Timeline of Steve Jobs media

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Steve Jobs (February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011) appeared in numerous speaking engagements, interviews, media appearances, and product introductions throughout his life. He spoke about a vast array of subjects including technology, entrepreneurship, society, philosophy, education, communication, movies, music, television, role models, industry, etc.

Interviews, appearances, and speaking engagements

Year City Occasion Media Subject Matter
1980 Presentation donated to Computer History Museum[1] Video
  • Tools to amplify human ability. Computer is a bicycle for the mind
  • VisiCalc
  • Early word processors
  • Computing in education
  • Ease of use
  • Ratio of computers to users
  • Interactive software
  • Interactive video
  • The future of Apple Computer
  • Computing power applied to ease of use
  • Origin of Apple Computer name
  • Differences between hardware and software
  • Obsolescence
  • 500 employees
  • Sales dollars per employee
  • Maintaining creativity in the long term
1980 Cork, Ireland RTÉ Interview Video

1981 San Francisco, CA CBS Evening News; Barry Petersen interview Video
  • Life is seducing you into learning calculators, ATMs, and now desktop computers
  • It is not a Nineteen eighty-four-ish vision
  • Its going to be very gradual and very human

1983 Aspen, Colorado International Design Conference in Aspen (IDCA) - 'The Future Isn't What It Used To Be' keynote
  • Computers are only 36 years old
  • Kids growing up now will be part of the computer generation
  • Computers are simple, adaptive, and fast
  • The oldest person with a degree in Computer Science is 39
  • Computers are very fast. They run a million instructions per second
  • Programmers build a collection of low level instructions into higher level instructions
  • Early electric motors of the late 1890s initially were large thus were applied to large scale applications. They didn't proliferate quickly
  • Later electric motors drove a shaft through a factory to empower multiple workstations simultaneously
  • The fractional horsepower electric motor was a breakthrough because it was applied to small individual applications
  • There are approximately 55 fractional horsepower motors in every household
  • The history of computers parallels the history of electric motors
  • ENIAC the first computer, was giant, hardly anyone got a chance to use it
  • A 1960s computing breakthrough was Time-sharing. Many people could share a large computer e.g. on a college campus
  • "The reason Apple exists is because we stumbled on to the fractional horsepower computer 5 years before anybody else."
  • "We made a computer that was about 13 pounds"
  • The first PC was invented in 1976. In 1983 the industry will ship 3 million personal computers
  • By 1986, we will ship more computers than automobiles in the USA
  • "...I need your help. If you've looked at computers, they all look like garbage. All of the great product designers are off designing automobiles/buildings but hardly any of them are designing computers."
  • The industry will sell 10 million computers whether they look ugly or great because people are going to be spellbound/elated
  • "It doesn't cost any more money to make it look great"
  • They are going to be these new objects that are going to be in everyone's working environment, educational environment, and home environment
  • "We have a shot at putting a great object there (work, school, home) and if we don't, we are going to put one more piece of junk object there"
  • By 1986 people will be spending two or three hours a day interacting with computers
  • Industrial design, the software design should be given the same consideration that we give automobiles if not a lot more
  • "Most of the objects of our life are not designed in America. We've blown it"
  • "Computers and society are out on a first date in the 80's."
  • "We have a chance to make these things beautiful. We have a chance to communicate something through the design of the objects themselves."
  • Apple alone will spend over 100 million dollars over the next 12 months on media advertising. IBM will spend at least that amount
  • The personal computer is a new medium of communication. One of the media. e.g. books, radio, television, newspapers
  • Computer communication is different from other mediums. Telephone demands both parties of a conversation be simultaneously present. Computers do not have this requirement.
