List of wars before 1000


Prehistoric warfare

3100−1000 BC

Start Finish Name of Conflict Belligerents
Victorious parties (if applicable) Defeated parties (if applicable)
circa 2670 BC circa 2670 BC Battle of Mag Itha Troops of Partholón Fomorians
circa 2650 BC circa 2650 BC Kish-Elam War Kish Elam
circa 2600 BC circa 2600 BC Enmerkar's Siege of Aratta Uruk Aratta
circa 2600 BC circa 2600 BC Campaigns of Sneferu Egypt Nubia
circa 2600 BC circa 2600 BC Campaigns of Enshakushanna Uruk Hamazi
circa 2500 BC circa 2500 BC Campaigns of Eannatum Lagash Ur
Umma and others
circa 2500 BC circa 2500 BC Lugal-Anne-Mundu's Campaign on Ur Adab Ur
circa 2450 BC circa 2450 BC Umma's First War of Independence Lagash Umma
circa 2400 BC circa 2400 BC Umma's Second War of Independence Lagash
circa 2294 or 2230 BC circa 2270 or 2206 BC Campaigns of Lugal-zage-si Umma Kish
circa 2334 BC circa 2279 BC Formation of the Akkadian Empire Akkad
Kish (after being conquered)
Kish (before being conquered)
circa 2270 BC circa 2270 BC Sargon's Campaigns Northeast of the Akkadian Empire Akkadian Empire Mari
circa 2270 BC circa 2270 BC Invasion of Elam Akkadian Empire Elam
circa 2230 BC circa 2230 BC Naram-Sin's Campaign on the Lullubi Akkadian Empire Lullubi
circa 2220 BC circa 2150 BC Gutian raids and conquests in the Akkadian Empire Gutian Akkadian Empire
circa 2050 BC circa 2050 BC Fall of the Gutian dynasty Uruk Gutian dynasty of Sumer
circa 2040 BC circa 2040 BC Ur-Nammu's conquest of Lagash Neo-Sumerian Empire Lagash
circa 2000 BC circa 2000 BC Fall of the Neo-Sumerian Empire Elam
Neo-Sumerian Empire
circa 1822 or 1758 BC circa 1763 or 1699 BC Campaigns of Rim-Sin I Larsa Uruk
circa 1801 BC circa 1770 BC Elam's Invasion into Mesopotamia Elam Eshnunna
minor city states
circa 1770 BC circa 1760 BC Conquests of Hammurabi Babylon
Larsa (before c. 1763 BC)
Mari (before c. 1763 BC)
minor city states
Larsa (after c. 1763 BC)
Mari (after c. 1763 BC)
minor city states
circa 1770 BC circa 1763 BC Elamite attack on Babylon
Part of the Conquests of Hammurabi
circa 1763 BC circa 1763 BC Hammurabi's Conquest on Larsa
Part of the Conquests of Hammurabi
circa 1760 BC circa 1760 BC Hammurabi's Conquests in the North
Part of the Conquests of Hammurabi
Babylon Mari
minor city states
circa 1760 BC circa 1760 BC Hammurabi's War with Assyria
Part of the Conquests of Hammurabi
minor city states
minor city states
circa 1740 BC circa 1595 BC Decline and Fall of the Babylonian Empire Hittite Empire
troops of Puzur-Sin
Sealand Dynasty
circa 1740 BC circa 1570 BC Kassite invasions into Babylon
Part of the Decline and Fall of the Babylonian Empire
Kassites Babylon
Remnants of the Babylonian Empire (after c. 1595 BC)
circa 1732 BC circa 1732 BC Puzur-Sin's Uprising
Part of the Decline and Fall of the Babylonian Empire
troops of Puzur-Sin
circa 1732 BC circa 1726 or 1720 BC Assyrian Civil War
Part of the Decline and Fall of the Babylonian Empire
troops of Adasi troops of Puzur-Sin
troops of Ashur-apla-idi
troops of Nasir-Sin
troops of Sin-namir
troops of Ipqi-Ishtar
troops of Adad-salulu
circa 1732 BC circa 1732 BC Foundation of the Sealand Dynasty
Part of the Decline and Fall of the Babylonian Empire
troops of Ilum-ma-ili Babylon
circa 1700 BC circa 1700 BC Babylonian attack on the Sealand Dynasty
Part of the Decline and Fall of the Babylonian Empire
Sealand Dynasty Babylon
circa 1595 BC circa 1595 BC Sack of Babylon
Part of the Decline and Fall of the Babylonian Empire
Part of the Campaigns of Mursili I
Hittite Empire Babylon
