June 1943

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The following events occurred in June 1943:

June 1, 1943 (Tuesday)

  • The American liberty ship SS John Morgan was setting out from Baltimore on its maiden voyage with a cargo of explosives, and accidentally rammed the tanker SS Montana, which was entering the harbor. Sixty-five of the 68 men on the Morgan were killed in the blast, while 18 of the 82 men on the Montana were burned to death in the subsequent blaze.;[1] The U.S. Navy waited five days before releasing the news.[2]
  • British Overseas Airways Corporation Flight 777, a DC-3 airplane on a scheduled passenger flight,was shot down over the Bay of Biscay during an encounter with by eight German Junkers Ju 88s. All 17 persons aboard perished, including the film actor Leslie Howard, who had starred as Ashley Wilkes in [[Gone with the Wind]].[3] There was speculation that the downing was an attempt to kill British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and that the Germans may have mistakenly believed that he was aboard.
  • When the truce called by the UMWA in the coal mine strike expired at 12:01 am, union miners walked off of their jobs for the second time in five weeks.[4] John L. Lewis ordered the men to return to work at the end of the week.[5]
  • Born: Kuki Gallmann, Italian author who wrote of her experiences in Kenya, including her book I Dreamed of Africa (in Treviso)
  • Died: Leslie Howard, 50, British stage and film actor (b. 1893)

June 2, 1943 (Wednesday)

  • Liquidation of the Lwów Ghetto, located in German-occupied Poland, was completed, with the last surviving Jewish residents deported to the nearby Janowska concentration camp. At one time, there had been 160,000 Jews in Lwów which the Germans had renamed Lemberg. Nearly all of the former dwellers would be killed by November. After the Soviet victory in World War II, the city would become part of the Ukrainian SSR and renamed Lvov.[6]
  • Nile Kinnick, who had won college football's Heisman Trophy, in 1939 at the University of Iowa, and then passed up an NFL career, disappeared when his F4F Wildcat fighter plane crashed during a training mission. Kinnick ditched in the ocean off of the coast of Venezuela, after his plane began leaking oil while he was returning to the aircraft carrier USS Lexington.[7]
  • German submarines U-105, U-202, U-462 and U-521 were all lost to enemy action in the Atlantic Ocean.
  • The comedy film Hit the Ice starring Abbott and Costello was released.
  • Born: Blinky Palermo, German abstract artist, as Peter Schwarze in Leipzig (d. 1977)
  • Died: John Frank Stevens, 90, American engineer, chief engineer on the Panama Canal; and Dr. Allan Roy Dafoe, 60, Canadian physician to the Dionne quintuplets

June 3, 1943 (Thursday)

  • Zoot Suit Riots: Eleven U.S. servicemen, on shore leave in Los Angeles, got into a fight with a group of Mexican-American youths. The next day, about 200 servicemen, mostly U.S. Navy sailors, rode in taxis to the Hispanic neighborhoods in East L.A. and began attacking non-white residents; by June 7, thousands of civilians were involved in the fighting. The U.S. Navy and U.S. Army barred military personnel from venturing into downtown L.A., ending the riots.[8]
  • The French Committee of National Liberation was formed.
  • The Battle of West Hubei in China ended in a tactical draw.
  • Inventor Robert Hurley filed a patent application for the pocket protector, designed for carrying ink pens in shirt pockets. Hurley would be awarded U.S. Patent No. 2,417,786 on March 18, 1947 for his "Pocket Shield or Protector".[9]

June 4, 1943 (Friday)

June 5, 1943 (Saturday)

  • Pierre Laval, the puppet chief of government for Nazi occupied France, told his countrymen in a radio broadcast that an additional 200,000 Frenchmen needed to be sent to Germany to assist in war production.[14]
  • A state funeral was held in Japan for Isoroku Yamamoto.[15]
  • A squad of chemical warfare soldiers, making sure the wind was away from spectators, exploded small vials of mustard, chloro-picrine, lewisite and phosgene gases in a simulated air raid in New York City, to test the ability of civil defense workers to recognize the different chemical agents.[16]
  • German submarine U-217 was depth charged and sunk in the Atlantic Ocean by an American Grumman TBF Avenger from the escort carrier USS Bogue.

