Powers & Principalities, Episode 047, Proper Transcription

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Powers & Principalities, Episode 047

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Syria and the bigger picture.


The transcription text below is a YouTube auto-generated English transcription from Powers & Principalities, Episode 047, published by "thkelly67" on 2018-04-15 with a running time of 1:15:35. All episodes of the Powers & Principalities weekly audio interview series between Joseph Atwill and Tim Kelly are included in this playlist on YouTube and are also available as audio podcast downloads on Tim Kelly's "Our Interesting Times" channel on Podomatic.

All transcription copyrights belong to Tim Kelly (thkelly67) & Joseph Atwill.

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Human-corrected and wiki-linked transcription

0:00:00 start

0:00:00 : [Music]

0:00:42 TIM: Joe how you doing?

0:00:45 JOE: Just another perfect day. How are you Tim?

0:00:47 TIM: Very well thank you. Well it looks like last night Donald Trump decided to act presidential and order a missile attack on some small defenseless country. That's what I guess being presidential is all about now. Syria, apparently the this was a retaliation for an alleged chemical weapons attack some Syrians in the town of Duma I believe. One of these many - you seem to get a lot of these things - alleged chemical attacks that never seem to pan out. The evidence is never there. The video was released, I think the source of which was the White Helmets, which is a suspect NGO to begin with, I think it has origins and British Intelligence. But this is all part of the Syrian Civil War that has been going on since I believe 2011-2012 was all part of that Arab Spring that's spontaneously occurred. This (Syrian Civil War article) is [from] Wikipedia - all things Wikipedia...

0:01:52 TIM:

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The Syrian civil war is an ongoing multi-sided armed conflict in Syria fought primarily between the government of President Bashar al-Assad along with its allies, and various forces opposing both government and other in varying constellations.

The unrest in Syria part of a wider wave of 2011 Arab Spring protests, grew out of my discontent with the Assad government and escalated to an armed conflict after protests calling for his removal were violently suppressed. The war is being fought by several factions: the Syrian government and its international allies, a loose alliance of Sunni Arab rebel groups (including the Free Syrian Army), the majority-Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), Salafi jihadist groups, (including al-Nusra Front), and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, (the dreaded ISIL or ISIS - whatever name you want to give it), with a number of countries in the region and beyond being either directly involved, or rendering support to one faction.

Iran, Russia, and Hezbollah support the Syrian government militarily, with Russia conducting air operation since September 2015. On the other hand, the U.S.-led international coalition established in 2014 with the declared purpose of countering ISIL, have conducted airstrikes against ISIL in Syria as well as against government and pro-government targets. [Skipped sentence on Turkey.]

International relations have accused the Syrian government, ISIL, and [Syria] rebel groups of severe human rights violations, and [of] many massacres. The conflict has caused a major refugee crisis (spilling over to Europe). Over the course of the war a number of peace sniffs and peace initiatives have been launched, including the March 2007 Geneva peace talks in Syria led by the United Nations, but the fighting continues.

0:03:36 TIM: So that's sort of a summation of the ongoing conflict. So Joe, what do you think of a Wikipedia summation?

0:03:45 JOE: What planet is Wikipedia trying to talk about, you know? It's just completely ridiculous. It's a very difficult situation to get to the bottom of. I mean, let's face it, there's just so many factions fighting one another in Syria. It's just a complete mess. I think the the actual motivations that are listed by Wikipedia are false. I mean, you know, this idea of there having been an organic rebellion against Assad's government was obviously incorrect. This was something that was fomented by other factions, as a proxy...

0:04:29 TIM: It's a proxy civil war, if there can be such a thing.

0:04:34 JOE: But I mean, the big picture to me is "the greater arrest Israel project". I think that's really what's going on. The way to understand it to my mind, the first place to start, is with this excellent book called "The Expulsion of the Palestinians" by Nur-eldeen Masalha. I'm butchering his name probably, he's a Palestinian historian, and he collected basically all of the letters that were exchanged by the Zionists pre-World War Two, some after, but almost 95% he has before World War Two, long before. So, most of them are exchanges in the 19th century. And what's interesting is one of the principles is the idea of keeping the fact that the Zionists intended to re-establish Eretz Yisrael hidden.

0:05:38 JOE: Okay, so Eretz Yisrael is from somewhere on the other side of the banks of the Nile to somewhere on the other side of the Euphrates. I mean basically it's the whole Middle East.

0:05:48 TIM: Some say that's what their flag represents, correct?

0:05:50 JOE: Yes. Exactly right. And you see the thing is, this would be the Maccabean or Hasmonean Eretz Yisrael. And this really in my mind is what you have to kind of understand in order to see the you know sort of the nature of the conflict that's in front of us. Because that definition of Israel, the one that had had been created by the Hasmoneans, was basically taken away from the Jewish people by the Roman military activity. They colonized it, they put their puppets, the Herods in, there were all these Messianic wars that occurred in the first century, second century, and then you have the diaspora. But the rabbi class I think had in mind that they would one day return and also that they would one day basically punish the Gentiles in general. And so you have then the Knights Templar and the Freemasons established. Notice that these groups have an oddball connection to the temple, which has been raised by Romans in the first century, the Knights Templar, referring to the temple which, supposedly they had bivouacked at for several years attempting to uncover something that they thought was hidden under the Temple of Jerusalem showing they had some kind of occulted understanding of the place, of the of the grounds of the temple. Which I think is explained by the fact that they were in fact what could be called the Sicarii, which was this militant messianic, militarized form of Jewish resistance that had come into existence after the Romans had kicked out Hasmoneans.

0:07:56 JOE: And then from them you get the Masons, the Freemasons, and the connection between these two is straight ahead. I mean, you'll notice that I predicted Friday the 13th as the day when World War 3 would start. I sent an email to you, like Monday or Tuesday, you know when the Syrian thing flared up, and I said, "Pay attention to Friday." And unfortunately I had a conflict, otherwise we might have been on the air actually doing a show right when the Friday the 13th event occurred the attack occurred. And I was predicting Friday 13th just because that was the date that de Molay had been had been killed. (Jacques) de Molay was a Knight Templar and his he was murdered by you know by agents of the Vatican and then he became basically kind of a saintly figure to the Masons the Freemasons. They honor him in many ways - the camps that young people are sent to, and high-level Mason's are de Molay camps, like Walt Disney, among the others. So anyway, the Masons then establish the Zionist movement. We've been through this many times. It comes right from Shaftesbury and Palmerston, the head Masons. They're the ones that that 1850 said, "Now is the time for the Jews to return," and basically they were talking big concept. They were talking four, five, six million Jews would then recolonized and re-habitate Israel, and this was going to be a religious event, so they were revealing this kind of religious Jewish perspective of the high level masons.

0:09:50 JOE: And one little bonbon, one of the slogans that is used to control people, to fool people, is that, "Palestine was a country without a people which should be given to a people without a country." This was the idea that there were no Palestinians and that to Jews needed homeland so... So this has been this phrase that is very often used sort of describes the way they look at the world and... You know who actually came up with that slogan was Shaftesbury, Palmerston's father-in-law, the original guy who way way back when, when he was describing this weird Zionist project that the Masons wanted to get going - that's how he described Palestine, as a land without, as a country without a people. He actually used the expression which then became so popular.


0:10:52 JOE: Anyway, in modern times of course we have the PNAC group the Project for the New American Century. They came out with the position paper, "Rebuilding America's Defenses", I think it was called, and they they listed a whole bunch of countries in the Middle East that you were just going to have to take over completely. And this was... They were touting the idea that America needed to be great, but, you have to remember if you look at the signatures that over half of the people are dual citizens Israelis and the rest are just these weird Zionists that are a part of George W. Bush Skull and Bones guys cabinet. So the "Rebuilding Americans Defensive" is basically just a straight on Zionist sort of world domination proclamation.

0:11:54 JOE: I wanted to to just finish my hopes rant here with this one really important data point. I read this sometime when I went through "The Expulsion of the Palestinians", and I kind of had in the back of my mind, and I wanted to bring it out now because I think everyone should be aware of this. He quotes the letters of the early Zionists and in the early 1920s of Vladimir Jabotinsky, and he he is a huge guy in Zionism. Kind of organizes the first conferences, I won't go into the whole thing and not even that familiar with them, but I mean he is pretty much the head guy. He was in touch with Rothschild, and actually wrote a letter to someone who's a friend of Rothschilds and describing this correspondence, and I'll just read it. It said that, "He (Rothschild) advised me to carry on in similar activities." In other words, and this talking about the expulsion, ways to expose and get rid of the Palestinians from the region. But he said, "At one time they were talking about shuttling the Arabs off to Syria and Trans-Jordan." Lebanon and all the other little countries around current Israel. "So I said he (Rothschild) advised me to carry on and similar activities exposing the Palestinians, but he said it was better not to transfer the Arabs to Syrian Trans-Jordan as these are parts of the Land of Israel." That is just a critical data point, and people should be aware of this. This was 1929 and is [unintelligible] Balfour document (1917-11-02) and it just shows that the concept of Eretz Yisrael was what was agreed to, basically, by the powerful entities, you know the Rothschilds, the banking families, the Skull and Bones. This was what behind-the-scenes was agreed to, so that when you see in the PNAC document, when you see all of these countries, listed as countries that have to be basically colonized, you can see that they're really... it's all part of the same process. And in in the book, in "The Expulsion of the Palestinians", he talks a lot, he has letters from people who are in the Stern Gang and Menachem Begin and a bunch of guys who are inside these terrorist groups. They actually talk about how they could drive out the Palestinians by, first of all, poisoning their food, they could set bombs off and their farmers markets, in other words, they were really talking, just boldface, here it is, we have to get rid of these people. In the book, you can see that the Palestinians are basically seen as just unwanted cattle. They have no human rights, and in fact he has one chapter where he lists all of the leaders, many who later become heads of the State of Israel.

0:15:22 TIM: Yes.

0:15:24 JOE: David Ben-Gurion and Golda Meir - all these people weigh in and they all have the same position - they say there is no... they actually write the fact, "There is no moral question. There is no moral issue here. There is nothing even to think about. It is our country. These people are not Jews. We have to just do anything. We are justified in any single thing that we do to get rid of them."

0:15:48 JOE: Okay, so I'm sorry to be long-winded but that's sort of the overall historical process that has been going on for 150 years. So when you have this event - and I actually have a little bonbon here, something that I think people have overlooked. Okay, so not only was it on the 13th right, Friday the 13th, but what did Trump do that day? Well, he pardoned Scooter Libby. And who did he appoint to his house cabinet a few days before, John Bolton.

0:16:26 TIM: John Bolton.

0:16:27 JOE: Right, now, let's look at the signatures of the PNAC document. Oh good heavens, both of these guys are among all eight signatures. So you get... Now you see a message is being sent, isn't it? See the point? This is a little cryptic, I think for the public, but those of us who are, kind of, you know, spend time studying this stuff can see it. And we knew, I knew it was coming. So it pardons Libby and a few days before he brings Bolton on board. So in other words, this is just a way of representing the PNAC vision. It's real time. We're going forward with it. We are going to execute this plan.

0:17:15 JOE: Now last thing, this should be troubling to Gentiles. We should be like, maybe not so okay with all this because on page 60, (I think if I my memory serves), of the "Rebuilding America's Defenses", where they talk about for a couple pages about how great it will be to have robots killing everybody for us. They actually talk about, I got to get these robots, and drone planes that are unmanned, we can just be swatting everybody... but then they drop a little, just a little... You can see where the moral perspective is because, they say and they go, "You know we've got to get an ethnically specific bio weapon so that biological weapons can move out of the realm of terror", in other words, just scaring people with them, "and into the realm of political action or political usefulness". I'm not... I'm absolutely... I can get the actual quote for you, if you want it, but this is absolutely what it said in the document. So, I mean... This is not something that... Sane people should not be just sitting back and letting this happen. This really is just as dangerous and as genocidal as can be. And so... I I have it here. I wanted just to read the... Do you mind, Tim, if I just...

0:18:48 TIM: No, go right ahead.

0:18:49 JOE: It's in the rebuilding, you can see they just get bloodthirsty. He goes, (the PNAC report on page 60 states),

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Space itself will become a theater of war, as nations gain access to space capabilities and come to rely on them; further, the distinction between military and commercial space systems – combatants and noncombatants – will become blurred. Information systems will become an important focus of attack, particularly for U.S. enemies seeking to

short-circuit sophisticated American forces. And advanced forms of biological warfare

that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.

0:19:30 JOE: Mr. President, no more than 60 million casualties tops. Yeah, I mean, these guys are so crazy. So crazy, that the idea that they are in charge of the political system... well it's just wrong, Tim. I mean, it's wrong for anyone to put up with it. We have...

0:19:55 TIM: There are people who devote their lives to thinking about this stuff. They're well paid, and they sit in offices, and they're just fed taxpayer money, and foundation money to come up with these crazy ideas as the rest the people go about their jobs just trying to make ends meet and take care of their kids, you have these maniacs dreaming up these plans. And they have the ability to implement their plans evidently, too.


0:20:21 JOE: Well and the long-standing desire to do so. That's why you've got to combine, in my opinion, you gotta combine the the moral perspective. I could read you've quotes from "The Expulsion of the Palestinians" right out of the letters from Golda Meir, Menachem Begin, David Ben-Gurion... I mean, Nur-eldeen Masalha has just done an incredible job. What a historian. Went in and got, I don't know, a thousand letters that they had exchanged. And he found different ways, because they actually were trying to keep a lot of this stuff in, but there were sources and he got them. And so you could see that.

0:20:55 TIM: It's far more, I mean, you read this stuff... It's a lot colder and much more malevolent than anything ever I've read that that Joseph Goebbels said or wrote.

0:21:04 JOE: I mean, there... In my opinion, there has never been a racism, or really just a raw evil, that on the planet... I mean, because these people... When their guard is down and they can just be themselves, when Golda Meir and David Ben-Gurion can just have a nice little exchange. I mean, these people are as bloodthirsty as a rattlesnake with... The idea of humanity having some sort of overarching concern... These guys just don't have any of that. It's not there. And he doesn't have like one or two, I'm talking about hundreds of letters giving you a completely clear understanding.

0:21:55 TIM: This is written before the alleged Holocaust.

