Urbano Zilles

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Urbano Zilles (born June 1, 1937) is a Brazilian Roman Catholic priest, theologian and philosopher.


Urbano Zilles was born in Nova Petrópolis. He graduated in Bachelor's Philosophy from the Faculty of Philosophy Nossa Senhora Imaculada Conceição in 1962, at the Major Seminary of Viamão; he graduated in Licentiate Philosophy from the Regional University of the Northwest of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, in 1971. He was ordained a priest on April 30, 1966.

He received a B.A. in Theology from the Theologische Hochschule Beuron in 1966. He received his doctorate in theology from the University of Münster (Westfalische-Wilhelms) in 1969.

He is currently a full professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), a member of the editorial board of Veritas, in Porto Alegre; a member of the editorial board of Teocomunicação; a member of the editorial board of Análise & Síntese; a member of the editorial board of the journal REALISMO - Revista Ibero-Americana de Filosofia Política e Filosofia do Direito; a member of the editorial board of Communio, in Rio de Janeiro, member of the Brazilian Academy of Philosophy, the Brazilian Academy of Catholic Philosophers and a member of the editorial board of Estudos Filosóficos.

In 1981 he received the title of monsignor from Pope John Paul II. He was director of the Faculty of Philosophy and Human Sciences at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, and was also coordinator of the Postgraduate Department of the Faculty of Philosophy and Human Sciences at PUCRS, and pro-rector of Research and Postgraduate Studies at PUCRS.

At the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, he advised over forty master's theses and seven doctoral dissertations, and participated in over one hundred examining panels for master's and doctoral theses throughout Brazil.

Since June 5, 1982 he has been the pastor of the Nossa Senhora do Líbano Maronite Parish in Porto Alegre, having been sworn in by Bishop Dom Antônio do Carmo Cheuiche.

Since 1985 he has been Ecclesiastical Assistant of the Emmaus Movement, in which the Maronite Parish is its headquarters.

In 2007 Archbishop Dadeus Grings appointed him as Episcopal Vicar of the Vicariate of Culture; he was replaced in 2014.


  • Testemunho Cristão Hoje (1968)
  • Uma Igreja em Discussão (1969)
  • Uma Igreja em realização (1972)
  • Função humanizadora da universidade (1978)
  • Esperança para além da morte (1980)
  • Pode um cristão ser marxista? (1984)
  • Possibilidades e limites da libertação (1985)
  • Grandes tendências da filosofia no século XX e sua influência no Brasil (1987)
  • Gabriel Marcel e o existencialismo (1988)
  • O problema do conhecimento de Deus (1989)
  • O racional e o místico em Wittgenstein (1991)
  • A significação dos símbolos cristãos (1991)
  • Identidade, desafios e futuro das Universidades Católicas (1993; with Odone Quadros)
  • Fé e razão no pensamento medieval (1993)
  • Homem e mulher no caminho da vida (1993)
  • A modernidade e a Igreja (1993)
  • Teoria do Conhecimento (1995)
  • Reencarnação ou ressurreição? (1995)
  • Anjos e demônios? (1995)
  • Criação ou evolução? (1995)
  • Os sacramentos da Igreja Católica (1995)
  • Profetas, apóstolos e evangelistas (1996)
  • Adorar ou venerar imagens? (1997)
  • Religiões: crenças e crendices (1997)
  • Meditações no Sumaré (1998)
  • Jesus Cristo: Quem é este? (1999)
  • Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: ciência e fé (2003)
  • Caráter ético do conhecimento científico (2004)
  • Crer e Compreender (2004)
  • Fé e razão na Doutrina Social Católica (2005)
  • A Crítica da Religião (2009)
  • Desafios atuais para a teologia (2011)
  • Antropologia Teológica (2011)
  • Pessoa e dignidade humana (2012)
  • Teologia da Pregação (2013)
  • Reflexões de Ocasião (2014)
  • História da Teologia Cristã (2014)
  • A experiência religiosa e mística (2015)