June 6, 1943 (Sunday)

June 7, 1943 (Monday)

June 8, 1943 (Tuesday)

  • Ammunition in the magazine on the Japanese battleship Mutsu, exploded during extremely hot weather, while the ship was anchored in the harbor at Hashirajima,[20] killing 1,222 people[21] including 1,121 of the 1,474 member crew.[22]
  • Born: Colin Baker, British TV actor best known as the sixth Dr. Who; in London

June 9, 1943 (Wednesday)

  • The first automatic payroll tax in the United States was implemented by the passage of the Current Tax Payment Act of 1943, which was signed into law the next day.[23] Under the new procedure, employers deducted the taxes from the employees' checks, then paid the equivalent amount to the federal government at the end of the month, replacing the system of employees paying taxes on their salaries at the end of each tax year.[24]
  • James F. Byrnes, the director of the U.S. Office of War Mobilization, told a press conference that he had no intention to be the Democratic nominee for Vice-President in 1944 if President Franklin Roosevelt pursued a fourth term.[25]
  • Three days before his 19th birthday, future United States President George H.W. Bush of became the youngest aviator in the U.S. Navy[26]

June 10, 1943 (Thursday)

  • The Pointblank directive was issued by the Combined Chiefs of Staff of the Allied powers, to implement Operation Pointblank, the code name for the constant Combined Bomber Offensive. The highest priority target to be destroyed was Germany's aircraft industry, followed by producers of ball bearings, petroleum, grinding wheels and abrasives. The U.S. Eighth Air Force bombed Germany during daylight and the UK's Royal Air Force Bomber Command conducted heavier bombing at night.[27]
  • Germany and Italy gave diplomatic recognition to the new government of Argentina, the only nation in the Western Hemisphere that still maintained relations with the Axis powers. That night, however, the new regime of General Pedro Ramírez decreed that the German, Italian and Japanese would no longer have permission to transmit up to 100 words in code to their capitals, a privilege that had been extended back in December. The U.S. and the U.K. gave recognition to the Ramírez government the next day.[28]
  • The Berlin Gemeinde, the last Jewish hospital in the German capital, was closed, and its 200 employees and 300 patients were sent to Theresienstadt on June 16.[29]

June 11, 1943 (Friday)

  • The Italian island of Pantelleria was surrendered to the Allies unconditionally at 11:40 am local time, after 19 days of aerial bombardment, providing a base from which the invasion of Sicily could be staged.[30] "This marked the first time in history a complete surrender resulted solely from air attack without ground action", one historian would note later.[31]
  • Britain's Royal Air Force bombed Düsseldorf and Münster in its heaviest attack up to that time, while the U.S. 8th Air Force made a daylight raid on Wilhelmshaven and Cuxhaven.[32] The U.S. raid involved 225 airplanes, and an unprecedented 85 of them were shot down or crashed.[33] The 462 tons of bombs dropped was a new high for U.S. bombing.
  • American coal miners went out on strike for the second time in two months, as UMWA President John L. Lewis called for the walkout against the federal government, which was overseeing the mines. President Roosevelt temporarily halted the strike by suggesting that he would ask Congress to pass a law to have striking miners drafted. Another strike would be called in October.[34]
  • German submarine U-417 was sunk in the North Atlantic by a B-17 of No. 206 Squadron RAF.
  • Japanese submarine I-24 was sunk off Shemya, Alaska by the U.S. Navy subchaser Larchmont.
  • The Australian corvette HMAS Wallaroo sank off Fremantle after a collision with the American Liberty ship Henry Gilbert Costin.
  • The Technicolor musical film Coney Island starring Betty Grable, George Montgomery and Cesar Romero was released.

