List of scientists whose names are used as units

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Many scientists have been recognized with the assignment of their names as international units by the International Committee for Weights and Measures or as non-SI units. The International System of Units (abbreviated SI from French: Système international d'unités) is the most widely used system of units of measurement. There are seven base units and 22 derived units[1] (excluding compound units). These units are used both in science and in commerce. Two of the base SI units and 17 of the derived units are named after scientists.[2] 28 non-SI units are named after scientists. By this convention, their names are immortalised. As a rule, the SI units are written in lowercase letters, but symbols of units derived from the name of a person begin with a capital letter.

Scientists and SI units

Base unit[note 1] Derived unit

(colour legend)

Name[3][4] Life Nationality Quantity[5] SI unit Image
André-Marie Ampère[6] 1775–1836 French Electric current[7] ampere (A)
(Base unit)
Ampere Andre 1825.jpg
William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin[8] 1824–1907 British (Irish-Scottish) Thermodynamic temperature[9] kelvin (K)
(Base unit)
Lord Kelvin photograph.jpg
Blaise Pascal[10] 1623–1662 French Pressure[11] pascal (Pa) Blaise Pascal Versailles.JPG
Isaac Newton[12] 1643–1727 British (English) Force[13] newton (N) Sir Isaac Newton by Sir Godfrey Kneller, Bt.jpg
Anders Celsius[14] 1701–1744 Swedish Temperature[15] degree Celsius (°C)
Charles-Augustin de Coulomb[16] 1736–1806 French Electric charge[17] coulomb (C) 70px
James Watt[18] 1736–1819 British (Scottish) Power[19] watt (W) Watt James von Breda.jpg
Alessandro Volta[20] 1745–1827 Italian Electric potential[21] volt (V) Alessandro Volta.jpeg
Georg Simon Ohm[22] 1789–1855 German Electrical resistance[23] ohm (Ω) Georg Simon Ohm3.jpg
Michael Faraday[24] 1791–1867 British (English) Capacitance[25] farad (F) M Faraday Th Phillips oil 1842.jpg
Joseph Henry[26] 1797–1878 American Inductance[27] henry (H) Joseph Henry (1879).jpg
Wilhelm Eduard Weber[28] 1804–1891 German Magnetic flux[29] weber (Wb) Wilhelm Eduard Weber II.jpg
Ernst Werner von Siemens[30] 1816–1892 German Conductance[31] siemens (S) Ernst Werner von Siemens.jpg
James Prescott Joule[32] 1818–1889 British (English) Energy[33] joule (J) Joule James Jeens engraving.jpg
Antoine Henri Becquerel[34] 1852–1908 French Radioactivity becquerel (Bq) Becquerel Henri photograph.jpg
Nikola Tesla[35] 1856–1943 Serbian[note 2]-American Magnetic flux density[36] tesla (T) Tesla3.jpg
Heinrich Rudolf Hertz[37] 1857–1894 German Frequency[38] hertz (Hz) Heinrich Rudolf Hertz.jpg
Rolf Maximilian Sievert[39] 1896–1966 Swedish Dose equivalent of radiation[citation needed] sievert (Sv) Rolf Sievert 1896-1966.jpg
Louis Harold Gray[40] 1905–1965 British (English) Absorbed dose of radiation[41] gray (Gy)

Scientists and non-SI units

Name of the scientist[42][43] Life Nationality Quantity Unit[note 3] Image
William Gilbert 1544–1603 British (English) Magnetomotive force gilbert (Gi) William Gilbert 45626i.jpg
John Napier 1550–1617 British (Scottish) Magnitude (ln, dimensionless) neper (Np) John Napier.jpg
Galileo Galilei 1564–1642 Italian Acceleration gal (Gal) Justus Sustermans - Portrait of Galileo Galilei, 1636.jpg
Evangelista Torricelli 1608–1647 Italian Pressure torr (Torr) Libr0367.jpg
René Réaumur 1683–1757 French Temperature degree Reaumur (°R) Rene reaumur.jpg
Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit 1686–1736 Polish-Dutch-German Temperature degree Fahrenheit (°F) Fahrenheit small.jpg
Johann Heinrich Lambert 1728–1777 German Luminance lambert (L) JHLambert.jpg
John Dalton 1766–1844 British Mass (atomic) dalton (Da, amu) John Dalton by Charles Turner.jpg
Hans Christian Ørsted 1777–1851 Danish Magnetic field oersted (Oe) Hans Christian Ørsted daguerreotype.jpg
Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss 1777–1855 German Magnetic flux density gauss (G) Carl Friedrich Gauss.jpg
Michael Faraday 1791–1867 British (English) Electric charge faraday (F) Michael Faraday 001.jpg
Jean Léonard Marie Poiseuille 1797–1869 French Dynamic viscosity poise (P) Poiseuille.jpg
Anders Jonas Ångström 1814–1874 Swedish Length angstrom (Å) Anders Jonas Ångström - 001.png
Sir George Stokes, 1st Baronet 1818–1903 British Kinematic viscosity stokes (St) Ggstokes.jpg
William John Macquorn Rankine 1820–1872 British (Scottish) Thermodynamic temperature degree Rankine (°Ra ) Rankine William signature.jpg
James Clerk Maxwell 1831–1879 British (Scottish) Magnetic flux maxwell (Mx) James Clerk Maxwell.png
Samuel Pierpont Langley 1834–1906 American Energy intensity langley (Ly) Samuel Pierpont Langley.jpg
Ernst Mach 1838–1916 Austrian Speed Mach number (M) Ernst Mach 01.jpg
John Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh 1842–1919 British Acoustic impedance rayl John William Strutt.jpg
Wilhelm Röntgen 1845–1923 German Ionizing radiation röntgen (R) Roentgen2.jpg
Alexander Graham Bell 1847–1922 British (Scottish)-American Magnitude (log10, dimensionless) bel (B) Alexander Graham Bell.jpg
Loránd Eötvös 1848–1919 Hungarian Gravitational gradient eotvos (E) 70px
Heinrich Kayser 1853–1940 German Wavenumber kayser Heinrich Kayser.jpg
Joseph John Thomson 1856–1940 British Mass-to-charge ratio thomson (Th) J.J Thomson.jpg
Marie Curie

Pierre Curie





Radioactivity Curie (Ci) Marie Curie c1920.jpg Pierre Curie by Dujardin c1906.jpg
Heinrich Mache 1876–1954 Austrian Radioactivity Mache (ME) Mache-Heinrich-(1876-1954)a.jpg
Peter Debye 1884–1966 Dutch Electric dipole moment debye (D) Debije-boerhaave.jpg
Karl Guthe Jansky 1905–1950 American Spectral Irradiance jansky (JY) Karl Jansky.jpg
Wallace Clement Sabine 1868–1919 American Sound absorption sabin Sabine.png

See also


  1. There are 5 base units that are not named after people: kilogram, metre, second, mole and candela.
  2. The village he was born was a part of Austrian Empire, now it is in Croatia.
  3. As a rule, the units are written in lowercase letters. But, symbols of units derived from a personal name always begin with a capital letter.



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External links