circa 1650 BC circa 1620 BC Campaigns of Hattusili I Hittite Empire Alalakh
smaller Syrian city states
circa 1650 BC circa 1580 BC Hyksos invasion Hyksos Ancient Egypt
circa 1600 BC circa 1595 BC Campaigns of Mursili I Hittite Empire Yamhad
smaller Syrian city states
circa 1523 BC circa 1517 BC Conquest of the Hyksos Egypt Hyksos
circa 1506 BC circa 1502 BC Campaigns of Thutmose I Egyptian Empire Nubia
circa 1493 BC before circa 1479 BC Campaigns of Thutmose II Egyptian Empire Nubia
circa 1457 BC circa 1428 BC Campaigns of Thutmose III Egyptian Empire
circa 1457 BC circa 1456 BC First Syria Campaign
Part of the Campaigns of Thutmose III
Egyptian Empire Canaan
Tel Megiddo
circa 1456 BC circa 1455 BC Second Syria Campaign
Part of the Campaigns of Thutmose III
Egyptian Empire Canaan
circa 1455 BC circa 1454 BC Third Syria Campaign
Part of the Campaigns of Thutmose III
Egyptian Empire Canaan
circa 1454 BC circa 1453 BC Fourth Syria Campaign
Part of the Campaigns of Thutmose III
Egyptian Empire Canaan
circa 1450 BC circa 1449 BC Fifth Syria Campaign
Part of the Campaigns of Thutmose III
Egyptian Empire Canaan
circa 1449 BC circa 1448 BC Sixth Syria Campaign
Part of the Campaigns of Thutmose III
Egyptian Empire Byblos
circa 1448 BC circa 1447 BC Seventh Syria Campaign
Part of the Campaigns of Thutmose III
Egyptian Empire Retjenu
circa 1447 BC circa 1446 BC Attack on Mitanni (Eighth Syria Campaign)
Part of the Campaigns of Thutmose III
Egyptian Empire Mitanni
circa 1445 BC circa 1444 BC Ninth Syria Campaign
Part of the Campaigns of Thutmose III
Egyptian Empire Nuhašše
circa 1444 BC circa 1443 BC Tenth Syria Campaign
Part of the Campaigns of Thutmose III
Egyptian Empire Mitanni
circa 1443 BC circa 1442 BC Eleventh Syria Campaign
Part of the Campaigns of Thutmose III
Egyptian Empire unknown
circa 1442 BC circa 1441 BC Twelfth Syria Campaign
Part of the Campaigns of Thutmose III
Egyptian Empire unknown
circa 1441 BC circa 1440 BC Thirteenth Syria Campaign
Part of the Campaigns of Thutmose III
Egyptian Empire Nuhašše
circa 1440 BC circa 1439 BC Fourteenth Syria Campaign
Part of the Campaigns of Thutmose III
Egyptian Empire Shasu
circa 1439 BC circa 1438 BC Fifteenth Syria Campaign
Part of the Campaigns of Thutmose III
Egyptian Empire unknown
circa 1438 BC circa 1437 BC Sixteenth Syria Campaign
Part of the Campaigns of Thutmose III
Egyptian Empire unknown
circa 1437 BC circa 1436 BC Seventeenth Syria Campaign
Part of the Campaigns of Thutmose III
Egyptian Empire Mitanni
circa 1429 BC circa 1428 BC Nubian Campaign
Part of the Campaigns of Thutmose III
Egyptian Empire Nubia
circa 1430 BC circa 1200 BC Kaska invasions into the Hittite Empire Hittite Empire Kaska
circa 1400 BC circa 1400 BC Battle of the Ten Kings Trtsu-Bharata Alina
Matsya Kingdom
circa 1279 BC circa 1213 BC Wars of Ramesses II Egypt
circa 1278 BC circa 1278 BC Battle against Sherden sea pirates
Part of the Wars of Ramesses II
Egypt Shardana
Lukka peoples
Shekelesh peoples
circa 1276 BC circa 1275 BC First Syrian Campaign
Part of the Wars of Ramesses II
Egypt Canaan
Amurru kingdom
circa 1274 BC circa 1274 BC Second Syrian campaign
Part of the Wars of Ramesses II
circa 1270 BC circa 1270 BC Third Syrian Campaign
Part of the Wars of Ramesses II
Egypt Hittite Empire
circa 1270 BC circa 1269 BC Later campaigns in Syria
Part of the Wars of Ramesses II
circa 1260 BC circa 1260 BC Campaigns in Nubia
Part of the Wars of Ramesses II
Egypt Nubia
circa 1250 BC circa 1250 BC Campaigns in Libya
Part of the Wars of Ramesses II