0:21:58 JOE: Of course. All of these things occurred before the alleged Holocaust. Everything, all of the letters are just cold-blooded, "We're gonna kill them. We're gonna move out. There's no moral condition." I mean, they talk about the kinds of weapons they're going to use... They have all... And then they talk about how they have to fool the world. They say, "Yeah, but you know with the timing, we got to make sure that people don't find out that this is the plan. We've got to be more circumspect. We have to always seem like we're negotiating." When you see Netanyahu talking about, "To have peace, we have to have a partner for peace," right?

0:22:35 TIM: Yeah.

0:22:36 JOE: I mean, when you look at that lie, which is an obvious, just political fluff lie, but when you look at it in this context, of, "We have to always be circumspect, always create a media blackout around what we're actually up to." You're looking right into the face of evil. It's just right in front of you when you see something like that.

0:22:58 TIM: Yeah. Yeah. And when you're talking about the current situation in Syria, this fomented civil war is being waged by proxy forces - ISIL is a proxy of Western powers, of NATO, and of Israel - and so the cognitive dissonance of the contradiction there that supposed ISIS is an Islamic radical terrorist group, supposedly in the war on terror is meant to combat, actually NATO and Israeli forces are actually supporting them because these elements are injected into these countries, to destabilize the country, to provide a pretext of intervention, also just to make the situation there unbearable. But the Syrian civil war was foretold, the situation in Syria is foretold in the document called "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm". And the "Clean Break" strategy was a policy report, written in the mid-1990s by many of the people, who were members of PNAC. And what it called for, the report explained a new approach to solving Israeli security problems. Of course Israeli security problems are derived from the fact, A) it was carved out of an area that people already occupied, and B) Israel has never declared its borders. And that, by itself, should make it ineligible for the United Nations membership. But nevertheless, the document called for solving Israeli security problems in the Middle East by invoking Western values and advocating an aggressive new policy including the removal of Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and the containment of Syria by engaging in proxy warfare and highlighting its possession of weapons of mass destruction. What does that sound like what's going on right now? What's happened in the Middle East in the past... I don't know, since 2003 in that area... that's it. And so this - this has become U.S. policy. What does that say about who's calling the shots in Washington D.C. right now.

0:24:58 JOE: Yeah, it's the BBC announcer talking about WTC Building 7 collapse while it stands in back of her. It's just obviously they are in charge, they lay out the plan, the plan is executed. What I look at... When I was thinking about what to say about Syria I went back and talked about the history of Zionism a little bit and then the PNAC guys because the general point I'm trying to make is that they're basically trying to depopulate the region. That's really what's going on. There's ISIS, all these terrorist groups, I mean who the heck can keep track of anything, you know everyone is killing one another... What is this all for? It's just a way to depopulate. It's just the creation of Eretz Yisrael. They just go after these countries with shock and awe, and they starve them out, they depopulate, and then eventually, they're thinking very long term. I mean remember Palmerston was thinking about a plan that would happen a hundred years later. So they think long term but the idea is they'll depopulate and eventually they will find a way, depending on if they even need to at that point, to to say well look here's the Eretz Yisrael, and its from the Euphrates, or from wherever they want to say it's from, but this region will be depopulated. It's not a question of security. I think that's just absurd. How could... The Israeli Armed Forces are probably the strongest in the world, how could Syria be a threat?

0:26:39 TIM: Yeah, it's not. To them the idea of security or a threat is any entity or power that can frustrate their immediate plans, or deigns to oppose it. So a power like Russia or even Iran who can offer token resistance is seen as this terrible threat to secure the West because it may offer some resistance to us.

0:27:09 JOE: Yeah, but I think this is all just silly - they're just coming up with excuses to to continue with the explosions, continue with, "We got to get in there and kill ISIS. And it's too bad we killed everybody in the town. And everybody in the other town. And the town next to that. We blew up the other town. But we got rid of ISIS."

0:27:31 TIM: Well, let's talk... The whole pretext, this idea of Assad attacking this town with chemical weapons, whether it's chlorine gas or whatever... Why would he do it if he was on the verge of winning? It doesn't make any sense. It just doesn't make any sense. And then, this situation, where even if they have a civil war where the government's being challenged, and what if he did attack his opponents with chemical weapons, or bombs, or what have you? Well, I said that thing "What type of government uses chemical weapons and gasses its own people?" Well, heard of Waco? What type of government wages war on its own people? I don't know... Sherman's March to the Sea and burning of Atlanta? It's like, compared to Lincoln, Assad's a pussycat.

0:28:27 JOE: Even if the things are true, which they aren't... I was gonna give another little thought I had, which is that, the rationale, in other words, the evidence for the chlorine gas attack, is simply preposterous - and yet Trump immediately goes in and blows 'em up.

0:28:47 TIM: He sends these tweets out. Why do presidents issue tweets?

0:28:51 JOE: Well I think what we're saying, to me, what we're really coming into here is this MKUltra / Brave New World transition, where really what is being attacked with the information at this point is the very kind of foundation of democracy, which is the belief by the citizens that the information they're getting is a reflection of something that is related to reality.

0:29:21 TIM: Yeah, it's not.

0:29:23 JOE: I really do believe, with like 9/11 and even with some of the details that came out... What they're doing is, they're not only testing but they are basically taking rational thought away from the democratic process. Even though it's completely insane that Trump, after two days, after he had said it's time to get out, we're gonna leave - then you have this crazy chemical attack, (which makes no sense for Assad to do - why would you do it at this particular time when the U.S. just said we're going to leave), and then now, (even though there's no evidence of it and everyone is saying it was fake or a hoax), suddenly the U.S. goes right in there and blows everybody up. So... There is a disconnection between the information that's coming to the population and kind of a coherent reality and what I think is happening is that they're basically just taking away from the citizen the function of democracy, because they're just getting us used to crazy things. Don't look for something that's reasonable to explain what government is doing. It isn't there. Government just does what it does. It's a crazy world. It's too hard to understand. You can't understand it. You can't understand the Middle East. You can't understand what went on in Syria. Don't try to understand - give up that effort become just completely involved in the Kardashians' bikini problems. There's nothing there you can even understand because what they're giving us is completely crazy. Unless you're going to get into it in the way we do, where we analyze the craziness to try to come up with a... Then you don't see anything but crazy, and I think that that's the idea is they're just trying to basically partition away the citizen from having any real opinion about political reality. It's all just too complicated, too crazy, it's all so violent, and...


0:31:39 TIM: It's like modern art.

0:31:41 JOE: Exactly! Tim, exactly right.

0:31:46 TIM: I can't figure this out. I'm just gonna go to my son's baseball game.

0:31:50 JOE: Yeah exactly!

0:31:51 TIM: And I don't blame people. I can't blame people for that, because what's the individual to do in this situation? I was reading an article here I read, and this is a perspective, I think this is one element to it, just the caliber of leadership or government we have in this country, just how bad it is, this was penned by Brendan O'Neill for Spiked, and he says,

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It is the casualness, the thoughtlessness, in which the Western leaders promised to bomb Syria as that has been most horrifying.

War, you might think, is a serious endeavour. One that requires thought, discussion, a weighing-up of consequences. There has been none of that in Theresa May’s media-trumpeted promise to avenge the victims of the alleged chemical attack in Douma, or Donald Trump’s Twitter-blasts against ‘the animal Assad’ and his hints that he will punish Russia and Iran for supporting him, or in commentators’ demands that we bomb Syria because it is our ‘moral imperative’. On the contrary, these Twitter bombardiers, these iPad imperialists, openly eschew thought. Thought is for cowards. We must simply act and act now to show that we are good, they cry. They have no idea of the horrors that even their escalation of the tensions over Syria, regardless of whether or not they drop bombs, could unleash.

The behaviour of Western leaders has been alarming. They are like infants, bereft of the capacity for cool analysis, utterly lacking in diplomatic discretion. We mock teenagers and celebrities for Instagramming the minutiae of their lives, but such emotional incontinence pales into insignificance in comparison with the way the leaders of the free world have blurted through their iPhones their intention to punish some of the most powerful nations on Earth.

First Trump responded to Assad’s alleged chemical assault by tweeting that Assad would pay a ‘big price’, as would Russia. When the Russians said they would shoot down American missiles, Trump tweeted: ‘Get ready Russia, because [missiles] will be coming.’ Then Theresa May’s insiders, clearly with her say-so, told the media she wants ‘military action against Assad’. This is how war is prepared for now: with a leaked comment; with an eye on retweets, rather than on whether Britain threatening to enter into a war that will essentially be with Russia is a good idea.

0:34:10 TIM: It's so on the face ridiculous, but...

0:34:16 JOE: True.

0:34:20 TIM: You would cry out in vain finding someone, an official in Washington D.C., to say this.

0:34:27 JOE: I think that he is alluding to an intellectual and emotional banal kind of venal sort of group. But I disagree with that.

0:34:38 TIM: Yeah.

0:34:39 JOE: What I think is, unfortunately, it's far more sophisticated. What you're getting is, there's no distinction between the tweeting, Facebook... Which is all government controlled, kind of soundbite world where ideas can be inputted into the public very, very quickly and easily, and at the same time there is a really well thought out and completely malevolent strategy.

0:35:11 TIM: Oh, yeah, yeah. I think because the dumbing down, the tweeting, this whole idea of tweeting, Facebook, and the dumbing down of public discourse... Yeah, this is directed towards us. To dumb us down, like you said, to confuse us, to just dumb everything down, dumb public discourse down. This is why you're getting censorship on YouTube and these things, channels being taken down, because people are engaging in meaningful discussion... They don't want that. I mean, they don't want that. You could you can have the waterskiing squirrel and the piano playing cat. You can have pornography. You can have all that crap you want, but God forbid you have people engaging some Socratic method in discussing these things - because that is "violation of community standards" and that's "harassing people".

0:36:00 JOE: So there it is. War is peace... They're just kind of using their position of controlling the platforms to dominate the the words to win just by putting out these positions of power, which are completely incoherent but nevertheless they just get them out there and there it is. "You are violating community standards by having this discussion. Your YouTube is pulled." I wanted to make one comment on, the guy was saying, it's as if May and Trump don't know the horrors that these actions will cause. I mean I really disagree with that idea. I think that they know exactly, in fact, that is the purpose, to create horror. They want to horrify the Syrian people because the whole idea behind this tragedy is to move them out. This is all part of Rothchilds' statement that these regions are part of Israel.

0:37:06 TIM: Well this is the attempt, and I understand his approach, because I was in this way of thinking for the longest time, is that if you point out the the insanity, and the indecency of war, just the utter indecency, the slaughter, and the human consequence, that you can appeal to someone's decency and righteousness, or just appeal to their better angels to do the right thing, and it turns out - even in the days of yore, when Franklin Delano Roosevelt went before Congress and asked for [[declaration of war], yeah he followed the legal niceties, but that request to Congress was backed up by duplicity and conspiracy.

0:37:50 JOE: Yeah. And they manipulated the Japanese, so the whole thing was bogus. That was how they had to be manipulated in that era. Now they have different more sophisticated techniques. But why aren't there protests. Why aren't there Americans in the street saying, "We are fed up with false flags. We are fed up with an out of control Middle East warfare policy. We care about children and people being slaughtered by our weapons. We demand that there be some kind of process that we can understand in terms of vetting these these so-called chemical warfare things. If you look at the Russian response Lavrov, I think his name is, he was saying look, we have the real people, not just unnamed White Helmets with photographs that are being passed on Facebook - we have real people, doctors, who will say there is no chemical attack. This is all completely fake.

0:39:04 TIM: Well they have videotapes of people wearing flip-flops and t-shirts and they're washing people off with water.

0:39:08 JOE: Why aren't the American people demanding that a better process - a process that the citizen can actually vet, and get a sense of what's real - take place before all of this slaughter and horror. Well because this is where we're at. They have worked the mind of the public as effectively as they have the Eretz Yisrael project in the Middle East. They have the public, both distracted, stupid, and unfortunately, more and more, just neurologically weakened and damaged to the point they can't respond.

0:39:57 TIM: You get more outrage over Colin Kaepernick not taking a knee during the national anthem, (something the N.F.L. didn't do till 2009 or something), than you do over an illegal unconstitutional act of war against a sovereign state. Cause, strictly speaking, only a few Congressmen call... I know it's late in the game to call this out... is that Donald Trump has no legal authority to order these attacks. I'm not talking with the morality of it.


0:40:25 JOE: The constitution is very clear. Well okay, he ordered 'em. What about the idea that maybe the Russians would have responded?

0:40:35 TIM: I know!

0:40:36 JOE: But where is the public going, "Hey Donald, we really are a little worried here about all of these Russian boats with these fancy missiles." What about the idea that they had simply done what they had alluded to which is to basically fire on to our ships? What would have happened then? The point is most people couldn't even find Syria on a map.

0:41:02 TIM: Yes.

0:41:03 JOE: Most people, most Americans couldn't even give one hundredth of the complexity of what's going inside the country. They'd have no idea about this place. What is their vital interest that would justify risking their family being caught up in a nuclear war?

0:41:22 TIM: Yeah.

0:41:23 JOE: These people should be in the streets even if they don't have a sophisticated understanding of what's really going on. They should, just on the surface level, they should just say, "The Russians are there. They said they would shoot back at us. I don't like a President of the United States being so cavalier with these kinds of situations. He could get us into a nuclear war. I'm gonna protest this." Where is that, you know?

0:41:48 TIM: Yeah. How about this - the cost of the missiles? The government's twenty one trillion dollars in debt, and how much do these missiles cost? Ten million each maybe?

0:41:56 JOE: Ten million at least. That's just this [unintelligble]. You get a whole flotilla out there and you're talking hundreds of millions of dollars of cost, you know.

0:42:04 TIM: Now you're getting into maybe the motivations for these things, which is war, run up the debt, can you spend money, feed the military-industrial complex. This is a crisis that the media can then put on the news. War - Brian Williams can talk about our "beautiful weapons".

0:42:25 JOE: They talk about how, "We're falling way behind. The Russians have got much better, more beautiful missiles that are much faster. Obama "gutted" the military. We didn't spend enough trillions on our weapons, and that's because he's a weakling who wouldn't stand up to ISIS." Even though he was in war, killed more Muslims than Charles Martel, every day - no problem. But, "he's a weakling, Trump is acting presidential, he's strong" - and so these are just these crude psychological structures they are able to get away with - and the public just sits there and takes it.