June 12, 1943 (Saturday)

  • Düsseldorf suffered its heaviest air raid of the war when 693 bombers dropped 2,000 tons of bombs in the space of 45 minutes.[35]
  • The American submarine USS R-12 was on practice maneuvers when it sank without warning, plunging to the bottom of the sea near Key West, Florida, with the loss of 42 of the 47 people on board. The R-12 would not be relocated until almost 68 years later, on May 25, 2011.[36]
  • German submarine U-118 was depth charged and sunk in the Atlantic by an American Grumman TBM Avenger.
  • "Taking a Chance on Love" by Benny Goodman and His Orchestra hit #1 on the Billboard singles chart.
  • Born: Friedrich Kittler, German literary scholar, in Rochlitz (d. 2011)

June 13, 1943 (Sunday)

  • Subhas Chandra Bose, the Indian nationalist who had recently been in Nazi Germany seeking aid for independence from the United Kingdom, arrived in Japan on an Axis submarine.[37]
  • The Zoot Suit Riots ended in Los Angeles after ten days. Although there was property damage, nobody was killed or severely injured.[38]
  • Japanese submarine I-9 was sunk off Kiska by the destroyer USS Frazier.
  • Born: Malcolm McDowell, British actor, in Horsforth
  • Died: Brigadier General Nathan Bedford Forrest III of the U.S. Army Air Forces, 38, when the bomber he was riding in as an observer was shot down over Kiel during a raid. Forrest was the great-grandson of Confederate Army General Nathan Bedford Forrest.[39]

June 14, 1943 (Monday)

  • West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette: In a 6-3 decision rendered by the U.S. Supreme Court on Flag Day, the Court held that schoolchildren could not be required to pledge allegiance to or salute the American flag, if it violated their religious beliefs. The suit had been brought by Walter Barnette and other members of the Jehovah's Witnesses, and led to the Court overruling its 1940 decision in Minersville School District v. Gobitis.[40]
  • An American scientist, given the code name "Quantum" by the Soviet KGB, met with officials at the Soviet Embassy in Washington, DC, and turned over classified scientific information about separating the isotope Uranium-235 from uranium, part of the American atomic bomb project. The American FBI and NSA intercepted news of the meeting from a cable sent on June 21 from the KGB's New York office, but were never able to learn the identity of "Quantum".[41] More than sixty years later, "Quantum" was discovered from declassified files from the former Soviet Union to have been Boris Podolsky[42]
  • Earl Browder, the General Secretary of the Communist Party USA, began a correspondence with U.S. President Roosevelt, when Browder sent a cable to the President asking for White House intervention to protect leftist Victorio Codovilla from being deported from Argentina to Spain. Roosevelt responded on June 23, pledging to ask the U.S. Ambassador at Buenos Aires to monitor the proceedings, and on June 26 sent Browder a second letter to advise that Cordovilla would not be deported. The last reply was on July 12, when Browder thanked the President.[43]
  • German submarines U-334 and U-564 were lost to enemy action in the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Born: Jim Sensenbrenner, U.S. Representative (R-Wisconsin) since 1979; in Chicago, Illinois

June 15, 1943 (Tuesday)

June 16, 1943 (Wednesday)

June 17, 1943 (Thursday)

  • The British troopship SS Yoma was torpedoed and sunk northwest of Derna, Libya by German submarine U-81. 484 of the 1,961 aboard were killed.[48]
  • Singer Perry Como signed a record contract with RCA and began a string of hit songs with the RCA label, recording well into the 1980s.[49]
  • Ayoub Tabet, the President of Lebanon, precipitated a crisis in the Middle Eastern nation that was populated by Muslims and Christians. Tabet changed the makeup of the 64 seat Chamber of Deputies, which had 33 Christians and 21 Muslims. The new arrangement was for a 54-seat body, with 32 seats for Christians and only 22 for Muslims. The decision set out rioting throughout Lebanon, and Tabet would be deposed a month later.[50]
  • Joe Cronin of the Boston Red Sox became the first player in major league history to swat pinch-hit home runs in both games of a doubleheader.[51]
  • Japanese submarine I-178 went missing somewhere off the east coast of Australia. The sub's fate remains unknown.
  • Born: Newt Gingrich, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives 1995-1999, and Congressman (R-Georgia) from 1979 to 1999; as Newton Leroy McPherson in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; and Barry Manilow, American pop musician, in Brooklyn