Egypt Libya
circa 1260 BC circa 1240 BC Trojan War Achaeans (mainly Mycenaens and Spartans) Troy
circa 1237 BC circa 1237 BC Battle of Nihriya Assyria Hittite Empire
circa 1206 BC circa 1150 BC Late Bronze Age collapse
circa 1175 BC circa 1175 BC Battle of the Delta
Part of the Late Bronze Age collapse
Egypt Sea Peoples
circa 1118 BC circa 1118 BC Diauehi-Assyrian war Assyria Diauehi
circa 1110 BC circa 1110 BC Babylonian War with Elam Babylon Elam
circa 1046 BC circa 1046 BC Shang-Zhou War Zhou Dynasty
rebel forces
Shang Dynasty
c. 1042–BC c. 1039 BC Rebellion of the Three Guards King Cheng of Zhou Shu Du of Cai

999 BC — 1 BC

Start Finish Name of Conflict Belligerents
Victorious parties (if applicable) Defeated parties (if applicable)
854 BC 846 BC Assyrian conquest of Aram Assyrian Empire Aram
757 BC 723 BC Colchis conquer Diauehi Colchis Diauehi
740 BC 720 BC First Messenian War Sparta Messenia
736 BC 732 BC Syro-Ephraimite War Assyrian Empire
Kingdom of Judah
Kingdom of Israel
732 BC before 721 BC Nubian Conquest of Egypt Nubia
Upper Egypt
Middle Egypt
Lower Egypt
725 BC 725 BC Colchian-Scythian war Colchis Scythia
722 BC 481 BC Wars of the Chinese Spring and Autumn Period Han
Those were the remaining major states
Smaller states
(consumed by other states)
714 BC after 706 BC Urartu–Assyria War Neo-Assyrian Empire Urartu
710 BC 650 BC Lelantine War Eretria and allies Chalcis and allies
703 BC 689 BC Sennacherib's War with Babylon Neo-Assyrian Empire Babylonia
701 BC 701 BC Sennacherib's campaign in Judah Kingdom of Judah
Kushite Egypt
Neo-Assyrian Empire
685 BC 668 BC Second Messenian War Sparta
Cretan mercenaries
671 BC after 664 BC Esarhaddon's War against Egypt Neo-Assyrian Empire Egypt
Kingdom of Kush
655 BC 639 BC Assyrian conquest of Elam Neo-Assyrian Empire Elam
652 BC 648 or 646 BC Shamash-shum-ukin's Civil War Neo-Assyrian Empire Assyrian Babylon
Mesopotamian Sealands
Amurru kingdom
Arab tribes
642 BC 338 BC Roman-Latin wars Roman Kingdom
Roman Republic
626 BC 626 BC Revolt of Babylon (626 BC) Babylonia Neo-Assyrian Empire
614 BC 614 BC Fall of Assur Babylonia
Neo-Assyrian Empire
circa 612 BC circa 612 BC Battle of Nineveh (612 BC) Medes (including: Persians and Elamites)
Neo-Assyrian Empire
608 BC 608 BC Fall of Harran Babylonia
Neo-Assyrian Empire
circa 605 BC circa 605 BC Battle of Carchemish Babylonia Egypt
Remnants of the Neo-Assyrian Empire
between 560 and 540 BC between 560 and 540 BC Achaemenid Colchis war Standard of Cyrus the Great (White).svg Achaemenid Empire of Persia Colchis
552 BC 539 BC Wars of Cyrus the Great Standard of Cyrus the Great (White).svg Persis/Achaemenid Empire of Persia Median Empire
Neo-Babylonian Empire
Lydian Empire
Gandhara Empire
552 BC 550 BC Persian Revolt
Part of the Wars of Cyrus the Great
Standard of Cyrus the Great (White).svg Persis Median Empire
547 BC 547 BC Cyrus' Conquest of the Lydian Empire
Part of the Wars of Cyrus the Great
Standard of Cyrus the Great (White).svg Achaemenid Empire of Persia Lydia
540 BC 539 BC Cyrus' Conquest of Elam
Part of the Wars of Cyrus the Great
Standard of Cyrus the Great (White).svg Achaemenid Empire of Persia Elam
539 BC 539 BC Cyrus' Conquest of Babylonia
Part of the Wars of Cyrus the Great
Standard of Cyrus the Great (White).svg Achaemenid Empire of Persia Neo-Babylonian Empire
between 540 and 535 BC between 540 and 535 BC Battle of Alalia Carthage
Greek Phocaean
Colonies of Alalia
518 BC 518 BC Achaemenid invasion of the Indus Valley Standard of Cyrus the Great (White).svg Achaemenid Empire of Persia Haryanka dynasty