0:43:11 JOE: You know the real sad thing is that they've been so successful at disconnecting the American citizen from his heart, or her heart. We don't have any emotions anymore. There is so much fatigue after 20 years of this onslaught and the constant bombardment in the media. Notice that... I don't know if you've been watching the news. I don't usually do it but today I was doing it because I was thinking I might find some stuff I wanted to talk about Syria to share with you. But what they do is, they intersperse all of the information about the war with information updates about Stormy Daniels. I mean it's just so obvious that they are using pornography as a way to keep moving the mind away from... This is literally Wolf Blitzer was saying, "Okay, we've learned that the Israeli Air Force has just blown up an Iranian military outfit in Syria - and we will get to that as soon as we get done with the breaking news that Stormy Daniels attorney has learned that Donald Trump and she had the sex tape," or something. They would layer the pornography in, sandwich it between every single thing with the war. It's pretty straightforward, Tim, where they're taking us. You can see it's gonna be a 25-hour-a-day pornography and cartoon reality. Bimbo's initiation is basically where we're all gonna be. We're Bimbo. We're just going to have cartoons everywhere - the Kardashians, pornography, and then the politics, and then notice that that Trump comes from this blending of fiction and TV. He had this TV reality show. So it's all just this blur that the citizen has no capacity to see anything real. I mean the whole thing is just you know a cartoon.

0:45:41 TIM: Yeah, and apparently Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, apparently his political aspirations.

0:45:48 JOE: Stormy Daniels and he could run as a presidential ticket.

0:45:54 TIM: So we're getting appointed President Camacho in... What was that movie, you know, the Mike Judge movie?

0:46:03 JOE: Yeah.

0:46:06 TIM: Idiocracy. Yeah. Idiocracy, Camacho.

0:46:11 JOE: So that's the thing. You're gonna have a blurring, there is a blurring of fiction, reality TV, and political news coverage. They're all just kind of blending together. The citizen can't make any sense out of it. They're not doing... At least as they experience it through the media. On the other hand... And this is really an odd thing, because you're getting more and more people who have sort of an understanding of the of the plot. Because of the Internet, because of the alt-media, there's just... I don't know what percentage, but it's got to be hundreds of times more than, are aware of these things than [there] were in 1963 [regarding the Assassination of John F. Kennedy], or even September 11th, I don't think that many people really understood what the government was made up of - the secret society. But now everyone is... There's a lot of talk about it, so...

0:47:16 TIM: This [recent and current] apparent crackdown or censorship campaign being carried out by Facebook, by Google, and YouTube which are all NSA-Israeli linked. I think the president [of] Google met with Israeli officials to talk about [thought] policing what YouTube carries and these things. I heard a few anecdotal cases where some of the more effective alternative news sites took serious hits this week. Weren't able to talk about the Syria thing. It's just a coincidence?

0:47:54 JOE: Of course not, and obviously these platforms are totally controlled. They intend to use them for mind control but they have this problem if people interact with them, which is one of the ways that they get people addicted to it, then there is this possibility that they just might exchange information.

0:48:17 TIM: Yeah. YouTube which was I think acquired by Google, that platform was created and then it was bought up by Google - which is deep state funding so they can buy everything up - but it's only value is that people can upload material that they want, and that's where they get.. that's the value it's based on. So the moment they start restricting the content for some political reason, the platform immediately loses its value.

0:48:47 JOE: And there's competitors now, I don't know to what degree they're going to be successful, but there are ways now that information can get out. But I would hope that in order to defeat this, or to have a response to it, that citizens come up with ideas as to how to keep our communities intact. Think about listeners of our show as a little and a microcosm of this. There's probably a couple thousand people that get what we're saying and should be in communication with one another. So the question is about how to create that, how to make it so that even if, even if... I don't want to even think about it, Tim, but if Tim and Joe go away...

0:49:35 TIM: Yeah.

0:49:46 JOE: [If] we each have untimely events on the same week... That the community would stay in communication one another and just replace us, which would be all too easy, and then just go on. And that kind of plasticity should exist everywhere.

0:49:56 TIM: This stuff and people, "Like what are you saying? Your big egos, you think they care about you?" Well no, this stuff is like... It's automated digital now. They have some algorithm which picks up, if you fill a certain, what they call, a threat disposition, or something. It's the same principal they used to drone people in Yemen or something.


0:50:14 JOE: Yeah. They've got big data. Zuckerberg was talking about this. He said, "Yeah, we analyze everything, we have computers that scan for code words and things." Guess what they are, right? Little shows, even like ours, would be on the radar and they're just sitting there with their finger on the button for one wrong statement so they can punish us and move us away from communication with people. But look - we just have to overwhelm that with numbers - and a kind of connection. We have to... One thing I really encourage are the comments, that people have about the show, please do that. And if people want to take another step try to use the comment section as a way to communicate one another. Get your email addresses to one another. Get forums set up and exchange so there is a growing citizen communication that can't just be done away with by YouTube by the oligarchs of Google pushing a button and censoring Tim and Joe.

0:51:30 TIM: Yeah and make it so it's not practical where there's so many people doing it.

0:51:37 JOE: Yeah.

0:51:38 TIM: That is the problem because they build up this platform which people utilize and now people lose the platform and then they get gotta find some other way to communicate. But I've made this point before, the outfits like Google and Facebook these are arguably publicly owned because they've been heavily funded by In-Q-Tel and the NSA and these things. Arguably you could say they're like public utilities.

0:52:10 JOE: They're all fake companies, like Tesla. Basically they fund companies that are going to end up being something that's useful for their control systems. Amazon loses money every year, and always has, and it's the most valuable entity in the world, supposedly, because - it just is, you know.

0:52:32 TIM: Yeah, I was listening to David Stockman talk about Amazon stock and he was just flabbergasted that the stock is high value because the profits are never there.

0:52:41 JOE: And never will be, doesn't have to be. It's part of the deep state.

0:52:47 TIM: He was suggesting it was bubble-mania, it's an asset bubble, and all this stuff. No. This is a function of the deep state this is how they're cartelizing and collectivizing the U.S. economy.

0:52:58 JOE: The reason that they talk about, "Well it's getting rid of all these small businesses." Well that's the whole purpose. That's why it's being promoted by deep state, because Amazon is part of the whole social control.

0:53:13 TIM: If you're funded by black budget money which is from the heroin trade, cocaine trade, whatever, or money that is created electronically by the central bank. The private people that own the [Federal Reserve] central bank are the same people that ultimately own Amazon. So, who's to say what the New York Fed is doing? Giving companies credit. I mean, I don't know.

0:53:37 JOE: Your point is so good and no one has ever made it.

0:53:40 TIM: I don't know.

0:53:41 JOE: Just a great point. Look, we funded these companies these are the capital, to create a lot of Amazon, Facebook, there's government investment everywhere. The idea that the First Amendment is somehow prohibited from existing inside these public platforms created with public money - this is so crazy it just... Oh man, it's just... The public needs to be aware that this is the end of the First Amendment. You know we've got to fight for this. We can't let both government fund and then government prohibit public use of something.

0:54:20 TIM: Yeah. Well it basically privatized profits and socialized losses. And then the moment you go against the corporation, the moment you try to break out of the company store they shut you down, "This is our platform. We can't abide by this. We have standards. We have community standards. By going out and stimulating critical thought you're violating community standards."

0:54:48 JOE: Community standards, right. Is there any pornography that's ever...

0:54:52 TIM: No, that's okay...

0:54:54 JOE: How about hatred against Muslims? And that gets a pass alone. So... Gee, it's pretty selective, isn't it? It's the the policy.

0:55:10 TIM: Israel has an entire department dedicated to creating false internet personas to go out and post comments, and of course, not to mention what the Southern Poverty Law Center do. They were in league with the FBI for years reporting on hate crimes. Of course there's the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, you know grew out of Jewish Freemasonry and they're involved in doxing people, ruining people, threatening people, and these things. Good old Abe Foxman over there, and they're there to shut down debate. They're not interested in having any rational or quiet discussion about these policies because they can't win on those terms. They gotta shut you down. They gotta put you in jail. They gotta ostracize you. They have to disintegrate you. That's what the Stasi did as a policy. Where when they had someone who would they thought might be trouble they didn't necessarily go to arrest him and put him in a camp, or shoot him in front of people, knock on the door at three in the morning, drag him out... They slowly just disintegrated his life. Deny him a job. Then they go after his friends and family. All of a sudden he's isolated. And you didn't have to kill him because he ended up committing suicide. And that's what they can do here and they do that to people. I mean, look at what they did to Gary Webb, whether or not he took his own life or not - two bullets to the head and I'm suspicious. But nevertheless it can happen. It's obvious at the deep state ruined his career for being what he what he was paid to be - an investigative reporter. The same with, who was "The Octopus" guy, the guy in West Virginia, Danny Casolaro, who "committed suicide". Then you have the guy... Who was the guy whose Mercedes [C250 Coupé] blew up?

0:57:00 JOE: Oh, that incredible video, the car just blowing up.

0:57:05 TIM: Yeah. He's speeding as his engine, car apparently, explodes. And then people say, "Oh, he had a drinking problem. He has a substance abuse problem." And that causes his car to explode? He just so happened, was causing trouble. And what was weird was... Michael Hastings was his name. Did you ever see the interview with his wife?

0:57:22 JOE: No.

0:57:24 TIM: After, his widow... I thought it was strange because, one thing is, she was, well let's say she's very easy on the eyes...

0:57:31 JOE: Yeah.

0:57:32 TIM: But she was... Again, one of these weird almost Sandy Hook-like post-mortem, "Oh, I'm just so glad that I was married with him for the time I was. I was happy I had the time I had with him," on the Larry King show, and you look at her resume, she came from the National Security Council. She's all government, so was she a swallow or some sort of agent? I don't know but she seemed perfectly fine after he died, in the interview.

0:57:58 JOE: Yeah. I always assume that if they're on the media that they're dirty.

0:58:03 TIM: Well, the fact that he was an investigative reporter going after Stanley McChrystal who, by the way, knows people who can do that exactly what happened to him, by the way JSOC, that outfit, it's an assassination squad. His wife was working for the very institutions that he was supposedly reporting on. People like the military, and the National Security Council, things like that.

0:58:30 JOE: Yeah. That's how they do it. They can bring about "suicides" and shatter lives that aren't able to do any resistance, and then on a larger scale, they can do the same thing to countries.

0:58:44 TIM: Yeah.

0:58:45 JOE: They've done it to Palestine, basically. They're still doing it. You look at the conditions those people live in... But it's going on in Lebanon...

0:58:54 TIM: Ukraine.

0:58:55 JOE: There's just explosions day-to-day in all of Eretz Yisrael that is not part of the current State of Israel. They're just blowing it all up and this will over a long period of time just create the...

0:59:13 TIM: This is the microstates which is the Oded Yinon Plan of 1982, and if you just read that plan - How do you create microstates? [It's] not like you [can] just go in and mechanically do this without any bloodshed. It requires bloodshed, requires suffering on a mass scale. It requires forced migration, and population upheavals, and demographic warfare, and collapsing of economies in these things. There's a lot of blood on people's hands and it's not clean work. It's dirty business.

0:59:47 JOE: That gets back to my point, I hope that people read the book, "The Expulsion of the Palestinians", because you get to actually see the moral perspective. It's just so critical because Zionism has so many... They talk about, "Come to Israel and you can be on a kibbutz and it's going to be like a multicultural... you know." Oh man, read the actual letters between these guys. You can see what's exactly intended for the state. It's going to be a racial and religious xenophobic zone. There isn't gonna be anything permitted there that's multicultural. That's just ridiculous.


1:00:36 TIM: Yeah, and when the inevitable reaction happens, they'll cry anti-Semitism.

1:00:40 JOE: Of course.

1:00:42 TIM: Which is the oldest rabbinical trick.

1:00:44 JOE: Very very clever and the brain-dead fall for it. Syria is just part of the process. No one should see it as anything different than that. Yeah so ah... I don't know brother. I think it's interesting... One of the things that I kind of want to save for next week... Are we gonna talk about Martin Luther King Jr. next week?

1:01:24 TIM: Yes I'd be good before the month of April ends.

1:01:27 JOE: I'd love to talk about him. I've been looking... Before this Syrian thing blew up, we were talking about maybe having a show about him. I really think he's an interesting and completely fake person, and a fake project, and actually some of the stuff that I've been looking at is part of how they - you were talking about how these long-standing structures - well Martin Luther King is another example. The whole idea of integration as a weapon is really well as illustrated by going into Martin Luther King Jr.'s wife, and seeing how he was created, and who was supporting him, and how fake he was as an individual, and how guilt then was created again here, and this then became a platform from which evil could could get in and do damage.

1:02:24 JOE: So poor Syria. My heart goes out to the human beings that are in horror. I just don't know, absent some kind of political revolution in the West...

1:02:39 TIM: What you need is a consciousness of the American people [to know] just how criminal their government is. This isn't legitimate. All the congressmen whether it's McCain, Lindsey Graham, John Bolton, and all these war mongers - these people should be tarred and feathered.

1:02:59 JOE: Well they're evil. And they want to genocide. They are obviously agents, one way or another, of the project that we have been describing that starts with Palmerston, that World War Two is part of... We talked [on a previous episode] in the past of Hitler being a fake individual, the whole Nazi Party being created by the same group that's in motion. It's fascinating actually, it's interesting to look at the stuff we've been looking at, with the Proto-Zionists, you know the British Masons, the British royal family, Palmerston, and then Herzl because Masalha picks up Zionism with Herzl. He barely goes back into you know Shaftesbury and Palmerston and the original Zionists, but he does pick up with Herzl and if you know the material we've been we've been discussing, you get a better understanding of... Well naturally, Zionism was going to be what it is described in these letters because it comes right from this this other force. It just is very straightforward - schematic - that's what I'm trying to search for here, is that we're building out the schematic and as you do that you're able to make more sense out of more things. You see one thing leads to another, makes it clearer to understand, and so... When you see Herzl animating you know these people then it isn't so hard to understand why Menachem Begin, and the Stern Gang, and these guys are so bloodthirsty is because they're coming from the same group that is conducting the slave trade, opium sales, and the Irish Genocide [aka the Great Irish Famine]. You just have a pattern of genocide. I mean these people murder as a matter of course, so the idea that you know Irgun and the Stern Gang would would not be murderous it's a little preposterous given the provenance. When you can take these guys right into Herzl, and there's a very direct absolutely one-to-one kind of shoot from the Stern Gang back to Herzl and then take him directly into the [[Irish Genocide] we discussed [on a previous episode] - the whole Masonic murderous approach to foreign policy... Well the B.S. kind of falls away. You know what I mean? They don't have any rationale other than the ones that the East-West Trading Company has - which is to say - zero. There's no humanity here, there's just power and violence to get it.