June 18, 1943 (Friday)

June 19, 1943 (Saturday)

  • Germany's Führer, Adolf Hitler, summoned SS Chief Heinrich Himmler to the Führer's mountain retreat at Obersalzberg. According to a memorandum of the secret meeting, which Himmler entitled Banditenkampf und Sicherheitslage (The fight against bandits and the security situation), Hitler ordered that the Jewish resistance in Eastern Europe (by "bandits") should be eradicated over the next four months by the mass evacuation of Jews.[53]
  • The Italian submarine Barbarigo was sunk in the Mediterranean Sea by U.S. aircraft.

June 20, 1943 (Sunday)

June 21, 1943 (Monday)

  • Heinrich Himmler issued the order to transfer the remaining Jews from the Nazi-occupied Baltic states to small slave-labor camps in order to meet Germany's military needs. The Reichskommissariat Ostland consisted of Latvia (Lettland), Lithuania (Litauen), Estonia (Estland), and Belarus (Weissruthenian).[56]
  • The National Football League approved the temporary merger of the Philadelphia Eagles and the Pittsburgh Steelers into a single franchise, officially called "Phil-Pitt", and dubbed the "Steagles" by the press the next month. [57] [58] [59] At the same time, the NFL owners declined to let the Bears and Cardinals merge for the season. [60]
  • Jean Moulin, an official of the Armée secrète and a leader of the French Resistance against the Nazis, was captured in Caluire-et-Cuire by the Gestapo, along with nine of his associates.[61] Captain Klaus Barbie, who oversaw Gestapo operations in nearby Lyon, had been tipped off to Moulin's location.[62]
  • Stack v. Boyle: The U.S. Supreme Court ruled, 5-3, that the American citizenship of an alien could not be revoked simply because he had joined the Communist Party. William Schneiderman, a Russian native, had become a citizen in 1927, and then had proceedings brought against him twelve years later for his activities as secretary for the California branch of the U.S. Communist Party. Schneiderman's case was argued by Wendell Willkie, who had been the Republican candidate for President in 1940.[63]
  • The U.S. House of Representatives voted 345-0 to approve the appropriation of $71,510,438,873 for the U.S. Army, the biggest supply bill in history.[64]
  • The Harvard Corporation rejected a recommendation, by the faculty of the Harvard Medical School, to admit women to the college's M.D. program. The Corporation would allow the admission of women in 1944.[65]

June 22, 1943 (Tuesday)

  • After the U.S. Army Air Forces lost 85 aircraft in the June 11 daylight raid on Wilhelmshaven and Cuxhaven, the second heaviest bombing by the U.S. of Germany took place, with only one-fifth of the losses. The 8th Air Force dropped 422 tons of bombs, and lost 16 planes.[33]

June 23, 1943 (Wednesday)

  • A general election was held in Ireland. The incumbent Fianna Fáil led by Éamon de Valera remained in power but was reduced to a minority government.
  • The Battle of Lababia Ridge ended in Allied victory.
  • Andrée Borrel, Francis Suttill, Gilbert Norman and several other agents in the Prosper network of British Special Operations, were arrested by the Gestapo after being betrayed by an informer. Borrel was one of seven women in the British spy network, and on July 6, 1944, the group would be rendered unconscious with an injection of phenol, then burned alive.[66]
  • Born: James Levine, Music Director for the Metropolitan Opera, and conductor 1971-2011; in Cincinnati

June 24, 1943 (Thursday)