499 BC 448 BC Persian Wars Greek city states:

Delian League
Other pro-Greek Forces

Standard of Cyrus the Great (White).svg Achaemenid Empire of Persia
Other pro-Persian Forces
499 BC 494 BC Ionian Revolt
Part of the Persian Wars
Standard of Cyrus the Great (White).svg Persia Ionia
492 BC 490 BC First Persian invasion of Greece
Part of the Persian Wars
Standard of Cyrus the Great (White).svg Persia Ionia
480 BC 479 BC Second Persian invasion of Greece
Part of the Persian Wars
Greek city states led by Athens and Sparta Standard of Cyrus the Great (White).svg Persian Empire
487 BC 448 BC Greek counterattack
Part of the Persian Wars
480 BC 307 BC Sicilian Wars
or Greek Punic Wars
480 BC 480 BC First Sicilian campaign (Battle of Himera)
Part of the Sicilian Wars
410 BC 340 BC Second Sicilian campaign
Part of the Sicilian Wars
475 BC 221 BC Wars of Warring States period in China
464 BC 464 BC Helot Revolt during the 464 BC Sparta earthquake Sparta Helots
460 BC 445 BC First Peloponnesian War
440 BC 440 BC Samian War Athens Samos
431 BC 404 BC Peloponnesian War Peloponnesian League Delian League
410 BC 340 BC Second Sicilian War
399 BC 394 BC Battle at Thermopoli Persian Empire Greek city states
395 BC 387 BC Corinthian War
390 BC (traditional)
387 BC (probable)
390 BC (traditional)
387 BC (probable)
Battle of the Allia Gauls Roman Republic
385 BC 385 BC Artaxerxes' II Cadusian Campaign Cadusii Standard of Cyrus the Great (White).svg Persian Empire
378 BC 372 BC Boeotian War Thebes
372 BC 362 BC Revolt of the Satraps Achaemenid Empire Rebel satrapies
371 BC 371 BC First Spartan Revolt against the Boeotian League Boeotian League Sparta
362 BC 362 BC Second Spartan Revolt against the Boeotian League
358 BC 336 BC Wars of the Rise of Macedon
357 BC 355 BC Social War Chios
Second Athenian Empire
356 BC 346 BC Third Sacred War Amphictyonic League Phocis
343 BC 290 BC Samnite Wars Roman Republic Samnium
343 BC 341 BC First Samnite War
Part of the Samnite Wars
339 BC 338 BC Philip II's campaign in Greece (Fourth Sacred War) Macedon Athens
327 BC 304 BC Second Samnite War
Part of the Samnite Wars
334 BC 323 BC Wars of Alexander the Great Macedon Persian Empire
Greek city states
332 BC 331 BC Rebellion against Macedonian Rule Macedon Sparta
Thracian tribes
323 BC 322 BC Lamian War Macedon Athens
Aetolian League
Achaean League
323 BC 280 BC Wars of the Diadochi
315 BC 307 BC Third Sicilian campaign
Part of the Sicilian Wars
311 BC 309 BC Babylonian War Seleucid Empire Antigonid dynasty
305 BC 303 BC Seleucid-Mauryan War Maurya Empire Seleucid Empire
circa 300 BC circa 300 BC Gojoseon–Yan War Yan Gojoseon
298 BC 290 BC Third Samnite War
Part of the Samnite Wars
281 BC 279 BC Gallic invasion of the Balkans Aetolian League
280 BC 275 BC Pyrrhic War Roman Republic
Magna Graecia
274 BC 200 BC Syrian Wars
274 BC 271 BC First Syrian War
Part of the Syrian Wars
Ptolemaic Kingdom Seleucid Empire
260 BC 255 BC Second Syrian War
Part of the Syrian Wars
245 BC 241 BC Third Syrian War
Part of the Syrian Wars
Ptolemaic Kingdom Seleucid Empire
219 BC 217 BC Fourth Syrian War
Part of the Syrian Wars
Ptolemaic Kingdom Seleucid Empire
202 BC 200 BC Fifth Syrian War
Part of the Syrian Wars
267 BC 261 BC Chremonidean War Macedon Greek states, notably Athens and Sparta
Ptolemaic Egypt
265 BC 263 BC Kalinga War Maurya Empire Kalinga
264 BC 146 BC Punic Wars
264 BC 241 BC First Punic War
Part of the Punic Wars
Roman Republic Ancient Carthage
218 BC 202 BC Second Punic War