1:05:51 TIM: Yeah. I guess you could say it's the British East India Company cosmology, Newtonian physics. It's not morality it's physics.

1:06:02 JOE: Yeah. It's physics. Human's are just atoms and they'll murder every single one of us. And that's why Tim, when you read "Rebuilding America's Defenses", page 60 [of the PNAC report], and you see this Dr. Strangelove-ian lunacy about, "outer space must be weaponized and the ethnic bio-weapon gap has to be closed because we just can't carry on without it". You're not dealing with... It may look like a cartoon. It's not, man. This is real. These guys are absolutely serious.

1:06:43 TIM: Yeah. This is... You obviously alluded to General Buck Turgidson from Dr. Strangelove,

<templatestyles src="Template:Blockquote/styles.css" />

I'm not saying we wouldn't get our hair mussed, but I do say no more than 10 to 20 million killed, tops!

1:06:55 JOE: That whole movie is Masonic. I mean it's obvious. I kind of get that movie, I spend some time studying it. So it's a completely Masonic thing, and they're just obviously making fun - but they make fun for one another - not for us. For us, we get the advanced form of biological warfare that can target specific genotypes, because, "we have to transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a political useful tool."

1:07:26 TIM: Well that's the same type of crankiness you get, like the RAND Corporation. Who was that guy talked about this whole day of flexible response and survivable nuclear war? Herman Kahn. These guys out at RAND Corporation, these guys, and I think they have, out in front, they have a structure made of chain that looks like a mushroom cloud.

1:07:47 JOE: Yeah.

1:07:48 TIM: It's made of chain and they worship the mushroom. And I'm like...

1:07:53 JOE: Yeah, there's a nice symbol for the people too you know... We couldn't be facing a more urgent crisis. Syria just shows us that they're bloodthirstiness and their technology are both increasing. We have to exercise the principle of self-defense. We have to have urgency to communicate one another. We have to have urgency to create strategies to expose this.

1:08:30 TIM: Do you think figures like Trump, who might have some pretense of independence, and he gets into office, and all sudden he gets surrounded by the Praetorians, "Okay, this is the agenda. This is what you're gonna do." And he tries to break out, "We're gonna pull out." All of a sudden he gets a phone call from Bibi Netanyahu, "and you better appoint John Bolton to the National Security Council", "Yes sir!", "And by the way, we're not pulling out. You're gonna send some missiles in.", "Yes sir.", and he realizes, "I have no power at all. I'm just a puppet here."

1:09:07 JOE: Well I think that they wouldn't let anyone in the White House who wasn't completely part of the deal in some way. You know [on a previous episode] I talked about Trump's uncle...

1:09:16 TIM: Yeah.

1:09:17 JOE: ...Being the guy that they gave the [original] real [Nikola] Tesla, his intellectual estate too - and then he decided to make it secret no one can see it. But he did, so obviously the [Trump/Drumpf] family has some deep state connections, but I read an article by Miles Mathis (MilesMathis.com, or Miles Mathis on RationalWiki, or #1949: Miles Mathis on Encyclopedia of American Loons) who speaks ill of me (2, 3) for some reason, but I like very much, and I like his research, a lot of it, very interesting research, and he had a thing about Trump and he was insinuating Trump was Jewish or had some Jewish background. He had a photograph in the article that was absolutely amazing. The photograph was of Trump's father at a dedication of a Talmudic center. Talmud not just [unintelligible]. Talmudic center. That was land that the senior [Fred] Trump was giving to this Talmudic organization and it showed Trumps father, he arm-in-arm with the group and I would say the body language and facial expressions are one of very intense Brotherhood.

Donald Trump's Father FRED C.TRUMP, who donated the land for the Talmud Torah of the Beach Haven Jewish Center.
[ This last sentence is false, by intent or by misrememberance.  In that "Looks Like Donald Trump Is Jewish", PDF article, dated 2016-06-06 (=666?)), the only image Joe can be referring to is a scanned newspaper photo with a caption in the middle of page 2 of only 8 in that "Trump.PDF]".  Assuming it's authentic, the old newspaper photo features a man who appears to really be Fred Trump, standing slightly left of center in a suit and fedora, (the only fedora in the photo), speaking into a microphone, with one hand by his side perhaps in his pocket, while he leans a bit on his left forearm laying across a podium with his hand hanging off a relaxed wrist. NO ONE is arm-in-arm. In the exterior midday photo there are 5 or 6 other men either clearly Jewish wearing yamakas / kippahs or partially obscured, maybe Jewish or maybe not wearing any head-wear. They are all sitting beside and behind Fred Trump, only their heads and shoulders. There is not much body language going on. All facial features, including Fred Trumps, don't exude or indicate anything, much less intensity or "Brotherhood" - except one man sitting directly to the right of Fred Trump with a big smile watching Fred at the microphone likely addressing a crowd.  By the arrangement of the seating, the podium, and the microphone, Fred and the gang in the photo seem to likely be on a stage, dais, or the ground, likely in front of a seated crowd or congregation out of frame. It's not even remotely clear how wide the stage might be, or even if the seated men are at a head table or not. Behind the half-dozen old men appears a boring brick mid-century 5-story walk-up apartment building complex, far enough from the camera across open space for them to be in a park or across the street. Below the photo the newspaper caption states: "FRED C.TRUMP, who donated the land for the Talmud Torah of the Beach Haven Jewish Center, 723 Ave. Z, discusses the impressive future with the assemblage at last week's ground-breaking." This is only a description of that photo and it's caption - apparently all one scanned image. The PDF article, that I have not read, is another topic.  But while I'm commenting, I should point out, in addition to the obvious fact that Fred is wearing a fedora and not a kippah like the others, his "donation" does not prove or disprove any "Jewish connections", other than he's simply playing in and part of the big club. ]


1:10:41 JOE: So, all I can say is, to me Trump's background is a question mark and the idea that they would put someone in office that was even needed to be controlled is... I mean, someone like Trump is, in my mind, is a long-standing deeply hidden family structure. They somehow create these families that they can use to dye their hair blonde and run as Gentiles.

1:11:16 TIM: Yeah. You've always had the issue of this description in the British establishment because intermarriage in the 19th century which, I think, explains much the 20th century. Of course the fact that his daughter, [Ivanka Trump], marries into this criminal Zionist family, the Kushner's who have been running the New York and the New Jersey Port Authority like a criminal operation.

1:11:40 JOE: Just like Clinton's daughter did.

1:11:41 TIM: Yeah, exactly.

1:11:43 JOE: So these are little clues to show you what's going on, but the fact is I just think that Trump is a "crypto" to some, in some way, and I want to see a DNA analysis of the guy. I want to see a DNA analysis of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. I think as citizens we should demand it. No one should be running for any kind of high office that isn't willing to let people look at their ethnicity and their family connections, because these things are extremely critical in terms of the bias that people have which impacts their political decisions. We cannot really have much of a democracy if you can't really know what their backgrounds are. This will be something they'll they will fight to the death to prevent, but it's something that should be a rallying cry for the citizens.

1:12:40 TIM: Yep.

1:12:42 JOE: Should know who they are, brother.

1:12:46 TIM: Who the supposed leaders are. We should know who the puppets are, who they're related to.

1:12:51 JOE: I'm willing to have a test done as long as someone's willing to pay for it. You know people, for years have accused me of different things. And I've always said, "Okay. Well, you want to put some money on the table and we can do a DNA test and see what my background is. I already know the results because my mom already did one. She was curious and so I got the results. So I know my background is, you know, an American mongrel - at best.

1:13:20 [Laughter]

1:13:24 JOE: So this is me.

1:13:25 TIM: We're all products of social engineering.

1:13:27 JOE: I'm a product of social engineering.

1:13:29 TIM: Okay, Joe. Great, and we'll talk next week.

1:13:33 JOE: Yeah, we'll talk next week.

1:13:34 TIM: Take care, bye bye.

1:13:35 JOE: Bye bye.

1:13:38 : [Music]

1:15:36 : [The end.]