  • "One of these days when we have portable computers with radio links, they can be walking around Aspen and retrieve it. (e-mail)"
  • "The process of communication changes as the mediums evolve."
  • When a new media emerges, we tend to fall back into old media habits
  • The first TV shows are basically radio shows with a television camera pointed at them
  • It took the better part of the 1950s for television to come 'into its own' as a medium
  • John F. Kennedy funeral television broadcast gave people a level of intensity that would not have been possible with radio
  • The Apollo program landing. That experience was not possible with the previous medium
  • It took 20 years for television to evolve away from radio
  • "Optical video discs" (Laserdisc) can store 55 thousand images on a side, or an hour of video randomly accessible. What are we using it for? Movies. We're dropping back into old media habits."
  • 5 to 10 years from now, random access storage will 'come into its own'
  • 1979 MIT experiment, Aspen Movie Map. A precursor of Google Street View is stored on laserdisc and reveals that random access storage will differentiate itself from other media
  • We are still running historic applications on personal computers e.g. business accounting, COBOL
  • Apple Lisa enables a person with little talent to draw artistic pictures, transmit them via e-mail
  • Computer programs are an idea expressed on paper. They enable thousands of individual experiences based on one set of underlying principles
  • Hamurabi video game. 7 year old kids are playing with a macro economic model. Interactive learning
  • Books were a way to learn without an intermediary teacher. "The problem was, you can't ask Aristotle a question."
  • Maybe in the next 50 to 100 years we will enable computer to capture an individual's underlying spirit, set of principles, world so that after they are gone we can ask the computer a question and receive an answer consistent with that individual
  • Ultimately computers are going to be used for communication and over the next 5 years the standards for interconnecting computers are going to evolve. They all speak different languages right now.
  • Early Xerox PARC Local Area Network list server revealed special interest groups in the office. Soon there were more interest groups than there were employees.
  • As computers are networked (on the internet), they will facilitate the creation of special interest groups and bring together the people in those groups. (Social Networking)
  • Office Local Area Network are about 5 years away
  • Home Local Area Network are about 10 to 15 years away
  • "We want to put an incredibly great computer in a book that you can carry around with you, that you can learn how to use in 20 minutes. That's what we want to do. And we want to do it this decade. And we really want to do it with a radio link in it so that you dont have to hook up to anything. So you are in communication with all of these larger databases and other computers."
  • Apple sets out "To design the computer that we want to put into the book eventually even though we cannot put it into the book now and its called Lisa."
  • Apple Lisa is sold out for the first year
  • Eventually we will get to the point where people can create images as good as any other way
1983 Hawaii Apple Sales meeting
  • In 1958 IBM fails to buy Xerox
  • 1968 IBM dismisses the DEC minicomputer as too small
  • 1977 Apple invents the Apple II, the first personal computer
  • IBM dismisses the personal computer as too small
  • 1981 Apple II is the worlds most popular computer
  • Apple grows to a $300 million corporation, fastest growing corporation in American history
  • November 1981 IBM introduces the IBM PC
  • 1983 Apple and IBM computer industry's strongest competitors
  • 1983 Apple and IBM each sell $1 billion in personal computers
  • First major computer firm goes bankrupt. Total computer industry losses are larger than combined profits of Apple and IBM
  • 1984 Apple and IBM each invest $50 million in R&D
  • 1984 Apple and IBM each invest $50 million in TV advertising
  • 1984 computer dealers fear an IBM dominated marketplace
  • Was George Orwell right about 1984?
  • First presentation of the '1984' TV advertisement
  • Advertisement will run one week before Macintosh is introduced
  • Jay Chiat the principle of Chiat Day is in the audience
  • Lee Clow and Steve Hayden (wrote the ad copy) are in the audience

