Tehran Persian 491469283
2002 Eseu Asupra Inegalitatii Raselor Umane Essai sur l'Inégalité des Races Humaines Mariana Ilie Bucharest Romanian
2003 Viaggio in Persia Trois Ans en Asie Maria Elisabetta Craveri
Anna Maria Brogi
Milan Italian
2009 El Hombre y las Desigualdades Raciales Essai sur l'Inégalité des Races Humaines Anonymous Torrevieja Spanish

See also