1:15:36 end

YouTube auto-generated English transcription with errors

YouTube auto-generated English transcription

00:00 [Music] 00:27 the 00:28 [Music] 00:38 [Music] 00:42 Joe how you doing just another perfect 00:45 day 00:46 how are you Tim very well thank you well 00:49 looks like last night Donald Trump 00:53 decided to act presidential and order a 00:56 missile attack on some small defenseless 00:58 country that's what I guess being 01:03 presidents was all about now Syria 01:06 apparently the this was a retaliation 01:09 for an alleged chemical weapons attack 01:12 some Syrians in the town of Duma I 01:16 believe one of these many you seem to 01:19 get a lot of these things alleged 01:20 chemical attacks that never seem to pan 01:21 out the evidence is never there the 01:23 video was released I think the source of 01:24 which was the white helmets which is a 01:26 suspect NGO to begin with I think it has 01:29 origins and British intelligence but 01:32 this is all part of the Syrian civil war 01:34 that has been going on since I believe 01:38 2011-2012 was all part of that Arab 01:40 Spring that's spontaneously occurred but 01:46 yeah it's this is Wikipedia whole 01:50 thing's Wikipedia the Syrian civil war 01:53 is an ongoing multi-sided armed conflict 01:55 in Syria fought primarily between the 01:57 government of President Bashar al-assad 01:58 along with its allies and various forces 02:01 opposing both government and other in 02:03 varying constellations the unrest in 02:06 Syria part of a wider wave of 2011 Arab 02:08 Spring protests grew out of my 02:09 discontent with the Assad government and 02:12 escalated to an armed conflict after 02:13 protests calling for his removal were 02:15 violently suppressed the war is being 02:18 fought by several factions the Syrian 02:20 government and its international allies 02:22 a loose alliance of soon I of either 02:25 Sunni Arab rebel groups including Free 02:28 Syrian Army the majority Kurdish Syrian 02:30 democratic forces SDF Salafi jihadist 02:34 groups including Al Nasser Al nusra 02:36 front and the Islamic State of Iraq and 02:38 Levant the dreaded ISIL or Isis whatever 02:41 name you want to give it with a number 02:43 of countries in the region and beyond 02:45 being either directly involved or 02:47 rendering support to one 02:48 faction Iran Russia and Hezbollah 02:51 support the Syrian government militarily 02:53 with Russia conducting air operation 02:55 since September 2015 02:57 on the other hand us-led International 02:59 Coalition established in 2014 with the 03:02 claret purpose of countering ISIL have 03:07 conducted airstrikes against ISIL in 03:08 Syria as well as against government and 03:10 pro-government targets international 03:13 relations have accused the Syrian 03:14 government ISIL and rebel groups of 03:15 severe human rights violations and many 03:18 massacres the conflict has a it's caused 03:21 a major refugee crisis spilling over to 03:23 Europe over the course of the war a 03:25 number of peace sniffs and peace 03:27 initiatives have been launched including 03:30 the March 2007 Geneva peace talks in 03:32 Syria led by the United Nations but the 03:34 fighting continues so that's sort of a 03:37 summation of the ongoing conflict so Joe 03:40 what do you think of a Wikipedia 03:42 summation what planet is Wikipedia time 03:48 to talk about you know it's just 03:50 completely ridiculous um it's it's a 03:53 it's a very difficult situation to get 03:57 to the bottom of I mean ah let's face it 03:59 there's just so many factions fighting 04:01 one another in Syria it's just a 04:03 complete mess I think the the actual 04:09 motivations that are listed by Wikipedia 04:11 are faults I mean you know this idea of 04:14 there having been duckin organic 04:17 rebellion against Assad's government was 04:20 obviously you know incorrect this was 04:25 something that was fomented by other 04:27 factions yes yeah it was a proxy because 04:31 practically it's a proxy war if he can 04:33 message what I mean 04:35 the big picture to me is the greater 04:39 arrest Israel project um I think that's 04:43 really what's going on and it's the way 04:49 to understand it to my mind the first 04:51 place to start is with this excellent 04:53 book called the expulsion of the 04:55 Palestinians by Nirmal Saleh I'm 05:00 butchering his name probably he's 05:01 palestinian his 05:02 Dorian and he collected basically all of 05:06 the letters that were exchanged by the 05:10 Zionists pre-world War two some after 05:13 but almost 95% illiteracy he he has or 05:18 before the before World War two long 05:21 before so most of them are exchanges in 05:23 the 19th century and and what's 05:26 interesting is one of the principles is 05:28 the idea of keeping the fact that the 05:33 Zionists intended to re-establish Egrets 05:36 Israel hidden okay so II Rhett's Israel 05:39 is from you know somewhere on the other 05:41 side of the banks of the Nile to 05:44 somewhere on the other side of the 05:45 phrase I mean basically it's the whole 05:46 Middle East if some say that's what 05:48 their flag represents correct yes 05:50 exactly right and you see the thing is 05:53 the this would be the the Makka bein or 05:58 has mo nian arrests Israel and this 06:01 really in my mind is what you have to 06:03 kind of understand in order to see the 06:06 you know sort of the the nature of this 06:08 the conflict that's in front of us 06:10 because that definition of Israel the 06:16 one that had had been you know created 06:21 by the Hasmoneans was basically taken 06:26 away from the Jewish people by the Roman 06:29 military activity they colonized it they 06:33 put their puppets the Herod's in there 06:35 were all these Messianic wars that 06:37 occurred in the you know in the first 06:39 century second century and then you have 06:42 the Diaspora but the rabbi class I think 06:47 had in mind that they would one day 06:49 return and also that they would one day 06:52 basically punish the the Gentiles in 06:56 general and so you know you have then 07:00 the Knights Templar and the Freemasons 07:03 established notice that these groups 07:07 have an oddball connection to the temple 07:10 right which has been raised by 07:12 Romans in the first century the Knights 07:14 Templar 07:16 you know referring to the temple which 07:18 supposably they had bivouacked at for 07:22 several years attempting to uncover 07:25 something that they thought was hidden 07:27 under the Temple of Jerusalem showing 07:30 they had some kind of a coltd meet and 07:32 you know understanding of the place of 07:35 their of the grounds of the temple which 07:37 i think is explained by the fact that 07:38 they were in fact what could be called 07:41 the Sicari 07:42 you know which was this militant 07:44 messianic militarized form of of Jewish 07:49 resistance that had you know come into 07:52 existence after the Romans had kicked 07:54 out has moenay's and then from them you 07:57 get the Masons the Freemasons and the 07:59 connection between these two is straight 08:01 ahead I mean you'll notice that I 08:04 predicted Friday the 13th as the day 08:06 when World War 3 would start I sent an 08:09 email to you like Monday or Tuesday you 08:11 know couldn't a sir anything flared up 08:14 and I said you know pay attention to 08:15 Friday and unfortunately I had a 08:18 conflict otherwise we might have been on 08:21 the air actually doing a show right when 08:23 the Friday the 13th you know event 08:27 occurred the attack occurred and I was 08:30 predicting Friday 13th just because that 08:32 was the date that de Molay had been had 08:35 been killed de Molay was a knight 08:38 Templar and his he was murdered by you 08:43 know by agents of the Vatican and then 08:46 he became basically kind of a saintly 08:49 figure to the Masons the Freemasons they 08:52 they honor him in many ways the camps 08:56 that young people are sent to and 08:57 high-level Mason's are de Molay camps 09:00 like Walt Disney you know the other so 09:04 anyway the de Masons 09:09 you know then establish the Zionist 09:12 movement we've been through this many 09:13 times you know it comes right from 09:15 Shaftesbury and Palmerston the head 09:19 Masons right they're the ones that that 09:22 1850 said you know now is the time 09:25 for the Jews to return and basically 09:29 they were talking big concept they were 09:32 talking you know four five six million 09:35 Jews would would then yttrium 09:37 recolonized Andrey habitate Israel and 09:41 this was going to be a religious event 09:42 so that they were revealing this kind of 09:45 religious Jewish perspective of the high 09:48 level masons and and so then and went a 09:52 little just little bonbon 09:54 you know they one of the slogans that 09:57 kind of is used to control people to 09:59 fool people is that Palestine was a 10:04 country without a people which should be 10:07 given to a people without a country 10:09 right this was no Palestinians and that 10:12 to Jews needed homeland so so this has 10:15 been kind of this you know phrase that 10:17 is very often used sort of the scribes a 10:21 whole the the way they look at the world 10:23 and you know who actually came up with 10:25 that slogan with Shaff burry 10:27 Palmerston 's father-in-law you know the 10:30 the original guy who way way back when 10:32 when he was describing this weird 10:35 Zionist project that the Masons wanted 10:38 to get going 10:40 he that's how he described a Palestine 10:44 as a land without you know as a country 10:47 that of people he actually used the 10:49 expression which then became so popular 10:50 anyway so then in modern times of course 10:55 we have the peen act group the project 10:57 for the new American Century they came 10:59 out with the position paper rebuilding 11:03 Americans defenses I think it was called 11:05 and they they listed a whole bunch of 11:08 countries in the Middle East that you 11:10 were just going to have to take over 11:12 completely and this was they were they 11:16 were touting the idea that America 11:17 needed to be great but you know you have 11:21 to remember if you look at the 11:22 signatures that like over half of the 11:25 people are dual citizens Israelis and 11:27 the rest are just these weird Zionists 11:31 you know that are a part of George W 11:33 Bush skullenbones guys cab right so 11:38 the rebuilding Americans defensive is it 11:41 basically just you know it's that 11:43 straight on Zionist sort of world 11:48 domination 11:51 you know proclamation and I wanted to to 11:55 just finish my hopes rant here with this 11:58 one really important data point and I 12:01 read this sometime and when I went 12:04 through the expulsion of the 12:07 Palestinians and and I kind of had in 12:10 the back of my mind if I wanted to bring 12:12 it out now because I think it's everyone 12:13 should be aware of this there he quotes 12:17 so hit the letters you know of of the 12:21 early Zionists and in the early 1920s of 12:25 vladimir zhabotinsky and he he is a huge 12:30 guy in Zionism kind of organizes the 12:33 first conferences I won't go into the 12:36 whole thing and not even that familiar 12:37 with them but I mean he is pretty much 12:38 the head guy and he was um he was in 12:42 touch with Ross Chow right and actually 12:46 wrote a letter to someone who's a friend 12:49 of Rothschilds and describing the this 12:53 correspondence and I'll just read it it 12:56 said that he Rothschild advised me to 12:59 carry on and similar activities in other 13:01 words and this talking about the 13:02 expulsion ways to expose and get rid of 13:05 the the Palestinians from the region but 13:09 he said at one time they were talking 13:12 about shuttling the Arabs off to Syria 13:15 and Transjordan right Lebanon and all 13:18 the other little countries around 13:19 current Israel so I said here oft I'll 13:22 advise me to carry on and similar 13:23 activities exposing the Palestinians but 13:26 he said it was better not to transfer 13:28 the Arabs to Syrian Transjordan as these 13:31 are parts of the Land of Israel he of 13:34 that is just a critical data point and 13:37 people should be aware of this this was 13:39 1929 is lor a for document and it just 13:43 shows that the concept of irreps Israel 13:46 was what was agreed to basically by the 13:51 powerful entities you know the the 13:53 Rothschild the banking families the you 13:56 know the skullenbones this was what 13:59 behind-the-scenes was agreed to so that 14:02 when you see in the peon Act document 14:06 when you see all of these countries 14:07 listed as countries that have to be 14:09 basically you know colonized 14:14 you can see that they're really this all 14:16 part of the same process and in in the 14:19 book in expulsion of the Palestinians 14:22 you know he talks a lot he has letters 14:24 from people who are in you know the 14:28 stern gang and you know I'm up Menachem 14:34 vagin and and a bunch of guys who are 14:37 inside these terrorist groups and they 14:40 actually talk about how they could drive 14:43 out the Palestinians by you know first 14:48 of all poisoning their food they could 14:50 set bombs off and their farmers markets 14:53 in other words they were really talking 14:54 and you know just boldface you know here 14:59 it is we are actually we have to get rid 15:02 of these people in the book you can see 15:05 that the Palestinians are basically seen 15:08 as just unwanted cattle they have no 15:10 human rights and in fact they he has one 15:14 chapter where he lists all of the the 15:17 leaders who many who later become heads 15:21 of the State of Israel yes Tibet and 15:24 Guri and and and Golda Meir all these 15:27 people weigh in and they all have the 15:28 same position they say there is no they 15:30 actually right the fact there is no 15:32 moral question there is no moral issue 15:36 here we are there is nothing even to 15:38 think about it is our country these 15:40 people are not Jews we have to just do 15:43 anything we are justified in any single 15:45 thing that we do to get rid of them okay 15:47 so I'm sorry to be long-winded but 15:49 that's that sort of the the overall 15:51 historical process that that has been 15:54 going on you know for 150 years and so 15:59 when you have this event and I actually 16:01 have a little bond 16:03 here something that I think people have 16:05 overlooked okay so not only was it on 16:08 the 13th right Friday 13th but what it 16:12 Trump do right that day well he pardoned 16:16 Josh and Anna who did he a point to his 16:21 his house cabinet the three days before 16:24 John Bolton John Bolton right now let's 16:27 look at the signatures of the P enact 16:30 document oh good heavens both of these 16:33 guys are among all eight signatures so 16:37 you get now you see a message is being 16:40 sent isn't it he see the point this is a 16:43 little cryptic I think for the public 16:45 but those of us who are kind of you know 16:47 spend time studying this stuff can see 16:50 you 16:50 and we knew I knew it's kind of sorry 16:53 pardons Libby and a few days before he 16:56 brings Bolton on board so in other words 16:59 this is just a way of representing you 17:02 know that the the peon AG vision is 17:05 basically you know it's real time we're 17:08 going forward with it we are going to 17:12 you know execute this plan now last 17:16 thing this should be troubling to 17:19 Gentiles we should be you know like 17:21 maybe not so okay with all this because 17:23 I'm page 60 I think if I my memory 17:26 serves of the rebuilding America's 17:29 defenses where they talk about for a 17:33 couple pages about how great it will be 17:35 to have robots killing everybody for us 17:37 you know they actually talk about you 17:39 know I got to get these robots and drone 17:41 planes that are unmanned we can just be 17:43 swatting everybody but then they drop a 17:46 little just a little kid and you can see 17:48 where the moral perspective is because 17:50 they say and then go you know we've got 17:53 to get an ethnically specific bio weapon 17:56 so that biological weapons can move out 18:01 of the realm of terror another it's just 18:03 scaring people with them and into the 18:06 realm of political action or political 18:09 usefulness I'm not I'm absolutely I can 18:15 the actual quote for if you want it but 18:17 but this is absolutely what it said in 18:20 the document and and so I mean this is 18:24 not something that I mean sane people 18:29 should not be just sitting back and 18:32 letting this happen this this really is 18:37 just as dangerous and as genocide list 18:40 can be and so I you know I have it here 18:44 I wanted just to read the demand to if I 18:47 just it doesn't know that right you know 18:50 it's in the rebuilding you can see they 18:52 just get bloodthirsty he goes space 18:54 itself will become a theater of war as a 18:56 nation gain access to space capabilities 18:59 in code rely and then further the 19:01 distinction between military commercial 19:03 space systems combatants and 19:05 non-combatants will become blurred 19:06 information system become an important 19:09 focus of attack particularly for us 19:11 enemy's enemy is seeking to 19:12 short-circuit sophisticated American 19:14 forces and advanced forms of biological 19:18 warfare that can target specific 19:21 genotypes may transform biological 19:24 warfare from the realm of terror to a 19:27 politically useful tool mr. president no 19:32 more than 60 million casualties pops 19:35 yeah I mean these guys are so crazy so 19:41 crazy that the idea that they are in 19:44 charge of the political system well it's 19:50 just wrong Tim I mean it's wrong for 19:52 anyone to put up with it we have there 19:54 are people whose what they're alive to 19:56 think about this stuff they're well paid 19:58 in there they sit in offices and they're 20:01 they're there 20:03 they're fed they're just fed taxpayer 20:06 money and foundation money to come up 20:08 with these crazy ideas as the rest the 20:10 people go about their jobs just trying 20:11 to make ends meet and take