  • In order to investigate the medical effects of an emergency bailout at high altitude, Colonel W. Randolph Lovelace, a physician in the U.S. Army, jumped out of a B-17 bomber at an altitude of 40,200 feet. Part of his self-experimentation was to show that bottled oxygen should be provided to bomber crews. Colonel Lovelace was rendered temporarily unconscious from the 32 G shock from opening his chute during his faster descent in the thin atmosphere, and suffered severe frostbite when the deceleration ripped off his left glove, but landed safely after 24 minutes. As a result of Lovelace's experience, flight crews learned to delay opening their chutes until they reached a lower altitude. Lovelace would be awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for his bravery.[67]
  • Baldur von Schirach, the 36-year-old leader of the Hitler Youth, lost the influence he had had on the Nazi German government, after arguing with the Führer, Adolf Hitler, about the need to end the war with the Allies. Schirach would continue to be the Reichsjugendführer, but Hitler would never talk to him again.[68]
  • German submarines U-119, U-194, U-200 and U-449 were all lost to enemy action.
  • The Frank Borzage-directed musical film Stage Door Canteen was released.

June 25, 1943 (Friday)

  • The Jewish ghetto of Częstochowa was destroyed, with the residents fighting against the Nazis until overwhelmed.[69]
  • The eradication of Jews in the Soviet Ukrainian city of Stanislav (now Ivano-Frankivsk) was completed, with less than 100 suriviving out of several thousand.[70]
  • The Smith–Connally Act, allowing the federal government to seize and operate industries threatened by or under strikes that would interfere with war production, was passed over President Roosevelt's veto.

June 26, 1943 (Saturday)

  • More than 200 crewmen, from six different German U-boats based in Nazi-occupied Norway, mutinied. The men refused to obey orders to go out to sea, where Allied ships and been destroying the submarines at a greatly increased rate since May. The mutineers were arrested and lodged in the Akershus Prison in Oslo. "[71]
  • The U.S. Congress voted overwhelmingly to override President Roosevelt's veto of the Conally-Smith-Harness anti-strike bill. Roosevelt's veto message was read to the Senate, citing the likelihood that the bill was "more likely to forment labor troubles than to settle them". Five minutes later, the Senate voted 56-25 to pass the bill, and the House followed later in the day with a 244-108 override.[72]
  • Born: Klaus von Klitzing, German physicist, recipient of the 1985 Nobel Prize in Physics for his discovery of the quantum Hall effect; in Środa Wielkopolska, in German-occupied Poland
  • Died: Karl Landsteiner, 75, Austrian biologist and physician who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1930 for his 1900 discovery of the distinction between major blood groups; and Fritz Schmidt, German Commissioner-General for the Netherlands, after jumping, falling or being pushed from a train.[73]

June 27, 1943 (Sunday)

  • An empty American P-38 fighter, whose pilot had bailed out after the plane caught fire; crashed into a crowd of beachgoers at Huntington Beach, California, and then exploded injuring 49 people, three of them fatally.[74]
  • Died: Edward O'Rourke, 66, Belarusian Roman Catholic priest, bishop of Riga from 1918 to 1920 and bishop of Danzig from 1922 to 1926

June 28, 1943 (Monday)

  • Germany began construction began of four large rocket launch complexes, with 15 foot thick roofs and reinforced walls that were designed to withstand bombing, to launch missiles at the United Kingdom. The missile bases were located in France along the English Channel, at Seninghem, Tamerville, Couville and Siracourt.[75]
  • Hitler visited the Peenemünde Army Research Center to witness the first test of the A4 rocket. The first launch crash-landed nearby but the second launch successfully traveled 142 miles to land in the Baltic Sea.[35]
  • SS Major Karl Bischoff reported to Berlin that the four new crematoria that had built at the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp were completed. Crematorium Number 1 could process 340 bodies per day, while the four new ones could handle 4,400.[76]
  • The Italian cruiser Bari was bombed and sunk at Livorno by aircraft of the U.S. Eighth Air Force.
  • The Battle of Viru Harbor began between American and Japanese forces on New Georgia.
  • Born: Ismael Laguna, Panamanian boxer and world lightweight champion, 1965-1970; in Colón; and Ed Pastor, American Congressman and first Hispanic-American to represent Arizona in the U.S. House of Representatives (1991-2003); in Claypool, Arizona

June 29, 1943 (Tuesday)

