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Homosexuality is the condition of "sexual desire or behavior directed toward a person or persons of one's own sex."[1]

Homosexuality has a number of causal factors that influence its ultimate origination in individuals; these factors will be addressed shortly. In addition, homosexuality has a variety of effects on individuals and society. Next, some of the historical events, religious matters, and legal matters relating to homosexuality will be covered. Finally, the latter part of the 20th century has seen a large body of research on the causes and effects of homosexuality.

Biblical statements concerning homosexuality

The prophet Moses authored the book of Leviticus.

Below are several Bible verses that condemn homosexuality:

  • Leviticus 18:22 - You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.
  • Leviticus 20:13 - If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their blood guiltiness is upon them.
  • Romans 1:26-27 - For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.
  • I Corinthians 6:9 (NIV) - Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
  • I Timothy 1:8-11 (NASB) - "But we know that the Law is good, if one uses it lawfully, realizing the fact that law is not made for a righteous person, but for those who are lawless and rebellious, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers and immoral men and homosexuals and kidnappers and liars and perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound teaching, according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, with which I have been entrusted."

In addition, there are numerous other references that also condemn the lifestyle, such as 1 Kings 22:46 (NASB): "The remnant of the sodomites who remained in the days of his father Asa, he expelled from the land."

Causes of homosexuality

For more information please see: Causes of Homosexuality


Homosexuality is sometimes also defined in terms of an attraction, preference, orientation, or identity. The term "orientation" is particularly favored by those who are promoting public acceptance of homosexuality.[2]

Genetics and Claims of the immutability of homosexuality

A common argument is that an inclination to homosexuality is inborn and immutable. It is widely believed that the public will become more accepting of homosexuality if they are convinced that it is inborn and immutable. For example, neuroscientist and homosexual Simon Levay stated: "...people who think that gays and lesbians are born that way are also more likely to support gay rights."[3]

Eight major studies of identical twins in the United States, Australia and Scandinavia during the last two decades indicate that homosexuals were not born that way.[4] Research into the issue of the origins of homosexuality suggests that adoptive brothers are more likely to both be homosexuals than the biological brothers, who share half their genes which suggests that homosexuality is not genetically caused. [5][6] This data prompted the journal Science to report "this . . . suggests that there is no genetic component, but rather an environmental component shared in families".[7][8] However, in regards to psychosocial and biological theories in regards to the origin of homosexuality, Columbia University psychiatry professors Drs. William Byrne and Bruce Parsons stated in 1994: "There is no evidence that at present to substantiate a biological theory. [T]he appeal of current biological explanations for sexual orientation may derive more from dissatisfaction with the present status of psychosocial explanations than from a substantiating body of experimental data".[9]

Dr. Tahir I. Jaz, M.D., Winnipeg, Canada states: "The increasing claims of being "born that way" parallels the rising political activism of homosexual organizations, who politicize the issue of homosexual origins. In the 1970s, approximately ten percent of homosexuals claimed to be "born homosexual" according to a large scale survey....However, in a survey in the 1980s, with the homosexual rights movement increasingly becoming active, thirty-five percent claimed to be born that way.[10]

Religious upbringing and culture affecting rates of homosexuality

For more information please see: Religious upbringing and culture affects rates of homosexuality

Dr. Neil Whitehead is a research scientist and biochemist from New Zealand and his wife Briar Whitehead is a writer.[11] Dr. Whitehead coauthored a book with with his wife entitled My Genes Made Me Do it - a scientific look at sexual orientation which argues that there is no genetic determinism in regards to homosexuality (homosexuals are "not born that way") and that there is abundant documentation that individuals are able to leave homosexuality and become heterosexuals.[12]

Dr. Whitehead and Briar Whitehead declared:

Health effects of homosexual lifestyle

For more information please see: Homosexuality and health and Gay bathhouses


A review of the history of homosexuality and AIDS, indicates the original spread of AIDS is generally attributed to the aforementioned promiscuity of homosexual men. Originally the syndrome was called the "gay disease" because the overwhelming majority of patients were homosexual men.