care of their 20:13 kids you have these maniacs giving up 20:16 these things these plans and they have 20:18 the ability of influence their plans 20:19 evidently do so well their long-standing 20:21 desire to do so I mean that's why you 20:24 got to combine in my opinion you know 20:26 you got to combine the the moral 20:28 perspective I could read you've quotes 20:30 from the expulsion the Palestinian right 20:33 out of the letters from Golda my air but 20:36 not beggin David ben-gurion I mean I 20:39 mean masala has just done an incredible 20:41 job whatever story went in it got I 20:43 don't know thousand letters you know 20:45 that they had exchanged and he found 20:47 different ways because their day 20:48 actually were trying to keep a lot of 20:50 this stuff in but you know there were 20:51 sources and he got them and so you could 20:54 see that it's farmer I mean you read the 20:56 stuff it says lot colder and much more 20:58 of a level than anything ever I've read 21:00 that that Joseph Goebbels said I wrote I 21:03 mean they're there in my opinion there 21:06 has never been a a racism or really just 21:12 a raw evil you know that that on the 21:15 planet I mean because these people it 21:19 when they when they're when their guard 21:20 is down and they can just be themselves 21:23 you know when Golda Meir and David 21:25 ben-gurion can just have a nice little 21:26 exchange I mean these people are error 21:29 is bloodthirsty as you know a 21:32 rattlesnake with you know I mean there's 21:34 just no I mean the idea of you know kind 21:39 of humanity having some sort of 21:41 overarching you know concern I mean they 21:44 these guys just don't have any of that 21:46 it's not there and and he doesn't have 21:48 like one or two I mean I'm talking about 21:50 hundreds of letters giving you a 21:53 completely clear understand this is 21:55 written before the alleged Holocaust of 21:57 course well all of these things are 21:59 clear before they led to Allah cost 22:01 everything all of the letters are just 22:03 cold-blooded we're gonna kill them we're 22:05 gonna move out there's no moral 22:07 condition I mean they talk about the 22:09 kinds of weapons they're going to use 22:11 they have all and then they talk about 22:12 how they have to fool the world they say 22:14 yeah you know 22:15 the timing we got to make sure that you 22:17 know people don't find out that this is 22:19 the plan we've got to have a you know be 22:21 more circumspect we have to we have to 22:23 always seem like we're negotiating when 22:26 you when you see Netanyahu talking about 22:29 you know you know to have peace we have 22:32 to have a partner for peace right yeah I 22:35 mean when you look at that lie which is 22:37 an obvious you know just political fluff 22:40 lie but when you look at it in this 22:42 context of you know we have to always be 22:44 circumspect always create a media 22:47 blackout around what we're actually up 22:50 to you know it's just you're looking 22:53 right into the face of evil yeah it's 22:55 just right in front of you when you see 22:57 something like that yeah and when you're 22:58 talking about the current situation 22:59 Syria this fomented civil war is being 23:02 waged by proxy forces ISIL is a proxy of 23:06 Western powers of native and of Israel 23:09 and so the cognitive dissonance of the 23:12 contradiction at suppose Isis Islamic 23:14 you know a radical terrorist group is 23:18 supposedly at the war on terror is meant 23:19 is meant to combat actually NATO and 23:23 Israeli forces are actually supporting 23:27 them because these these elements are 23:29 injected into these countries to 23:30 destabilize the country to provide a 23:32 pretext of intervention also just to 23:35 make to make it you know make this make 23:37 the situation there unbearable but um 23:39 the Syrian civil war was foretold the 23:41 situation in Syria is foretold in the 23:44 document called a clean break a new 23:48 strategy for securing the realm and the 23:50 clean break strategy was a report policy 23:52 report it was written in the mid-1990s 23:54 by many of the people who remember 23:57 Teaneck and with a call for the report 24:00 explained a new approach to solving 24:02 Israeli security problems of course it's 24:04 very security problems are derived from 24:06 the fact eight was carved out of an area 24:07 that people already occupied then be it 24:10 never is really cleared its borders and 24:13 it's and that by itself should make it 24:17 ineligible for the United Nations 24:19 membership but nevertheless the document 24:23 called for solving Israeli security 24:25 problems in the Middle East by invoking 24:28 Western 24:29 and advocating an aggressive new policy 24:32 including the removal of Saddam Hussein 24:34 from power in Iraq and the containment 24:36 of Syria by engaging in proxy warfare 24:38 and highlighting its possession weapons 24:41 of mass destruction what does that sound 24:42 like what's going on right now what's 24:44 happened in the Middle East in the past 24:45 I don't know since 2003 in that area 24:48 that's it and so this this has become US 24:51 policy was that say but who's who's 24:53 who's calling the shots in Washington DC 24:55 right now you know yeah it's the BBC 24:58 announcer talking about building 7 25:00 collapse well and stand back over you 25:02 know I mean it's it's just obviously 25:05 they you know I mean they they are in 25:08 charge they lay out the plan the plan is 25:10 executed 25:11 what would I look at that's why you know 25:13 and when I was you know thinking about 25:15 what to say about Syria I went back and 25:18 talked about you know the the history of 25:20 Zion is a little bit and then the peanut 25:22 guys because what what I tried to the 25:26 general plan I'm trying to make is is 25:27 that they're basically trying to 25:30 depopulate the region I mean that's 25:32 really what what's going on you know 25:34 there's all these and others Isis you 25:36 know all these terrorist groups I mean 25:38 who that can keep track of anything you 25:41 know everyone who's killing one another 25:42 what is this all for it's just a way to 25:45 depopulate it's just the creation of 25:47 arrests Israel they just go after these 25:49 countries with shock and awe and they 25:53 starve them out they depopulate and then 25:56 eventually they they're thinking very 25:58 long term I mean remember you know 26:00 Palmerston was he was thinking about a 26:02 plan that would happen you know a 26:04 hundred years later I mean so they think 26:06 long term but the idea is to just 26:07 they'll depopulate and eventually they 26:11 will find a way you know depending on 26:13 where the if they even need to at that 26:15 point to to say well look here's the 26:17 arrests Israel and weeks from the 26:19 Euphrates or you know from wherever they 26:21 want to say it's from but but this 26:24 region will be depopulated you know it's 26:27 not it's not a question of security I 26:29 think that's just absurd and there will 26:30 how could how could the Israeli Armed 26:33 Forces are probably the strongest in the 26:35 world 26:35 how could Syria be a threat you know 26:39 yeah it's not secured to the idea of 26:40 security or a threat is any any entity 26:44 or power that can frustrate their 26:48 immediate plans ordain stood to to 26:52 oppose it 26:52 even you know you know so you know a 26:56 power like Russia or even Iran who can 27:00 offer token resistance is seen as this 27:02 heart you know this terrible threat to 27:04 secure the West because this summit 27:06 isn't it may offer some resistance to us 27:08 yeah but I think it's us this is all 27:10 just silly they're they're just coming 27:13 up with excuses to to continue with the 27:17 explosions continue with you know we got 27:21 to get in there and kill Isis oh no 27:22 we're it's too bad we killed everybody 27:24 in the town and everybody the other town 27:26 and the town next to that we blew up the 27:29 other town but we got rid of Isis well 27:31 let's talk the whole pretext yeah you 27:33 know this idea of him Assad attacking 27:37 this town with chemical weapons whether 27:40 it's chlorine gas or she hasn't whatever 27:42 with foreign girls go and guess why 27:44 would he do it he was on the verge of 27:46 winning it doesn't make any sense it 27:47 just doesn't make any sense you know and 27:49 then yeah this situation where even if 27:53 you know they have a civil war where the 27:54 government's being challenged and what 27:57 if he did attack his opponents with 28:00 chemical weapons or bombs or what have 28:02 you 28:03 well no I sent that thing and what type 28:05 of government uses chemical weapons and 28:07 gets its own people 28:08 well I heard of Waco is this well what 28:13 the type of government wages warrants on 28:14 people I don't know if Sherman's march 28:16 to the sea and burning of Atlanta 28:21 it's like compared to Lincoln Assad's a 28:25 pussycat but you know I thought I had 28:32 which is that the rationale another is 28:37 the evidence for the chlorine gas attack 28:39 is is simply preposterous and and and 28:43 yet Trump you know immediately goes in 28:45 and blows at the system he senses tweets 28:48 out I mean why do presidents issue too 28:51 well but you see I think it's a pain 28:54 that we're really coming into here is 28:56 this MKULTRA brave new world transition 29:00 or where really what is being attacked 29:03 with the information at this point is 29:05 there just a very kind of foundation of 29:08 democracy which is you know the the 29:12 belief by the citizens that the 29:16 information they're getting is a 29:18 reflection of something that is related 29:20 to reality yes not I I really do believe 29:23 I mean it with like 9-1-1 and even you 29:26 know it's but some of the details that 29:27 came out that what they're doing is is 29:30 they're they're not only testing but 29:34 they are basically taking kind of 29:37 rational thought away from the 29:40 democratic process so that even though 29:43 it's completely insane that Trump after 29:46 two days after he had said it's time to 29:50 get out you know we're gonna leave II 29:52 then you have this crazy chemical attack 29:55 which makes no sense for Assad to do why 29:58 would you do it at this particular time 29:59 when the u.s. just said we're going to 30:01 leave and then now even though there's 30:03 no evidence of it and everyone is saying 30:05 well it was fake or hoped 30:06 suddenly the u.s. goes right in there 30:08 and blows everybody up so it there is a 30:12 disconnection between the information 30:15 that's coming to the population and and 30:18 kind of a coherent reality and what I 30:20 think is happening is is that they're 30:22 basically just taking away from the 30:26 citizen the kind of the function of 30:28 democracy because they're just getting 30:30 you they're getting us used to crazy 30:32 things that you know it's just where 30:36 don't don't don't look for something 30:38 that's reasonable to explain what 30:40 government is doing it isn't their 30:43 government just does what it does you 30:45 know they're it's a crazy world it's too 30:48 hard to understand you can't understand 30:49 it you can't understand the Middle East 30:51 you can't and you know what went on in 30:53 Syria don't try to understand give up 30:56 that effort become just completely 31:00 involved in 31:02 the Kardashians you know bikini problems 31:06 yeah and do Nadi there's nothing there 31:08 you can there's nothing you can 31:09 understand because what they're giving 31:11 us is completely crazy and so unless 31:14 you're going to get into it in the way 31:15 we do where we analyze the craziness to 31:18 try to come up with it 31:19 then then you you don't see anything but 31:22 crazy and I think that that's the ideas 31:25 is they're just trying to basically 31:28 partition away kind of the citizen from 31:31 having any real opinion about political 31:34 reality it's all just too complicated 31:35 too crazy it's also violent and it's 31:38 like it's like modern art done despot or 31:41 not exactly if you say it is exactly 31:45 right it is just gee I can't figure this 31:47 out I'm just gonna go to my son's 31:48 baseball game yeah exactly and I don't 31:51 blame people I can't blame people for 31:53 that because what what's the what's the 31:55 individual to do in this situation but 31:58 yeah I was reading an article here I 32:02 read and this kind of this is a 32:04 perspective I think is ik this is one 32:06 element to it it's just the caliber of 32:09 leadership or a government we have in 32:12 this country just how bad it is this was 32:14 penned by Brendan O'Neill for spiked and 32:16 he says it it is in the casual 32:19 casualness and the thoughtlessness in 32:22 which the western leaders promised to 32:24 bomb Syria as that has been most 32:26 horrifying war you might think is a 32:28 serious endeavor one that requires 32:30 thought discussion weighing up of 32:32 consequences there has been none of that 32:33 and Theresa Mayes media trumpeted 32:36 promised to avenge the victim of let's 32:38 chemical attack in Douma or Donald 32:40 Trump's Twitter blast against the animal 32:41 Assad in the sense that he will punish 32:43 Russia and Iran for supporting him or in 32:46 commentators demands that we bomb Syria 32:48 because it was our moral imperative on 32:50 the contrary these Twitter bombard ears 32:52 these iPad imperialists openly eschew 32:55 thought thought is thought is for 32:57 cowards you must simply act and act out 32:59 now to show that we are good they cry 33:02 they have no idea of the horrors that 33:04 they even yeah that even their 33:06 escalation of tensions over Syria 33:07 regardless of whether or not they drop 33:09 bombs could unleash the behavior Western 33:11 leaders has been alarming they're 33:13 they're like infants bereft of code of 33:15 the capacity for coolin al 33:17 utterly lacking in diplomatic direction 33:19 we mocked teenagers and sluggish for 33:21 instagramming the minutiae of their 33:23 lives with such emotions emotional 33:25 incontinence perils in perils into 33:28 insignificance in comparison was the way 33:30 the leaders of the free world have 33:32 blurted through their iPhones their 33:34 attentions to punish some the most 33:35 powerful nations on earth yeah so here 33:40 we go first Trump responded to Assad 33:42 alleged chemical sauce by tweeting that 33:44 Assad would pay a big price as with 33:46 Russia when Russia has said they were 33:48 shoot down an American missiles Trump 33:49 tweeted get ready Russia because 33:51 missiles will be coming then Theresa 33:53 Mays insiders clearly with her say-so 33:55 told the media she wants military action 33:57 against Assad this is how war is 33:59 prepared for for now with a leaked 34:02 comment with an ion retweets rather than 34:04 on whether Britain's threatened to enter 34:06 into a war they were essentially be with 34:07 Russia is a good idea I mean that's I 34:10 mean that's it is it so but it's so in 34:14 the face ridiculous but you know true 34:18 you you would go at you cry out in vain 34:21 finding someone in official Washington 34:22 official in Washington DC to to say this 34:25 I mean yeah I just think that he kind of 34:29 you know alluding to just an 34:31 intellectual and emotional but now kind 34:34 of venal sort of yep you know they but I 34:37 disagree with that I mean I'm yeah me 34:38 what I think is it's far unfortunately 34:41 it's far more sophisticated I mean what 34:43 what director getting is is the the 34:46 there's no distinction between the the 34:49 tweeting Facebook which is all 34:52 government controlled you know kind of 34:54 kind of soundbite world where ideas can 34:57 be inputted into the public very very 34:59 quickly and easily and and and and at 35:04 the same time there is a really well 35:08 thought out and completely malevolent 35:10 strategy well yeah yeah I think because 35:12 the dumbing down the tweeting that the 35:14 this whole idea of tweeting Facebook and 35:18 sort of the dumbing down of public 35:20 discourse yeah this is directed towards 35:22 us the dumb ass down like you said to 35:25 confuse us to meet you know just to just 35:26 dumb everything down dumb public 35:28 discourse down this is why 35:30 getting such a ship on YouTube and these 35:32 things channels being taken down because 35:35 people are engaging in meaningful 35:36 discussion they don't want that I mean 35:39 they'll you know they don't want that 35:40 you could you can have the the 35:42 waterskiing squirrel and the piano 35:43 playing cat you can have pornography you 35:46 get of all that crap you want but God 35:48 forbid you have just people engaging 35:50 some social Socratic method and 35:52 discussing these things because that 35:53 that that that is violation of community 35:56 standards and that's harassing people 36:01 it's just sort of like you know war is 36:03 peace you know they just they're just 36:05 kind of with them using their position 36:07 of controlling the platforms to dominate 36:10 the the words you know to win just by 36:13 putting out this these positions of 36:15 power you know and and which are 36:18 completely incoherent but nevertheless 36:20 they just get them out there and there 36:22 it is you know you were you are you know 36:25 violating community standards by having 36:27 this discussion your YouTube is pulled I 36:29 wanted to make one comment on you know 36:32 the guy was saying that is it's as if 36:35 may and Trump don't know that you know 36:37 the the horrors you know that these 36:40 actions will cause I mean I really 36:42 disagree with that idea I think that 36:44 they know exactly in fact that is the 36:47 purpose to create horror they want to 36:51 horrify the Syrian people because the 36:54 whole idea behind this trap is to move 36:57 them out this is all part of Rothchilds 37:01 statement that these these regions are 37:04 part of israel well this is the attempt 37:07 and I understand his approach because I 37:08 was in this