1984 Boston Boston Computer Society Video

1985 Playboy Magazine Interview[2]
  • Wealth
  • Idealism of the 1960s
  • Petrochemical Revolution brought free mechanical energy
  • Information Revolution brought free intellectual energy
  • Users don't need to understand the principles of a machine
  • Socratic education
  • "The most compelling reason for most people to buy a computer for the home will be to link it into a nationwide communications network."
  • Alexander Graham Bell
  • Telegraph took 40 hours to learn
  • Macintosh hardware took more than two years to design
  • Good PR educates people
  • Apple and IBM as computing standards
  • Merging of the telephone and the personal computer
  • Apple's roots are selling to people not Fortune 500s
  • Strategic mistakes of the Lisa computer division
  • Jobs was inexperienced at running a company
  • Sorrow over internal disagreements about the vision
  • The Macintosh represents Jobs' unrealized vision for the Lisa: a computer for people not corporations
  • 'Insanely great' people make 'insanely great' products for themselves, to their own highest standard
  • The Macintosh group wanted to build the greatest computer that has ever been seen
  • The IBM PC group lacked pride in their product and were motivated by money
  • Average age of Apple employees is 29
  • Most people in their 30's and 40's get stuck in their thought processes with rare exceptions
  • "Companies, as they grow to become multibillion-dollar entities, somehow lose their vision. They insert lots of layers of middle management between the people running the company and the people doing the work."
  • "Apple is an Ellis Island company. Apple is built on refugees from other companies. These are the extremely bright individual contributors who were troublemakers at other companies."
  • Dr. Edwin Land (founder of Polaroid) saw the intersection of art and science and business and built an organization to reflect that
  • "...Dr. Land one of those brilliant troublemakers, was asked to leave his own company‐‑which is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard of."
  • A visionary that brings together art and science is the most important thing to be, not a football player or astronaut
1985 Svaneholm Castle, Sweden Apple University Consortium Europe, Lund University with Håkan Westling
  • Computers can revolutionize education
  • Cooperation of European universities
  • Computer is a new medium among print, television, and radio
  • Initially, new mediums are based on old mediums
  • Aristotle was Alexander the Great's tutor
  • Petrochemical Revolution
  • Information Revolution
  • Free intellectual energy from computers
  • Computers will enable us to interact with Aristotles of the future
  • Henry Ford
  • "The automobile had a historical imperative"
  • Computers will forever change education as soon as 5 years from now
  • Jobs' dream is to sell Macintoshes to the Soviet Union
1985 Redwood City, CA and Pebble Beach, CA 'Entrepreneurs' documentary Video
  • NeXT Computer logo
  • Building a company
  • Leadership/communicating the vision
  • Product price
  • Delivery window
  • Financing/Expenses

1990s c. 1990s 'An Immigrant's Gift' documentary interview Video
1990 Memory & Imagination: New Pathways to the Library of Congress with Stewart Brand Video
  • Library of Congress
  • We shouldn't build too many more libraries, instead we should connect towns to the internet to provide access to the Library of Congress
  • Video Games as simulated learning environments
  • The computer is the equivalent of a bicycle for our minds
1990 Interview with WGBH-TV Video
1990 San Francisco, CA NeXTstation Keynote

1993 Redwood City, CA Interview on Paul Rand Video

1994 Redwood City, CA Steve Jobs in 1994: The Rolling Stone Interview Text
1994 Santa Clara Valley Historical Society Silicon Valley Documentary

1995 Redwood City, CA Smithsonian Oral History Project Interview
1995 Los Angeles, CA SIGGRAPH 1995 Keynote Speech
  • Centenary of the motion picture
  • Scale and complexity of Toy Story
  • Place in History of Computer Graphics
  • Lumière brothers projected the first film 100 years ago in Paris
  • How has technology changed the way we view motion pictures?
  • 1895 Lumière brothers invented their own cameras and projectors
  • 1927 the next technological innovation was sound (almost 40 years later)
  • Al Jolson's lines ended the era of silent pictures forever
  • The impact of sound: 60 million movie viewers in 1927 to 110 million viewers in 1929
  • The Jazz Singer was immensely popular and saved Warner Bros. studio
  • 1932 The next major innovation was Technicolor
  • 1937 first animated feature film with multiplane camera
  • 2D Animation was the first new form of motion picture entertainment since the first motion picture 42 years earlier
  • 1939 The Wizard of Oz became the first commercially successful color film
  • 1977 Star Wars redefined science fiction genre. Elevated special effects to become an equal partner to live action in storytelling in motion pictures
  • Alien, The Abyss, Terminator 2, and Jurassic Park incorporate some computer graphics special effects (but not on the scale of Toy Story)
  • Scale and complexity of Toy Story
  • Toy Story is the first completely computer generated feature-length motion picture. Completely computer synthetic.
  • Computer graphics are not just providing a supporting role to live action but are actually providing the entire vision for the motion picture.
  • Pixar created a 'digital back (movie) lot'
  • Jobs details the workflow of creating animated movies followed by numerous statistics about Toy Story
  • 10 person years went into the modeling of Toy Story
  • 34 terabytes of RenderMan files were rendered
  • 800 thousand machine hours of rendering on Sun SPARCstation 20 quad processors
  • Woody has 723 animation control points. 58 on the mouth alone.
  • Buzz Lightyear has over 600 textures
  • One scene has over 1 million leaves rendered on trees
  • Toy story is the classic 'buddy picture'. Two adversaries forced to work together by circumstance.
  • (The SIGGRAPH computer graphics) community has finally achieved the creation of a feature length 3D animated synthetic film
  • (The SIGGRAPH computer graphics community) pioneered the next major offshoot of the motion picture (3D Animation) "Its going to be a medium in its own right."