In September of 2010, Reuters reported: "Nearly one in five gay and bisexual men in 21 major U.S. cities are infected with HIV, and nearly half of them do not know it".[14] A September 2010 report of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported : "Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) represent approximately 2% of the US population, yet are the population most severely affected by HIV and are the only risk group in which new HIV infections have been increasing steadily since the early 1990s. In 2006, MSM accounted for more than half (53%) of all new HIV infections in the United States..."[15]

In August of 2009, LifeSiteNews reported: "An official with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced the CDC's estimate Monday that in the United States AIDS is fifty times more prevalent among men who have sex with men ('MSM') than the rest of the population."[16] This is a dramatic recent increase. In June of 2004, the journal Nursing Clinics of North America reported that homosexual men and men who have sex with men "are nine times more likely to become infected with HIV than their heterosexual counterparts".[17] Of newly diagnosed HIV infections in the United States during the year 2003, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that about 63% were among men who were infected through sexual contact with other men.[18] As of 1998, fifty-four percent of all AIDS cases in the United States were homosexual men, and the CDC stated that nearly ninety percent of these men acquired HIV through sexual activity with other men.[19]

In 2004, Jeffrey D. Klausner, Robert Kohn, and Charlotte Kent reported in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases the following: "Proctitis, or inflammation of the rectum, is a condition that is not uncommon among men who have sex with men (MSM), and, in HIV-negative men, greatly increases the risk of acquiring HIV infection. With the recent increases in bacterial sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among MSM in the United States and Europe, there has been a concomitant increase in the number of cases of clinical proctitis."[20] On March 15, 2004 Medscape published an article by John G. Bartlett, M.D. entitled New Look at "Gay Bowel Syndrome" in which they commented on the aforementioned 2004 journal article Etiology of clinical proctitis among men who have sex with men published by JD Klausner and C. Kent in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases. The article in Medscape stated the following:

Johns Hopkins HIV Guide website has a duplicate of the aforementioned article by John G. Bartlett, M.D. at Medscape which was entitled New Look at "Gay Bowel Syndrome".[22][23]

In 2004, the prominent medical website, WebMD, stated the following: "Men who have sex with men and women are a "significant bridge for HIV to women," the CDC's new data suggest."[24]

Teenage AIDS and Teenage homosexuality

See: Teenage homosexuality and Teenage AIDS

Homosexuality and MRSA

In relation to homosexuality and MRSA, on January 15, 2008 the newspaper San Francisco Chronicle had a news article entitled San Francisco gay community an epicenter for new strain of virulent staph.[25] The San Francisco Chronicle news article stated the following in regards to homosexuality and MRSA:

On February 19, 2008 the Annals of Internal Medicine published a study regarding antiobiotic resistant staph infection in relation to men who have sex with men and the abstract for the article states the following in relation to homosexuality and MRSA:

Homosexuality and Syphilis

Syphilis is an infection caused by the bacteria Treponema pallidum. An early publication to propose the link between homosexuality contributing to the spread of sexually transmitted disease was the English publication Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine in 1962.[28] The Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine made the following statement: "The importance of homosexual practices in the spread of venereal diseases has attracted particular attention recently. It almost seems that these practices are keeping syphilis alive in this country." [29]

The news organization Cybercast News Service reported the following about homosexuality and syphilis:

Homosexuality and Gonorrhea

In relation to homosexuality and gonorrhea, in 2006, the American Association of Family Physicians reported: "Men who have sex with men (MSM) have high rates of gonococcal infection. In San Francisco, more than one half of these infections occur in MSM, and previous cross-sectional studies have reported a prevalence of up to 15.3 percent in this group."[31]

In 2007, the medical journal Sexually Transmitted Diseases published an article entitled Sexually Transmitted Infections in Western Europe Among HIV-Positive Men Who Have Sex With Men which stated the following regarding homosexuality and gonorrhea:

Homosexuality and Lymphogranuloma Venereum Outbreaks

Lymphogranuloma venereum is a sexually transmitted disease that mainly infects the lymphatics.[33] According to the recent medical literature, there have been recent outbreaks of lymphogranuloma venereum in Europe and North America and the outbreaks have been limited to the homosexual community.