  • In advance of the invasion of Sicily, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Allied Supreme Commander, sent a cablegram from North Africa requesting "on early convoy... shipment three million bottled Coca-Cola (filled) and complete equipment for bottling, washing, capping same quantity twice monthly", with the Coca-Cola Company sending "technical observers" to assist in the operation.[77]
  • The U.S. Senate passed the first, and thus far, only national child-care program, voting $20,000,000 to provide for federal care of children whose mothers were employed for the duration of World War II.[78]
  • U.S. Vice-President Henry A. Wallace made "an ill-considered speech" that attacked U.S. Secretary of Commerce Jesse H. Jones. The speech, which some historians cite as a factor in President Roosevelt's decision to select another running mate for the 1944 election, may have cost Wallace a chance to become President of the United States on Roosevelt's death in 1945.[79]
  • Pope Pius XII issued the encyclical Mystici corporis Christi ("Of the Mystical Body of Christ").[80]
  • Born: Little Eva, pop singer, in Belhaven, North Carolina (d. 2003); Soon-Tek Oh, Korean-American voice actor, in Mokpo, Chosen/Korea, Japanese Empire; and Ahmed Sofa, Bangladeshi poet and novelist, in Chittagong, British India

June 30, 1943 (Wednesday)


  1. Justin F. Gleichauf, Unsung Sailors: The Naval Armed Guard in World War II (Naval Institute Press, 2003) p140
  2. "Munitions Ship Plows Into a Tanker; 84 Men Die in Blast and Blazing Oil", Milwaukee Journal, June 7, 1943, p1
  3. "Leslie Howard Aboard Plane Missing at Sea", Milwaukee Journal, June 2, 1943, p1
  4. "Nation's Coal Mines Again Deserted as UMWA Members Resume Strike", Milwaukee Journal, June 1, 1943, p1
  5. "Lewis to Tell Workers to Go Back Monday", Milwaukee Journal, June 4, 1943, p1
  6. Mordecai Paldiel, Saving the Jews: Men and Women who Defied the Final Solution (Taylor Trade Publications, 2011) p248
  7. "Kinnick, Nile Clarke", in The Biographical Dictionary of Iowa, David Hudson, et al., eds, (University of Iowa Press, 2009) pp285-286; "'Iron Man' Kinnick Killed In Action", (Madison) Wisconsin State Journal, June 4, 1943, p1
  8. "Los Angeles Zoot Suit Riots", in LosAngelesAlmanac.com; "L.A. ZOOT SUIT DISORDERS SPREAD", Long Beach (CA) Independent", June 8, 1943, p1 Robert Sickels, American Popular Culture Through History: The 1940s (Greenwood Publishing Group, 2004) p93; Himilce Novas, Everything You Need to Know about Latino History: 2008 Edition (Penguin, 2007) p98
  9. "Hurley Smith's Pocket Shield", by Jeanette Madea, in IEEE History Center (July 2004) p6
  10. "Castillo Takes Refuge on a Warship as Army Revolt Flares in Argentina", Milwaukee Journal, June 4, 1943, p1
  11. "Revolt Ended in Argentina", Milwaukee Journal, June 5, 1943, p1
  12. 12.0 12.1 Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
  13. "Son of T. R. Dies in North — Kermit Roosevelt, Veteran of 2 Wars, Dead in Alaska", Oakland Tribune, June 6, 1943, p1
  14. "Slaves Called From France", Milwaukee Journal, June 6, 1943, p4
  15. Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
  16. "Tear, Poison Gas Used in Raid Test in New York City", Milwaukee Journal, June 6, 1943, p3
  17. Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
  18. Marian Edelman Borden, Paul Newman: A Biography (ABC-CLIO, 2010) p6
  19. "Neutral, Edict for Argentina", Milwaukee Journal, June 8, 1943, p3
  20. A. D. Harvey, Collision of Empires: Britain in Three World Wars, 1793-1945 (Continuum International, 2003) p581