way of thinking feel longest 37:10 time is that if you point out the the 37:12 insanity and the the indecency of war 37:17 just the utter indecency the the 37:19 slaughter and the human consequence that 37:21 you can appeal to someone's decency you 37:23 know and righteousness or just appeal to 37:26 their better angels to do the right 37:28 thing 37:28 and it turns out you know even in the 37:31 days of yore when Franklin Delano 37:33 Roosevelt went before Congress and asked 37:34 for declaration of war yeah he followed 37:36 the legal niceties 37:37 but that though that that that that that 37:40 quote wrecked that there were 37:42 quote request to Congress was backed up 37:47 by ball buns of duplicity and conspiracy 37:49 yeah and they had though they'd have 37:51 they manipulated the jobs the Japanese 37:53 day job there you go so that this the 37:58 whole thing was bogus 37:59 yes that was how they had to manipulated 38:02 in that era now they have different more 38:04 sophisticated techniques yeah but you 38:06 know why aren't there protests why 38:09 aren't there Americans in the street 38:11 saying you know we we are fed up with 38:14 false flags we are fed up with just an 38:19 out of control Middle East warfare you 38:22 know policy we care about you know the 38:26 children and and people being 38:28 slaughtered by our weapons that are just 38:30 I mean we demand that there be some kind 38:34 of process that we can understand in 38:36 terms of vetting these these these 38:39 so-called chemical warfare things if you 38:40 look at the Russian response Lavrov I 38:45 think his name is I mean he was saying 38:47 look in it you know we've that we have 38:49 the real people not just unnamed white 38:52 helmets you know with with with 38:55 photographs that are being passed on 38:57 Facebook we have real people doctors who 39:00 will say there is no chemical attack 39:01 there there this is all completely well 39:03 they videotapes of people are wearing 39:05 flip-flops and t-shirts and they're 39:06 washing off of water that's not you so 39:10 where it why are the American people 39:13 demanding that a better process a more 39:17 you know a process that the citizen can 39:21 actually vet Ryan and get a sense of 39:23 what's real take place before all of 39:27 this slaughter and horror well because 39:29 this is you know this is where we're at 39:32 we they have they have worked the mind 39:35 of the public as effectively as they 39:38 have you know the arrests Israel project 39:41 in the Middle East you know they have 39:43 they have the public both distracted 39:46 stupid and unfortunately more and more 39:49 just neurologically weakened and damaged 39:54 the point they can't 39:55 they can't respond you know that so you 39:57 get more outrage over Colin Kapernick 39:59 not take ya taking a knee during the 40:03 national anthem something that if L 40:05 didn't do till 2009 or something then 40:07 you do over a an illegal 40:09 unconstitutional act of war against a 40:11 sovereign stake is strictly speaking in 40:13 a few Congress McCall I know it's late 40:15 in the game to call this out is that 40:17 Donald Trump has has no no legal 40:20 authority to order these attacks I'm not 40:23 talking with the morality of it 40:24 Constitution is very clear but you know 40:26 the thing says well okay he ordered him 40:30 well what about the idea that maybe the 40:33 Russians would have responded I know but 40:35 where is the public going hey Donald you 40:38 know we really are a little worried here 40:40 about all of these Russian boats with 40:43 these fancy missiles what about the idea 40:46 that they had simply done what they had 40:49 alluded to which is to basically fire 40:52 you know on to our our ships what would 40:57 have happened then the point is most 40:59 people couldn't even find Syria on a map 41:01 yes most people and most Americans 41:04 couldn't even give that you know one 41:08 hundredth of the you know the complexity 41:10 of what's going inside the country 41:11 they'd have no idea about this place 41:14 what is their vital interest that would 41:17 justify risking their family being 41:19 caught up in a nuclear war you see yeah 41:23 they these people should be in the 41:26 streets even if they don't have a 41:27 sophisticated understanding of what's 41:29 really going on they should just on the 41:32 surface level they should just say you 41:33 know the Russians are there they said 41:36 they would shoot back at us I don't like 41:38 a President of the United States being 41:40 so cavalier with these kinds of 41:42 situations he could get us into a 41:43 nuclear war I'm gonna protest this where 41:46 is that you know yeah about this the 41:49 cost of the missiles the government's 41:50 twenty one twenty dollars in debt and 41:52 it's how much these missiles cost ten 41:55 million each maybe 10 million least 41:57 that's just this love you know you get a 41:59 whole flotilla out there you're talking 42:01 hundreds of millions of dollars of cost 42:03 you know dudes but now you're getting 42:05 into maybe were the 42:06 yeah I'll rest of the motivations for 42:10 these war run up to dead yes can you 42:15 spend money feed the military-industrial 42:16 complex this is a crisis that the media 42:19 can then put on the news war you can 42:21 Brian wins can talk about our beautiful 42:23 weapons talk about how you know it's 42:27 like well we're following way behind I 42:29 mean the Russians have got much better 42:31 more beautiful missiles that are much 42:32 faster you know Obama guided the 42:36 military I mean we didn't spend enough 42:39 trillions on our on our weapons and and 42:44 that's because he's a a weakling who 42:47 wouldn't stand up to Isis right even 42:50 though he was in war you know killed 42:52 more Muslims than you know Charles 42:54 Martel you know no no problem but he's a 42:59 weakling Trump you know was acting 43:01 presidential he's strong and so these 43:04 are this these crude psychological 43:06 structures they are able to get away 43:07 with and the public just sits there and 43:10 takes it you know the real sad thing is 43:13 that they've been so successful at 43:16 disconnecting the American citizen from 43:19 his heart her heart you know we don't 43:22 have any emotions anymore we just there 43:26 is so much fatigue after 20 years of 43:29 this onslaught and the constant 43:31 bombardment in the media that you know 43:36 and notice that if you I don't have been 43:39 watching the news I don't usually do it 43:40 but today I was doing it because I was 43:43 thinking I might find some stuff I 43:44 wanted to talk you know about Syria 43:46 share with you but what they do is is 43:49 they intersperse all of the information 43:53 about the war with information updates 43:56 about stormy Daniels I mean it's just so 44:02 obvious that they are they are using 44:04 pornography as a way to keep moving the 44:09 mind away from you know so and there and 44:12 then what 44:12 and Lissa's literally you know wolf 44:14 blitzer was saying you know they're okay 44:17 we've learned that the Israelis Air 44:19 Force has just blown up a Iranian 44:24 military outfit in Syria and we will get 44:30 to that as soon as we get done with the 44:32 breaking news that stormy Daniels 44:35 attorney has learned you know that 44:38 Donald Trump and she had the sex tape or 44:40 something I mean it was they would layer 44:43 the pornography and he you know every 44:46 sandwich it between every single thing 44:49 with the war so you know it's pretty 44:51 straightforward to him where they're 44:52 taking us you can see it's gonna be a 25 44:55 hour a day pornography and an cartoon 45:00 reality you know the the you know bimbos 45:05 initiation is basically where we're all 45:09 gonna be we're bimbo I mean we're just 45:11 going to have cartoons everywhere the 45:13 Kardashians pornography and then the the 45:16 politics and then notice that that Trump 45:19 comes from the you know this this 45:21 blending of fiction and TV now he come 45:24 he was a you know he was in he was had 45:26 this TV this reality show so it's all 45:29 just this blur that the citizen has no 45:33 capacity to see any anything real I mean 45:36 the whole thing is just you know a 45:39 cartoon yeah and apparently Dwayne the 45:44 rock Johnson apparently his political 45:46 aspirations stormy Daniels and he could 45:52 run as a presidential ticket I mean that 45:54 so we get appointed president Camacho 45:56 and dumb and don't you know was that 45:57 movie a you know the Mike judge movie 46:02 yeah but I mean that's the thing is that 46:05 is idiocracy yeah idiocracy Camacho so 46:10 that's the thing is that there you're 46:12 gonna have a blurring of you know there 46:15 is a blurring of you know fiction 46:18 reality TV and political news coverage 46:21 they're all just kind of blending and 46:24 together you know 46:27 the citizen can't make any sense out of 46:29 it it's it's they're not doing and at 46:32 least as they experience through the 46:33 medium I mean on the other hand I think 46:35 and this is really an odd thing because 46:37 you're getting um more and more people 46:40 who have sort of an understanding of the 46:44 of the plot right I mean because the 46:48 internet because of the old media you 46:50 know there's just I don't know what 46:51 percentage but it's got to be hundreds 46:53 of times more than or aware of these 46:56 things and we're in like 1963 even then 47:00 even in September 11th you know I don't 47:03 think that like the how as many people 47:05 really understood well what the 47:07 government you know was made up of the 47:09 secret society but now everyone is 47:12 there's a lot of talk about it so in 47:15 which goes that this parent was a parent 47:17 sort of a crackdown or censorship 47:21 campaign being carried out by Facebook 47:24 by Google and YouTube which are all NSA 47:28 Israeli linked I mean the I think the 47:30 president the Google meet met with 47:32 Israeli officials to talk about you know 47:35 policing what YouTube carries and these 47:39 things and I heard a few act total cases 47:42 where some of the more effective 47:45 attorney sites were took serious hits 47:48 this week weren't able to talk about the 47:50 Syria thing sure it's just a coincidence 47:53 you know and and obviously these 47:56 platforms are totally controlled and so 48:00 and and they they intend to use them for 48:04 mind control but they have this problem 48:05 of you know if people interact with them 48:09 which is one of the ways that they get 48:11 people addicted to it then there is this 48:13 possibility that well they just might 48:15 exchange information yes well like yeah 48:18 YouTube which was I think acquired by 48:20 Google but that platform was created and 48:22 then it was bought up by Google which is 48:24 deep state funding so they can buy 48:26 everything up but it's only value it's 48:29 only value is that people can upload 48:32 material that they want and that's where 48:35 they get that's the value it's based on 48:37 so the moment they stir 48:38 you know restricting the the content for 48:42 some political reason the platform Italy 48:44 loses its value right you know and 48:48 there's competitors now I mean I don't 48:50 know to what degree they're going to be 48:52 successful but there is there are ways 48:54 now that information can get out but I 48:56 would hope that you know in order to 48:59 defeat this or to have a response to it 49:02 that citizens come up with ideas as to 49:07 how to keep our communities intact I 49:10 mean think about listeners of our show 49:13 as a little and a microcosm of this you 49:16 know there's probably a couple thousand 49:17 people that get what we're saying and 49:21 should be in communication with one 49:23 another you know so the question out how 49:26 to create that how do how to make it so 49:28 that even if even if you know I don't 49:31 know how to even think about a Tim but 49:32 if Tim and Joe go away yeah we we each 49:37 have a untimely events on the same week 49:40 that the community would stay in in you 49:43 know in communication one another and 49:45 just replace us which would be all too 49:49 easy and and then just go on I mean see 49:52 this and that should that kind of play 49:54 this is sitting this everywhere this 49:55 took this stuff and people like what are 49:57 you saying you know your big egos you 49:58 think you're they care about your wonder 50:00 this stuff is like it's automated 50:02 digital now they have some algorithm 50:04 which picks up snows if you feel Phil 50:06 asserting what they call threat 50:08 disposition or you know something 50:10 yesterday principally used to you know 50:11 the drone people in Yemen or something 50:13 yeah he's a big data I mean yeah 50:17 Zuckerberg was talking about yes he said 50:20 yeah we analyze everything we have 50:22 computers that scan for you know code 50:24 words and things I mean guess what they 50:26 are right so so you know they would I'm 50:29 sure we like little shows even like ours 50:31 would be on the radar and they're just 50:33 sitting there with their you know finger 50:35 on the button you know for one wrong 50:36 statement so they can you know punish us 50:40 and move us away from communication with 50:42 people but look we just have to 50:46 overwhelm that with numbers you know and 50:49 and a kind of connection we have to 50:52 you know one thing I really encourage 50:53 are the comments that people have about 50:56 the show please do that and you know if 50:59 you wanted you know if people want to 51:01 take another step try to use the comment 51:04 section as a way to communicate one 51:06 another as you know get get your email 51:09 addresses to one another get get forums 51:12 set up in exchange so that you know 51:15 there there is a growing citizen 51:19 communication that can't just be done 51:21 away with by YouTube you know by the 51:24 Oleg arcs of Google you know pushing a 51:27 button and censoring Kim and Jo yeah and 51:31 just make it so it's not not practical 51:34 there's so many people doing it yeah 51:37 but um I mean yet so that is the problem 51:39 because they build up this platform 51:40 which people utilize and now people lose 51:44 the platform and then they get gotta 51:45 find some other way to communicate but I 51:47 think I've made this point before the 51:49 outfits like Google and Facebook these 51:52 are arguably these are arguably a 51:55 publicly owned because they've been 51:58 heavily funded by you know Inc Inc you 52:01 tell and the NSA and these things yeah 52:04 you know they're not you know they 52:06 arguably that you could say they're like 52:08 public utilities like they're all fake 52:11 companies like Tesla and you know I mean 52:13 I mean basically they they fund 52:15 companies that are going to end up being 52:19 something that's useful for their you 52:21 know control systems I mean Amazon loses 52:24 money every year and always has and it's 52:26 the most you know valuable entity in the 52:28 world supposedly because the yeah it 52:30 just is you know yeah I was yeah I was 52:32 listening to it David Stockman talk 52:33 about Amazon stock and he was just 52:35 flabbergasted that stuff the stock is 52:37 high value because the profits are never 52:40 there never because he was famously he 52:47 was suggesting it was sort of bubble 52:49 meanie you know it's an asset bubble and 52:51 also know this is a function of the deep 52:53 state this is how their Cardinal izing 52:55 and collectivizing the US economy it's 52:58 not the reason that it's you know they 53:02 they talk about well it's getting rid of 53:03 all these small businesses right 53:05 well purpose that's why it's being you 53:08 know promoted by deep state mm-hmm as 53:10 Amazon is part of you know the whole 53:11 social control your if you're funded by 53:15 black budget money which is you know 53:17 from the heroin trade cocaine trade 53:19 whatever my or money just that this 53:21 create electronically by the central 53:24 bank right the Pete the private people 53:25 at on the central bank all the people 53:27 are simple it ultimately own Amazon so I 53:31 mean who's to say what the Fed New York 53:33 Fed is doing giving companies credit man 53:36 I don't know your point is so good and 53:38 no one has ever made it but I don't know 53:40 just a great point look we funded these 53:42 companies these are these are the the 53:45 the capital to create you know a lot of 53:48 Amazon Facebook there's government 53:51 investment everywhere the idea that the 53:54 First Amendment is somehow prohibited 53:58 from existing inside these public 54:00 platforms created with public money this 54:03 is so crazy it just oh man it's just you 54:08 know the public needs to be aware that 54:10 that this is the end of the First 54:12 Amendment you know we've got to fight 54:13 for this we can't let you know both 54:16 government fund and then government 54:18 prohibit public use of something yeah 54:20 well it basically gets privatized 54:23 profits and socialized losses you know 54:26 and then the moment you go against the 54:27 corporation that you know you try to 54:29 break out they break out of the company 54:31 store they shut you down 54:33 awesome no yeah this is our platform we 54:36 can't abide by this we have a standards 54:38 we have community standards you know by 54:41 going out and stimulating critical 54:44 thought you're violating community 54:46 standards it just I mean there's there 54:50 any pornography that's ever not so 54:52 careful yeah that's okay 54:54 well and how about like you know hatred 54:59 against Muslims and these baths passed 55:02 along I mean you know so gee it's pretty 55:06 selective isn't it you know and it's the 55:08 you know the policy and so yeah Israel 55:12 has like a they have like a higher 55:14 Department dedicated to creating false 55:16 internet personas to go out and you 55:18 post comments and of course not to 55:21 mention what the Southern Poverty Law 55:22 Center do they