Homosexuality and Parasites

Concerning the issue of homosexuality and parasites, anal sex can be an important risk factor for intestinal parasitism.[34]

In 2006, the The Medical Journal of Australia reported the following:

In 2001, The journal Internal Medicine (Tokyo, Japan) published an article entitled Amebiasis in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in which they stated the following the following:

Higher Rates of Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Lymphogranuloma Venereum, and Amebiases Elaborated

Sexually transmitted diseases that cause proctitis include syphilis, gonorrhea, lymphogranuloma venereum, and amebiasis and as noted earlier the homosexual community has significant problems in regards to these illnesses.[38] In addition, as mentioned earlier proctitis significant risk factor in respect to HIV infection.[39][40] According to the Mayo Clinic, "proctitis in general mainly affects adult males".[41] Proctitis, syphilis, gonorrhea, lymphogranuloma venereum, and amebiasis are all maladies that are associated with gay bowel syndrome which why John G. Bartlett, M.D. stated at the Johns Hopkins HIV Guide website and at Medscape that gay bowel syndrome is still currently an issue.[42][43]

Homosexuality and Hepatitis

For more information please see: Homosexuality and hepatitis

In relation to homosexuality and hepatitis, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) both Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B disproportionately affects men who have sex with men (MSM).[44][45]

In a 2007 article entitled Advances in the Management of Viral Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C Infection in HIV-Coinfected Patients Vincent V. Soriano, MD, PhD reported in Medscape the following regarding homosexuality and Hepatitis C viral infections:

Viral hepatitis is one of the illnesses of gay bowel syndrome.

Homosexuality and Shigellosis

Men who have sex with men (MSM) appear to have a greater incidences of the malady shigellosis. Shigellosis is a condition associated with gay bowel syndrome.

Peter LaBarbera and His Calls to Shut Down Homosexual Bathhouses

For more information please see: Gay bathhouses

Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth, stated the following about gay bathhouses:

Homosexuality and Mental Health

In respect to homosexuality and mental health, studies have long indicated that homosexuals have a substantially greater risk of suffering from psychiatric problems (suicide, depression, bulimia, antisocial personality disorder, and substance abuse).[48]

For example, a national survey of female homosexuals was published in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology which found that 75 percent of the approximate 2,000 respondents had pursued psychological counseling of some type, many for treatment of long-term depression or sadness.[49]

In contrast to claims by gay rights activists blaming this heightened incidence of mental issues on discrimination, John R. Diggs, M.D. states the following regarding homosexuality and mental health:

It Gets Better Project

The It Gets Better project is a misguided liberal project to prevent young homosexuals from committing suicide and it does not encourage young people to become ex-homosexuals. In January of 2012, Vox Day reported that two homosexual males who promoted the It Gets Better project committed suicide. (see also: Mental Health and Homosexuality).[51]

Homosexuality and Cigarette Smoking

In relation to homosexuality and smoking, the recent medical literature states the homosexual men and lesbians in the United States have significantly higher rates of cigarette smoking than heterosexuals.[52][53]

Homosexuality and Anal Cancer

In June of 2004, the journal Nursing Clinics of North America reported the following regarding homosexuality and anal cancer:

In 1997, Concerned Women of America reported the following regarding homosexuality and anal cancer:

Homosexuality and obesity

See also: Homosexuality and obesity

Peter LaBarbera wrote:

Lesbianism and its correlation to higher obesity

For more information please see: Lesbianism and obesity

In 2013, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) reported that 75% of American lesbians are obese.[57] In addition, in April of 2007 the American Journal of Public Health analyzed data from 2002 National Survey of Family Growth and the data suggested that American lesbian women were 2.69 times more likely to be overweight and 2.47 times more likely to be obese than all other female sexual orientation groups. [58] The abstract for this study indicated that "lesbians are at greater risk for morbidity and mortality linked to overweight and obesity." [59]