Part of the Punic Wars
Roman Republic Carthage
149 BC 146 BC
(ceremonial peace, 1985)
Third Punic War
Part of the Punic Wars
Roman Republic Carthage
240 BC 238 BC Mercenary War Ancient Carthage Carthage's mercenary army of the First Punic War
238 BC 238 BC Parni conquest of Parthia Parni Parthia
237 BC 219 BC Establishment of Barcid Spain Carthage Turdetani
Greek colonists
Tartessian tribes
Celtiberian tribes
circa 230 BC circa 220 BC Overthrow of Diodotus II Troops of Euthydemus I Greco-Bactrian Kingdom
230 BC 221 BC Qin's wars of unification Qin Han
230 BC 230 BC Conquest of Han
Part of the Qin wars of unification
Qin Han
229 BC 222 BC Cleomenean War Achaean League
228 BC 228 BC Conquest of Zhao
Part of the Qin wars of unification
Qin Zhao
226 BC 226 BC First Conquest of Yan
Part of the Qin wars of unification
Qin Yan
225 BC 225 BC Conquest of Wei
Part of the Qin wars of unification
Qin Wei
225 BC 223 BC Conquest of Chu
Part of the Qin wars of unification
Qin Chu
222 BC 222 BC Second Conquest of Yan
Part of the Qin wars of unification
Qin Yan
222 BC 222 BC Conquest of Dai
Part of the Qin wars of unification
Qin Dai
222 BC 222 BC Conquest of Wu
Part of the Qin wars of unification
Qin Wu
221 BC 221 BC Conquest of Qi
Part of the Qin wars of unification
Qin Qi
215 BC 215 BC Qin's campaign against the Xiongnu Qin dynasty Xiongnu
215 BC 168 BC Macedonian Wars Roman Republic Macedonian Empire
215 BC 205 BC First Macedonian War
Part of the Macedonian Wars
Roman Republic
Aetolian League
Achaean League
214 BC 214 BC Qin's campaign against the Yue tribes Qin dynasty Baiyue
circa 210 BC circa 206 BC Seleucid invasion of Bactria Greco-Bactrian Kingdom Seleucid Empire
208 BC circa 206 BC Siege of Bactra
Part of the Seleucid invasion of Bactria
Greco-Bactrian Kingdom Seleucid Empire
209 BC 88 BC Seleucid–Parthian wars Parthian Empire Seleucid Empire
206 BC 202 BC Chu-Han contention Han Western Chu
205 BC 200 BC Cretan War Rhodes
Spartan pirates
200 BC 196 BC Second Macedonian War
Part of the Macedonian Wars
Roman Republic
200 BC 198 BC Han invasion of the Xiongnu Xiongnu Han dynasty
195 BC 195 BC Roman-Spartan War Roman Republic
Achaean League
191 BC 188 BC Roman-Syrian War Roman Republic
Achaean League
Seleucid Empire
Aetolian League
189 BC 189 BC Galatian War Roman Republic
180 BC 175 BC Bactrian Expansion into India Greco-Bactrian Kingdom Shunga Empire
Remnants of the Maurya Empire
171 BC 168 BC Third Macedonian War
Part of the Macedonian Wars
Roman Republic
170 BC 170 BC Usurpation of Eucratides Troops of Eucratides I Greco-Bactrian Kingdom
circa 167 BC circa 167 BC Parthian invasion into Bactria Parthian Empire
Loyalists to the Euthydemid dynasty
Greco-Bactrian Kingdom
167 BC 160 BC Maccabean Revolt Judea Seleucid Empire
162 BC circa 70 BC Nomadic invasions into Bactria Yuezhi
Scythians, mainly the Saka
Greco-Bactrian Kingdom
155 BC 139 BC Lusitanian War Roman Republic Lusitanian tribes
154 BC 154 BC Rebellion of the Seven States Han Dynasty Principality of Wu
Principality of Chu
Principality of Zhao
Principality of Jiaoxi
Principality of Jiaodong
Principality of Zaichuan
Principality of Jinan
138 BC 111 BC Han campaigns against Minyue
Part of the Han wars against the Baiyue
Han Dynasty Minyue
135 BC 71 BC Roman Servile Wars Roman Republic Revolting slaves
135 BC 132 BC First Servile War
Part of the Roman Servile Wars
Roman Republic Slaves of Sicily
133 BC 89 BC Han–Xiongnu War Han empire Xiongnu
122 BC 105 BC Jugurthine War Roman Republic Numidia
113 BC 101 BC Cimbrian War Roman Republic Cimbri, Teutons