were in league with the 55:24 FBI for years reporting on hate cops of 55:28 course there's the anti-defamation 55:29 league of B'nai breath you know grew out 55:32 of Jewish Freemasonry and what were they 55:35 and they're involved they're involved in 55:37 daxing people ruining people threatening 55:39 people and these things all good ol Abe 55:41 Foxman you know over there and they they 55:46 go out there they're there to shut down 55:47 debate they're not that our interest in 55:50 having any any rational or quiet 55:52 discussion about these policies because 55:54 they can't win on those terms they got 55:56 to shut you down they got to put you in 55:57 jail they got to ostracize you that it 56:01 they have to disintegrate you that's 56:03 what these Stasi did is that a policy 56:05 where when they had someone who would 56:06 they thought might be trouble they 56:08 didn't necessarily go to rest when you 56:10 put him in a camp or shoot him in front 56:11 of people you know knock on the door 56:13 three in the morning drag about they 56:15 slowly just disintegrated his life 56:17 didn't I am a job then they go after his 56:20 friends and family all us and he's 56:22 isolated and yeah and you didn't have to 56:24 kill him cuz he here committing suicide 56:26 and that's what you know and that's what 56:28 they can do here and they do that to 56:29 people I mean look at what they did the 56:30 Gary Webb whether or not he took his own 56:32 life or not two bullets and head I'm 56:34 suspicious but nevertheless I can happen 56:36 I think that it's obvious at the deep 56:38 state ruined his career for being what 56:40 he what he was paid to be an 56:41 investigative reporter the same with who 56:45 was the octopus guy the guy in West 56:47 Virginia Danny casolaro you know these 56:51 things who you know committed suicide 56:54 then you have the guy who was the guy 56:56 whose Mercedes blew all that incredible 57:00 video like the thing the card is blowing 57:04 up yeah yeah these car he's speeding as 57:06 engine car apparently explodes and then 57:08 people say oh I hate a drinking problem 57:10 he's a substance abuse Carter split he 57:14 just so happened is causing trouble then 57:15 and that was weird was that michael 57:17 hastings was his name yeah you know and 57:19 then it was wait do you ever see like 57:21 interview with his wife 57:22 no after that his widow and i thought it 57:26 was strange because one thing is she was 57:27 well let's say she's very easy on the 57:29 eyes yeah little you know but 57:32 she was again one of these weird almost 57:34 like sandy hook like post-mortem oh I'm 57:38 just so glad that I was married with him 57:39 for the time I was I was happy I had the 57:42 time I had with him on the Larry King 57:44 show and you look at her resume she came 57:46 from the national security council she's 57:48 all government so you know was this uh 57:50 you know was this was she a swallow or 57:52 some sort of agent I don't know but she 57:54 seemed perfectly fine after he died yeah 57:57 I always assumed that if they're on the 58:00 media that you know they're dirty well 58:03 the fact that he was an investigative 58:04 reporter going after like Stanley 58:07 McChrystal who by the way knows people 58:10 who can do that exactly what happened to 58:12 him by okj sake knows that outfit it's 58:14 an assassination squad that she was 58:19 working for the very his wife was 58:21 working for the very institutions that 58:23 he was supposedly reporting on people 58:25 like the military and the National 58:27 Security Council things like that yeah 58:30 and so that's how they do it you know 58:32 they they can bring about suicides and 58:35 and you know shattered lives that aren't 58:38 able to do any resistance and in this 58:41 and then on a larger scale they can do 58:42 the same thing to countries yeah they've 58:45 done it to Palestine basically you know 58:48 they're they're still doing it you know 58:49 you look at the conditions of people 58:51 living but it's going on you know in 58:53 Lebanon you you talk 58:55 there's just explosions day-to-day you 58:58 know on in all of us Israel that is not 59:03 part of the current State of Israel 59:05 they're just blowing it all up and this 59:07 will over a long period of time just 59:11 create them you know this is the 59:14 microstates which is the Odin Iran plan 59:16 of 1982 and if you just read that play 59:19 no how do you create micro Straits not 59:21 like you just go in and mechanically do 59:23 this without any bloodshed 59:24 it requires bloodshed requires suffering 59:27 on a mass scale it requires a forced 59:31 migration and population upheavals and 59:34 demographic warfare and collapsing of 59:36 economies in these things so I mean 59:39 there's a lot of blood on people's hands 59:40 and it's not just it's not it's not 59:44 clean work I mean it's dirty business 59:46 well yeah and that gets back to my point 59:49 that I hope that people you know read 59:53 the book exposing the Palestinians 59:56 because you get to actually see the 59:59 moral perspective and it's just so 60:02 critical because Zionism has so many you 60:05 know they talk about well you know come 60:08 to Israel and you can be on a kibbutz 60:09 and it's going to be like a 60:11 multicultural you know oh man read the 60:14 actual letters between these guys and 60:17 you can see which what exactly you know 60:20 intended for for the state it's going to 60:23 be a you know a racial and religious 60:29 xenophobic zone you know there isn't 60:31 gonna be anything permitted there that's 60:33 you know multicultural it's just 60:35 ridiculous yeah and when the inevitable 60:37 reaction happens they'll cry 60:38 anti-semitism of course know which is 60:41 the only binnacle trick right very very 60:44 clever and and the feels brain-dead fall 60:48 for yep so it's just Syria is just part 61:00 of the process yeah no one should see it 61:04 as anything different than that yeah so 61:08 I don't know brother I I think you know 61:13 it's interesting you know big one of the 61:17 things that I was and I kind of want to 61:20 save for next week are we gonna talk 61:22 about Martin Luther King next week yes 61:24 I'd be good before the month of April 61:26 ends I'd love to talk about him I mean 61:28 I've been I've been looking you know 61:30 before the Syrian thing blow up we were 61:31 talking about maybe having a show of em 61:32 and I really think he's an interesting 61:34 and completely fake person and a fake 61:37 project and and actually some of the 61:39 stuff that I've been looking at kind of 61:41 is part of you know how they how they 61:44 you know you're talking about how these 61:46 long-standing structures you know well 61:49 Martin Luther King is another example 61:50 the whole whole idea of integration as a 61:54 weapon is really well as illustrated by 61:58 going into Martin Luther King's wife and 62:01 how he was created and and you know who 62:04 was supporting him and you know just 62:07 basically how fake he was as an 62:09 individual and how guilt then was you 62:12 know created again here and that this 62:16 then became you know like a platform 62:19 from which evil could could get in and 62:22 and do damage and it's you know so poor 62:25 Syria you know my heart goes out to the 62:28 human beings that are in horror I I just 62:33 don't know 62:34 absent some kind of political revolution 62:37 in the West well you need what you need 62:40 is is this a consciousness of the 62:42 American people just how criminal and 62:45 their government is right wait and is 62:48 this legitimate I mean they're all the 62:50 congressmen with us McCain Lindsey 62:52 Graham jumbo and all these war mongers 62:54 these people should be yo should be 62:57 tarred and feathered you know well 62:59 they're evil and they're they you know 63:02 want to genocide they are obviously 63:06 agents one way or another of you know 63:10 the project that we have been describing 63:12 that starts with Palmerston you know 63:15 that the world war two is part of you 63:18 know we marked a possibility of Hitler 63:20 being a fake individual the whole the 63:22 whole Nazi Party being created by the 63:26 same group that's in motion is 63:29 fascinating actually it's interesting 63:30 you know to to look at the stuff we've 63:32 been looking at with the proto Zionists 63:36 you know the British Masons the British 63:39 royal family Palmerston and then Herzl 63:42 because marsala picks up Zionism with 63:46 Herzl he barely goes back into you know 63:49 chasteberry and Palmerston and the 63:51 original scientists but you know so so 63:57 but he does pick up with Herzl and and 63:59 you can if you if you know the material 64:02 we've been we've been discussing you get 64:04 I think a better understanding of well 64:08 naturally Zionism was going to be what 64:11 it 64:11 it is described in these letters because 64:13 it comes right from this you know this 64:16 other force it just is very 64:17 straightforward schematic now that's 64:20 what I'm trying to search for it here is 64:21 that we've building out we're building 64:23 out the schematic and and as you do that 64:25 you're able to make more sense out of 64:27 more things you see one thing leads from 64:29 now there makes it clearer to understand 64:31 and so when you see Herzl animating you 64:34 know these people then it isn't so hard 64:37 to understand you know why you know 64:39 Menachem Bagan and and you know the 64:42 stern gang and these guys are so 64:44 bloodthirsty is because you know they're 64:46 coming from the same group that you know 64:49 is conducting the slave trip opium sales 64:52 and the Irish genocide right you mean 64:57 you just have a pattern of genocide I 64:59 mean these people murder as just a 65:02 matter of course so the idea that you 65:05 know arrghh oom and the stern gang would 65:08 would not be murderous it's a little 65:10 preposterous given the provenance right 65:12 I mean when you can take these guys 65:14 right into Herzl and I mean there's a 65:16 very direct absolutely one-to-one kind 65:19 of shoot from from the stern bank back 65:21 to Herzl and then take him directly into 65:24 you know the Irish Genocide we discussed 65:26 - you know the whole Masonic murderous 65:30 approach to foreign policy 65:32 well the BES kind of falls away you know 65:36 what I mean it's just like well there's 65:38 no they don't have any rationale other 65:41 than of you know the ones that the 65:43 east-west trading company has I mean 65:46 that which is to say zero 65:47 there's no humanity here there's just 65:49 power and violence to get it yeah it's 65:51 this I guess you could say it's the 65:54 British East India Company cosmology 65:58 Newton knew Tony because it's not 66:00 morality it's physics you know they'll 66:05 order every single one of us and that's 66:07 why Tim when you read you know 66:09 rebuilding American defensive page 60 66:11 and you see R this like dr. Strangelove 66:14 Ian a lunacy right about you know outer 66:19 space must be weaponized and we've got 66:21 to have 66:22 you know the ethnic bio-weapon gap has 66:26 to be closed because we know we can't we 66:29 just can't carry on without it you know 66:32 you're not dealing with we've just it 66:35 may look like a cartoon it's not man I 66:37 mean this is real these guys are 66:39 absolutely serious you know yeah this is 66:43 this is the minute I mean you obviously 66:45 you alluded to dr. Johnson from dr. 66:48 Strangelove right you know I'm not 66:50 saying we won't get our hair mussed I'm 66:52 talking 2030 Maine dead tops yeah you 66:54 know that whole movie is Masonic I mean 66:59 it's an obvious you know I can't I kind 67:02 of get that movie I spend some time 67:03 studying so it's a completely Masonic 67:04 thing and they're just obviously making 67:06 fun but they make fun for one another 67:10 not for us for us we get the advanced 67:15 form of biological warfare that can 67:17 target specific genotypes because we 67:20 have to transform biological warfare 67:22 from the realm of terror to a political 67:24 useful tool well that's a ton of 67:26 crankiness you get like the RAND 67:27 Corporation who was yeah that guy talked 67:30 about you know this whole day a flexible 67:32 response and survivable nuclear war 67:34 Herman Kahn Herman Kahn yeah these guys 67:37 added RAND Corporation these guys and 67:39 you know I think they're they have a out 67:42 in front they have a structure made of 67:45 chain that looks like a mushroom cloud 67:46 yeah it's made of chain and they that 67:49 they worship the mushroom oh yeah yeah 67:51 and I'm like nice simple for the putt 67:55 people too you know so it's uh you know 67:58 the the we couldn't be facing a more 68:02 urgent crisis Syria just shows us that 68:07 you know that that there there 68:10 bloodthirstiness and their technology 68:12 are both increasing we have to you know 68:17 exercise the principle self-defense we 68:19 have to have urgency to communicate one 68:24 another we have to have urgency to 68:27 create strategies to expose this you 68:30 think figures like Trump who might have 68:34 some idea you 68:36 pretence of Independence he gets an 68:40 office and all sudden he gets surrounded 68:42 by the Praetorians okay this is the 68:45 agenda you know this is what you gonna 68:47 do and you know he tries to break out a 68:50 person here we gonna pull out all the 68:52 sudden he gets a phone call from Bibi 68:53 Netanyahu and you better point John 68:56 Bolton it sure that's the Security 68:57 Council yes sir 68:59 and by the way we're not pulling yeah 69:01 you're gonna use a sense of missiles and 69:02 yes sir and he realizes I have no power 69:05 at all I'm just a puppet here well you 69:07 know I think that they wouldn't let 69:09 anyone in the White House who wasn't 69:11 completely part of the deal in some way 69:13 and I you know talked about Trump's 69:15 uncle yeah I'll be being the guy that 69:18 they gave test the the real Tesla is you 69:22 know his the intellectual estate too and 69:24 then he decided to make it secret no one 69:26 can see it but he did you know so they 69:28 though obviously the family has some 69:30 deep state connections but I read an 69:35 article by Myles Mathis who speaks ill 69:40 of me for some reason but I like very 69:43 much and I like his research a lot of 69:47 very fisting research and and he had a 69:52 thing about Trump and he he where and he 69:59 was insinuating Trump was Jewish or had 70:01 some Jewish background and he had a 70:03 photograph in the article that was 70:05 absolutely amazing and it would the 70:07 photograph was of Trump's father at a 70:11 dedication of a told mudak Center Talmud 70:17 not whole mudak center that was land 70:21 that the senior Trump was giving to this 70:24 Talmudic organization and it had a it 70:27 showed the trumps father you know he 70:31 arm-in-arm with the group and I would 70:34 say the body language and facial 70:36 expressions are one of very intense 70:39 Brotherhood and so all I can say is to 70:45 me Trump's background is a question mark 70:48 the the idea that they would put someone 70:50 in office you know that was even needed 70:54 to be controlled I mean I mean someone 70:56 like Trump is in my mind is a you know 70:59 long-standing kind of deeply hidden 71:02 family structure right they they they 71:04 somehow create these these these 71:08 families that they can use to you know 71:11 dye their hair blonde and run as you 71:14 know Gentiles yeah yet I mean you've 71:16 always had the issue of this sort of 71:17 descriptor in the British - because 71:19 intermarriage in the 19th century which 71:22 I think explains much the 20th century 71:25 but um yeah I mean of course then of 71:29 course the fact that his daughter 71:30 marries that this criminal into this 71:32 criminal designs for me the Kushner's 71:34 who have been running the New York and 71:36 the New Jersey Port Authority like a 71:38 criminal operation just like Clinton's 71:40 daughter did yeah exactly so this just 71:43 these are little clues you know to show 71:45 you what's going on but you know the 71:47 fact is I I just think that Trump is 71:49 yeah I think he's a crypto to some in 71:52 some way and I want to see a DNA 71:55 analysis of the guy analysis of Hillary 71:59 Clinton and and in Donald Trump and I 72:02 think it as citizens we should demand it 72:04 no one should be running for any kind of 72:07 high office that isn't willing to let 72:10 people look at you know their ethnicity 72:12 and their family connections because 72:15 these things are extremely critical in 72:18 terms of the bias that people have which 72:22 impacts their political decisions and so 72:25 we cannot really have much of a 72:27 democracy if you can't really know what 72:29 their backgrounds are and so you know 72:32 this will be something they'll they will 72:34 fight to the death to prevent but it's 72:36 something that should be a rallying cry 72:37 for the citizens yep we should do her 72:42 who are up should know who they are bro 72:45 suppose the leaders are Lisa we should 72:49 know who the puppets are either related 72:50 yeah well you know I'm willing to have a 72:52 test done as long as someone's willing 72:54 to pay for it I you know people of for 72:57 years of accuse me of like you know 72:59 differ 73:00 things and I've always said okay well 73:03 you want to put some money on the table 73:05 and we can do a DNA test and see what I 73:06 made background is I already know the 73:09 results because my mom already did when 73:11 she was curious and so I got the results 73:13 so I I know my background is you know an 73:18 American mongrel 73:20 [Laughter] 73:23 so this is me we're all products of 73:26 social engineering I'm a product of 73:28 slime okay Joe 73:30 great oh yeah we'll talk we'll talk next 73:33 week take care bye bye 73:40 [Music] 74:14 the 74:17 [Music] 74:25 [Music] 74:36 [Music] 74:56 [Music] 75:19 [Music] 75:25 [Music]

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