In 2009, the PubMed article abstract for the Polish psychiatry journal Psychiatria Polska article Body Image in Homosexual Persons declared:

In 2007, a purported lesbian wrote to Andrew Sullivan, the political commentator and administrator of The Daily Dish blog:

External links


  2. "Today a person is often said to have a homosexual or a heterosexual orientation, a description intended to defuse some of the long-standing sentiment among many Westerners that homosexuality is immoral or pathological." Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed., 2001-2005 [1]
  3. Myths and facts about homosexuality
  4. Identical Twin Studies Prove Homosexuality is Not Genetic
  5. (Science, Vol. 262, page 2063, December 24, 1993)
  7. (Science, Vol. 262, page 2063, December 24, 1993)
  11. [ Book Review: My Genes Made Me Do It: A Scientific Look at Sexual Orientation by Neil and Briar Whitehead]
  13. My Genes Made Me Do it - a scientific look at sexual orientation by Dr Neil Whitehead and Briar Whitehead - Chapter 6
  15. A September 2010 report of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  17. Nursing Clinics of North America North Am. 2004 Jun;39(2):403
  20. Jeffrey D. Klausner, Robert Kohn, and Charlotte Kent, Etiology of Clinical Proctitis among Men Who Have Sex with Men, Clinical Infectious Diseases 2004;38:300-302
  22. Johns Hopkins HIV Guide which was a duplicate of Medscape's New Look at Gay Bowel Syndrome cited by journalist Peter LaBarbera at Americans for Truth
  28. A.J. King, The Complications of Homosexuality, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, Volume 55 October 1962
  29. A.J. King, The Complications of Homosexuality, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, Volume 55 October 1962
  30. Homosexual Men Account for 65 Percent of Syphilis Cases, CDC Study Finds
  32. Sexually transmitted infections in Western Europe among HIV-positive men who have sex with men,Sexually Transmitted Diseases 2007 Oct;34(10):783-90.
  35. Letter to the editor - Locally acquired infection with Entamoeba histolytica in men who have sex with men in Australia, Damien J Stark, Rashmi Fotedar, John T Ellis and John L Harkness, MJA 2006; 185 (8): 417
  36. Amano K, Takeuchi T., Amebiasis in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Intern Med. 2001 Jul;40(7):563-4
  37. Amano K, Takeuchi T., Amebiasis in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Intern Med. 2001 Jul;40(7):563-4
  39. Johns Hopkins HIV Guide which was a duplicate of Medscape's New Look at Gay Bowel Syndrome cited by journalist Peter LaBarbera at Americans for Truth
  42. Johns Hopkins HIV Guide which was a duplicate of Medscape's New Look at Gay Bowel Syndrome cited by journalist Peter LaBarbera at Americans for Truth
  49. Book: Disabusing Sexuality By Canon Nathan Karema, page 23
  52. Cigarette smoking among lesbians, gays, and bisexuals: how serious a problem? (United States), Cancer Causes & Control, 2004 Oct;15(8):797-803
  53. Gay/Lesbian sexual orientation increases risk for cigarette smoking and heavy drinking among members of a large Northern California health plan, BMC Public Health. 2006 Oct 3;6:241
  54. Nursing Clinics of North America North Am. 2004 Jun;39(2):404
  55. Concerned women of America - former website page
  57. Feds Spend $1.5 Million to Study Why Lesbians Are Fat - CNS News
  58. Overweight and Obesity in Sexual-Minority Women: Evidence From Population-Based Data, Ulrike Boehmer, Deborah J. Bowen, Greta R. Bauer, American Journal of Public Health, 2007 Jun;97(6):1134-40. E pub 2007 Apr 26.
  59. Overweight and Obesity in Sexual-Minority Women: Evidence From Population-Based Data, Ulrike Boehmer, Deborah J. Bowen, Greta R. Bauer, American Journal of Public Health, 2007 Jun;97(6):1134-40. E pub 2007 Apr 26.
  61. Obesity and Lesbians, Andrew Sullivan, Daily Dish, May of 2007