111 BC 111 BC Han–Nanyue War
Part of the Han wars against the Baiyue
Han Dynasty Nanyue
109 BC 109 BC Han campaigns against Dian
Part of the Han wars against the Baiyue
Han Dynasty Dian Kingdom
109 BC 108 BC Gojoseon-Han War Han Dynasty Gojoseon
104 BC 101 BC War of the Heavenly Horses Han Dynasty Dayuan
104 BC 100 BC Second Servile War
Part of the Roman Servile Wars
Roman Republic Slaves of Sicily
91 BC 88 BC Social War Roman Republic Cities of Italy under Marsi and Samnium
89 BC 63 BC Mithridatic Wars Roman Republic Kingdom of Pontus
89 BC 85 BC First Mithridatic War
Part of the Mithridatic Wars
Roman Republic
Kingdom of Bithynia
Kingdom of Pontus
Greek rebels
88 BC 87 BC Sulla's first civil war
87 BC 85 BC Armenian–Parthian War Artaxiad.svg Kingdom of Armenia Parthian Empire
83 BC 82 BC Second Mithridatic War
Part of the Mithridatic Wars
Roman Republic Kingdom of Pontus
82 BC 81 BC Sulla's second civil war Optimates Populares
73 BC 71 BC Third Servile War
or Spartacist Rebellion
Part of the Roman Servile Wars
Roman Republic Army of escaped slaves under Spartacus
74 BC 63 BC Third Mithridatic War
Part of the Mithridatic Wars
Roman Republic
Kingdom of Pontus
Kingdom of Armenia
65 BC 65 BC Pompey's Georgian campaign Roman Republic Iberian Kingdom
66 BC 217 AD Roman–Parthian Wars Roman Republic Parthian Empire
58 BC 50 BC Julius Caesar's Gallic Wars Roman Republic Gallic tribes
Belgic tribes
British tribes
Aquitanian tribes
Germanic tribes
Iberian tribes
55 BC 54 BC Julius Caesar's Roman invasion of Britain Roman Republic
53 BC 51 BC Parthian War
of Marcus Licinius Crassus
Parthian Empire Roman Republic
49 BC 45 BC Caesar's Civil War Julius Caesar and supporters
Roman Senate
44 BC 30 BC Roman civil wars
44 BC 44 BC Post-Caesarian civil war
Part of the Roman civil wars
44 BC 42 BC Liberators' civil war
Part of the Roman civil wars
Second Triumvirate Liberatores
44 BC 36 BC Sicilian revolt
Part of the Roman civil wars
Roman Republic Sextus Pompeius and his troops
41 BC 40 BC Fulvia's civil war
Part of the Roman civil wars
Roman Republic Forces of Fulvia and Lucius Antonius
32 BC 30 BC Final War of the Roman Republic
Part of the Roman civil wars
Roman Republic (supporters of Octavian) Ptolemaic Egypt and the supporters of Mark Antony
40 BC 33 BC Antony's Parthian War
29 BC 19 BC Cantabrian Wars Roman Empire Cantabri
19 BC 19 BC War with the Garamantes Roman Empire Garamantes

1 AD — 999 AD

Start Finish Name of Conflict Belligerents
Victorious party (if applicable) Defeated party (if applicable)
6 AD 9 AD Bellum Batonianum Roman Empire
Odrysian Kingdom
9 AD 9 AD Battle of the Teutoburg Forest Cherusci Roman Empire
6 AD 21 AD Goguryeo-Dongbuyeo Wars Goguryeo Dongbuyeo
17 AD 18 AD Maroboduus' War with Arminius Arminius' troops Marcomanni
circa 17 AD 23 AD Lülin Rebellion Lülin Xin dynasty
17 AD 24 AD Tacfarinas' Rebellion Roman Empire Musulamii
circa 17 AD 26 AD Red Eyebrows Rebellion Red Eyebrows movement Xin dynasty
Gengshi Emperor of Han
42 AD 43 AD Trung sisters' rebellion Han dynasty Yue
43 AD 96 AD Roman conquest of Britain
circa 58 AD circa 58 AD Hermunduri-Chatti War Hermunduri Chatti
58 AD 63 AD Roman–Parthian War of 58–63
60 AD 61 AD Boudica's Uprising
66 AD 73 AD First Jewish–Roman War Roman Empire Judean rebels: Sadducees and Volunteers from Adiabene
69 AD 69 AD Year of the Four Emperors
69 AD 70 AD Revolt of the Batavi Roman Empire Batavi
73 AD 73 AD Battle of Yiwulu Han dynasty Northern Xiongnu
89 AD 93 AD Destruction of the Xiongnu state Han dynasty