1996 La Télé Christophe Rasch interview with Steve Jobs Video
1996 NPR: Steve Job's 1996 Conversation with Terry Gross Audio
  • World Wide Web, HTML
  • Tracking Packages
  • Static vs. Dynamic Web Publishing
  • Electronic commerce
  • WebObjects
  • Bypassing middlemen with the Web. Direct to consumer sales
  • Web as egalitarian medium
  • Shopping for information
  • Online software sales in the future
  • Broadband in the home
  • The Web has resources for special interest groups. e.g. online health advice
  • Xerox PARC in 1979. GUI, Object-oriented programming, and Networking
  • NeXT Computer, now strictly a software company
  • NASA Ames Research Center
  • Jobs' programmed in Fortran, BASIC
  • Steve Wozniak
  • Blue Box
  • Apple I
  • Printed circuit board
  • The Byte Shop
  • Marxian profit realization crisis
  • One button mouse on the Mac
  • SRI
  • Graphical user interface
  • Pain of departing Apple
  • Not being afraid to fail
  • Apple's 10 year lead over Microsoft in 1985
  • Apple stopped innovating
  • Cost cutting is not the solution to Apple's troubles
  • Apple was like Jobs' first love
  • Apple's "major contribution was in bringing a liberal arts point of view to the use of computers."
  • The motivation of bringing ease of use to the Macintosh was to bring fonts/typography, graphics, photographs
  • Science including computer science is a liberal art
  • Everyone should have a mastery of computer science to some extent
  • The seed of Apple was "Computers for the rest of us."
  • "Microsoft didn't really get it." (that computers should be for everyone and easy to use)
  • "Are we entering a time window when we might see the first successful post-PC devices?"
  • The future of the personal digital assistant and Internet appliances
  • Collegial vs. Hierarchical corporate culture
  • Apple is an egalitarian company. Great ideas could come from anywhere within Apple.
  • "[Apple] hired truly great people, and gave them the room to do great work."
  • "A lot of companies hired people to tell them what to do. We hired people to tell us what to do."
  • "[Work] is still my life but it is not all of my life."
  • Ed Catmull, Lucasfilm
  • Founding Pixar
  • Jobs provided the support, negotiations, and environment to make Toy Story possible
  • Pixar as a consumer of computing power vs. a creator of computing power

1997 San Diego, CA WebObjects presentation at Microsoft Professional Developers Conference (MSPDC) Video
1997 San Francisco, CA MacWorld Expo 1997 Video
1997 San Francisco, CA WWDC Fireside Chat with Steve Jobs Video

1998 Seattle, WA CAUSE Annual Conference General Session Video

2002 60 Minutes Overtime Video
  • Analog generation loss
  • George Lucas
  • Lucas hired Edwin Catmull from New York Institute of Technology
  • Jobs bought computer group from Lucas in 1986 with a vision to create the world's first computer generated animated film
  • Beatles as example of a team
  • Business is best executed as a team effort
  • My greatest strength is hanging out with great and talented people
  • All of us need to be on guard against arrogance
  • There wouldn't have been a Pixar if Jobs had not been fired from Apple
  • Returning to Apple after being fired 12 years earlier was an example of 'the circle of life'
  • Computer industry is in its infancy

2005 Palo Alto, CA Stanford Commencement Address Text


2008 San Jose, CA US SEC Deposition Text

2011 60 Minutes Video
  • Definitely taking LSD was one of the most important things in my life


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