  21. Stanley Sandler, Battleships: An Illustrated History of Their Impact (ABC-CLIO, 2004) p122
  22. Mutsu in CombinedFleet.com
  23. "President Signs Pay-As-You-Go Tax Measure", El Paso (TX) Herald Post, June 10, 1943, p1
  24. "FDR’s Class Warfare: A Tutorial For Obama", by Burton Folsom, Jr. and Anita Folsom, The American Spectator (December 2011 - January 2012)
  25. "Wants No Place on Ticket in 1944, Byrnes Declares", Milwaukee Journal, June 9, 1943, p1
  26. Diana Childress, George H. W. Bush (Twenty-First Century Books, 2006) p100
  27. Spencer C. Tucker, A Global Chronology of Conflict: From the Ancient World to the Modern Middle East (ABC-CLIO, 2009) p1997
  28. "U. S. Endorses Ramirez Rule", Milwaukee Journal, June 11, 1943, p1
  29. George E. Berkley, Hitler's Gift: The Story of Theresienstadt (Branden Books, 2002) p28
  30. "Pantelleria Surrenders; Allies Swarm Ashore After a 19 Day Siege by Air", Milwaukee Journal, June 11, 1943, p1
  31. "Pantelleria", in Air Warfare: An International Encyclopedia, Walter J. Boyne, ed. (ABC-CLIO, 2002) p482
  32. "Duesseldorf and Muenster Shudder Under RAF's Heaviest Attack of War", Milwaukee Journal, June 12, 1943, p1
  33. 33.0 33.1 Horst Boog, et al., Germany and the Second World War, Volume VII: The Strategic Air War in Europe and the War in the West and East Asia, 1943-1944/5 (Oxford University Press, 2006) p57
  34. "Smith-Connally Act", in Encyclopedia of United States Labor and Working-class History, by Eric Arnesen (CRC Press, 2007) p1279
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
  36. "Missing WWII submarine found with 42 entombed US sailors", International Business Times
  37. S. N. Sen, History Of Freedom Movement In India (1857-1947) (New Age International, 1997) p304
  38. José Antonio Burciaga, et al., The Last Supper of Chicano Heroes: Selected Works of José Antonio Burciaga (University of Arizona Press, 2008) p101
  39. "Flying General, Bearer of Famous Name, Is Missing", Milwaukee Journal, June 25, 1943, p2; Eric Hammel, The Road to Big Week: The Struggle for Daylight Air Supremacy Over Western Europe, July 1942-February 1944 (Pacifica Military History, 2009) p232
  40. "'Flag Salute' Rule Illegal", Milwaukee Journal, June 14, 1943, p1; Haig A. Bosmajian, The Freedom Not to Speak (NYU Press, 1999) pp113-115
  41. John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr, Venona: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America (Yale University Press, 2000) pp311-312
  42. John Earl Haynes, et al., Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America (Yale University Press, 2009) p73
  43. Herbert Romerstein and Eric Breindel, The Venona Secrets: Exposing Soviet Espionage and America's Traitors (Regnery Publishing, 2001) pp178-179
  44. Ellen Walker Rienstra and Judith Walker Linsley, Historic Beaumont: An Illustrated History (HPN Books, 2003) p70
  45. J. Richard Smith and Eddie J. Creek, Blitz!: Germany's Arado Ar 234 Jet Bomber (Merriam Press, 1997)
  46. James Heartfield, An Unpatriotic History of the Second World War (John Hunt Publishing, 2012) p218
  47. Robert M. Dowling, Critical Companion to Eugene O'Neill (Infobase Publishing, 2009) p17
  48. Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
  49. "RCA 100 Years of Music", Billboard magazine, May 12, 2001, p66
  50. Raghid el-Solh, Lebanon and Arabism, 1936-1945 (I.B.Tauris, 2004) p175
  51. Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
  52. "Negro Fliers Win First Engagement", Milwaukee Journal, June 25, 1943, p2