Southern Xiongnu
Northern Xiongnu
101 AD 102 AD First Dacian War
105 AD 106 AD Second Dacian War Roman Empire Dacian Kingdom
115 AD 117 AD Kitos War Roman Empire Jews of Cyprus, Cyrenaica, Aegyptus, Mesopotamia and Iudaea
132 AD 136 AD Bar Kokhba revolt Roman Empire Jews of Iudaea under Simon Bar Kokhba
161 AD 166 AD Roman–Parthian War of 161–166
166 AD 180 AD Marcomannic Wars Roman Empire Marcomanni
184 AD 205 AD Yellow Turban Rebellion Han Dynasty Yellow Turban rebels
190 AD 191 AD Campaign against Dong Zhuo
194 AD 199 AD Sun Ce's conquests in Jiangdong Sun Ce Shanyue
Various warlords
196 AD 197 AD Clodius Albinus' Failed Usurpation Roman Empire Clodius Albinus' legions
202 AD 203 AD Conquest of Garama Roman Empire Garamantes
208 AD 211 AD Roman invasion of Caledonia 208–210 Roman Empire Caledonians
216 AD 216 AD Parthian war of Caracalla
225 AD 225 AD Zhuge Liang's Southern Campaign Shu Han Shu rebels
228 AD 234 AD Zhuge Liang's Northern Expeditions
232 AD circa 268 AD Civil Wars during the Crisis of the Third Century Illyriciani Various Barracks emperors
Various Usurpers, co-emperors, high officials and claimants to the throne
Sassanid Empire
247 AD 262 AD Jiang Wei's Northern Expeditions
263 AD 263 AD Conquest of Shu by Wei Cao Wei Shu Han
270 AD 271 AD Establishment of the Palmyrene Empire Palmyrene Empire Roman Empire
270 AD 274 AD Wars of Emperor Aurelian Roman Empire Vandals
rebellious mint workers
Palmyrene Empire
troops of Firmus
Province of Egypt
Sassanid Empire
Gallic Empire
270 AD 271 AD Campaigns against Germanic tribes
Part of the Wars of Emperor Aurelian
Roman Empire Vandals
271 AD 271 AD Suppression of the Uprising led by Felicissimus
Part of the Wars of Emperor Aurelian
Roman Empire rebellious mint workers
272 AD 273 AD Conquest of the Palmyrene Empire
Part of the Wars of Emperor Aurelian
Roman Empire Palmyrene Empire
troops of Firmus
Province of Egypt
Sassanid Empire
274 AD 274 AD Conquest of the Gallic Empire
Part of the Wars of Emperor Aurelian
Roman Empire Gallic Empire
279 AD 280 AD Conquest of Wu by Jin Jin Dynasty Eastern Wu
291 AD 306 AD War of the Eight Princes
306 AD 324 AD Civil wars of the Tetrarchy Constantine I's legions
306 AD 312 AD War of Constantine and Maxentius
Part of the Civil wars of the Tetrarchy
Constantine I's legions Maxentius' legions
313 AD 313 AD War of Licinius and Maximinus Daia
Part of the Civil wars of the Tetrarchy
Licinius' legions Maximinus Daia's legions
314 or 316 AD 324 AD Wars of Constantine and Licinius
Part of the Civil wars of the Tetrarchy
Constantine I's legions Licinius' legions
Martinianus' legions
351 AD 352 AD Jewish revolt against Constantius Gallus Eastern Roman Empire Jewish rebels
376 AD 382 AD Gothic War (376–382) Eastern Roman Empire Ostrogoths
378 AD 378 AD Tanukh revolt against Rome Tanukhids Eastern Roman Empire
395 AD 410 AD Conquests of Alaric I
395 AD 397 AD Visigothic Invasion of Greece
Part of the Conquests of Alaric I
circa 398 AD circa 398 AD Stilicho's Pictish War Western Roman Empire Picts
398 AD 398 AD Gildonic revolt Western Roman Empire troops of Gildo
circa 401 AD circa 403 AD Visigothic First Invasion of Italy
Part of the Conquests of Alaric I
Western Roman Empire Visigoths
406 AD 406 AD Battle of Mainz (406) Vandals
408 AD 410 AD Visigothic Second Invasion of Italy
Part of the Conquests of Alaric I
Visigoths Western Roman Empire
410 AD 410 AD Sack of Rome (410)
Part of the Conquests of Alaric I
Visigoths Western Roman Empire
421 AD 422 AD Roman–Sasanian War (421–422)