  53. Philip W. Blood, Hitler's Bandit Hunters: The Ss And the Nazi Occupation of Europe (Potomac Books, 2006) pp95-96
  54. "Detroit (Michigan) Riot of 1943", in Encyclopedia of American Race Riots: Greenwood Milestones in African American History, Walter C. Rucker and James N. Upton, eds. (Greenwood Publishing Group, 2007) pp160-164
  55. "Federal Troops Halt Detroit Rioting; 23 Persons Killed, 1,300 Arrested"", Milwaukee Journal, June 22, 1943, p1; "Detroit Calm Under Guards- Riot Deaths Now Total 29"", Milwaukee Journal, June 23, 1943, p2
  56. Jonathan C. Friedman, The Routledge History of the Holocaust (Taylor & Francis, 2011) p217
  57. "'Steagles' Sign Enough for Team", United Press report in The News-Herald, (Franklin, PA), July 10, 1943, p8
  58. Matthew Algeo, Last Team Standing: How the Steelers and the Eagles—"The Steagles"—Saved Pro Football During World War II (Chicago Review Press, 2013) p52
  59. "Pro Grid League To Field Eight Squads", El Paso (TX) Herald-Post, June 21, 1943, p8
  60. "Adds New Team", Abilene (TX) Reporter-News, June 21, 1943, p8
  61. Guy Walters, Hunting Evil: The Nazi War Criminals Who Escaped and the Quest to Bring Them to Justice (Random House Digital, 2010) p39
  62. H. Harry Roderick Kedward and Nancy Wood, The Liberation of France: Image and Event (Berg Publishers, 1995) p147
  63. "Willkie Wins 'Red' Case Before Supreme Court", Milwaukee Journal, June 21, 1943, p1
  64. "House Votes 71 Billion for Army, 345-0", Milwaukee Journal, June 21, 1943, p1
  65. James G. Hershberg, James B. Conant: Harvard to Hiroshima and the Making of the Nuclear Age (Stanford University Press, 1993) p808
  66. "Borrel, Andrée (1919-1944)", in Bernard A. Cook, Women and War: A Historical Encyclopedia from Antiquity to the Present (ABC-CLIO, 2006) p73
  67. Jeffrey R. Davis, ed., Fundamentals of Aerospace Medicine (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008) p17
  68. Angela Lambert, The Lost Life of Eva Braun (Macmillan, 2008) p337
  69. Peter Longerich, Holocaust:The Nazi Persecution and Murder of the Jews (Oxford University Press, 2010) p378
  70. Yitzhak Arad, The Holocaust in the Soviet Union (University of Nebraska Press, 2009) p336
  71. 200 German Sub Mutineers Are Jailed in Oslo", Milwaukee Sentinel, June 26, 1943, p1
  72. "Congress Brushes Aside Veto to Pass Stern Antistrike Law", Milwaukee Journal, June 26, 1943, p1
  73. Jacob Press, Ashes in the Wind: The Destruction of Dutch Jewry (Wayne State University Press, 1968) p341; "Nazi Dutch Chief In Fatal 'Accident'", Miami News, June 28, 1943, p2
  74. "Blazing Plane Injures 49", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, June 28, 1943, p1
  75. Benjamin King and Timothy J. Kutta, Impact: The History of Germany's V-Weapons in World War II (Da Capo Press, 2003) p132
  76. Richard Newman, et al., Alma Rose: Vienna to Auschwitz (Hal Leonard Corporation, 2003) p227
  77. Mark Pendergrast, For God, Country, and Coca Cola: The Definitive History of the Great American Soft Drink and the Company That Makes It (Basic Books, 2000) p199
  78. Abbie Gordon Klein, Debate Over Child Care, 1969-1990: A Sociohistorical Analysis (SUNY Press, 1992) pp59-60
  79. "Wallace, Henry Agard", in Who's Who in World Politics: From 1860 to the present day, Alan W. Palmer, ed. (Routledge, 1996) p396
  80. Henri De Lubac, The Splendor of the Church (Ignatius Press, 1999) p27
  81. Max Hastings, The Second World War: A World In Flames (Osprey Publishing, 2004) p258
  82. Vicki Mackenzie, Cave in the Snow: Tenzin Palmo's Quest for Enlightenment (Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 1999) p8