432 AD 432 AD Battle of Ravenna (432) Bonifacius Flavius Aetius
434 AD 453 AD Hunnic invasion of Europe Hunnic Empire Eastern Roman Empire
Western Roman Empire
minor Germanic and Gallic tribes
451 AD 451 AD Battle of Avarayr Sassanid Empire Christian Armenian Rebels
before 453 AD 454 AD Germanic-Hunnic Wars Gepids
455 AD 455 AD Sack of Rome (455) Vandals Western Roman Empire
488 AD 493 AD Conquest of Italy by Theoderic the Great Ostrogoths
Kingdom of Italy
502 AD 506 AD Anastasian War
507 AD 507 AD Battle of Vouillé Franks
511 AD 515 AD Revolt of Vitalian Byzantine Empire Vitalian loyalists
Chalcedonian Christian rebels
526 AD 532 AD Iberian War
527 AD 527 AD Iwai Rebellion
circa 531 AD circa 531 AD Battle of Unstrut Franks Kingdom of Thuringia
533 AD 534 AD Vandalic War Byzantine Empire Vandalic Kingdom
534 AD 537 AD Wars against the Moors
535 AD 554 AD Gothic War (535–554) Byzantine Empire Ostrogothic Kingdom
Frankish Kingdom
537 AD 572 AD First Tikal-Calakmul War Calakmul Tikal
541 AD 562 AD Lazic War
551 AD 555 AD Conquest of Spania Byzantine Empire
Visigoths under Athanagild
Visigothic Kingdom
circa 555 AD 624 AD Decline and Visigothic conquest of Spania Visigothic Kingdom Byzantine Empire
556 AD 556 AD First Tikal-Caracol War
Part of the Tikal-Caracol Wars
Tikal Caracol
562 AD 562 AD First "Star War" (Second Tikal-Caracol War)
Part of the Tikal-Caracol Wars
Part of the "Star Wars"
572 AD 591 AD Byzantine–Sasanian War of 572–591 Byzantine Empire
Sassanid Persian Empire
580 AD 584 AD Hermenegild's revolt Visigothic Kingdom Hermenegild's loyalists
Chalcedonian Christian rebels
582 AD 602 AD Maurice's Balkan campaigns Byzantine Empire Avar Khaganate
588 AD 588 AD First Perso-Turkic War Sassanid Persians Hephthalite principalities
Western Turkic Khaganate
598 AD 614 AD Goguryeo–Sui Wars Goguryeo Sui Dynasty
600 AD 793 AD Frisian–Frankish wars Frankish Empire Frisian Kingdom
602 AD 628 AD Byzantine–Sasanian War of 602–628
613 AD 628 AD Transition from Sui to Tang
614 AD 628 AD Jewish revolt against Heraclius Byzantine Empire Sasanian Empire
Jewish rebels
619 AD 619 AD Second Perso-Turkic War
622 AD 630 AD MuslimQuraysh War Muslims Quraysh tribe
627 AD 629 AD Third Perso-Turkic War
627 AD 627 AD First Caracol-Naranjo War
Part of the Caracol-Naranjo Wars
Caracol Naranjo
628 AD 628 AD Second Caracol-Naranjo War
Part of the Caracol-Naranjo Wars
Caracol Naranjo
629 AD 630 AD Emperor Taizong's campaign against Eastern Tujue Tang Dynasty
630 AD 630 AD Battle of Hunayn Muslims
Quraysh tribe
631 AD 631 AD Second "Star War" (Third Caracol-Naranjo War)
Part of the Caracol-Naranjo Wars
Part of the "Star Wars"
Caracol Naranjo
632 AD 633 AD Ridda wars
633 AD 644 AD Muslim conquest of Persia
Part of the Muslim conquests
Rashidun Caliphate Sassanid Empire
Arab Christians
634 AD 1180 AD Byzantine–Arab Wars
Part of the Muslim conquests
634 AD 638 AD Muslim conquest of the Levant
Part of the Byzantine–Arab Wars
Rashidun Caliphate Byzantine Empire
636 AD 636 AD Fourth Caracol-Naranjo War
Part of the Caracol-Naranjo Wars
Caracol Naranjo
637 AD 709 AD Muslim conquest of the Maghreb
Part of the Byzantine–Arab Wars
Rashidun Caliphate
Umayyad Caliphate
Byzantine Empire
634 AD 635 AD Emperor Taizong's campaign against Tuyuhun Tang Dynasty Tuyuhun
638 AD 638 AD Tibetan attack on Songzhou Tang Dynasty Tibetan Empire
639 AD 642 AD Muslim conquest of Egypt Rashidun Caliphate Byzantine Empire
640 AD 657 AD Tang campaigns against the Western Turks Tang Dynasty Western Turkic Khaganate
640 AD 648 AD Emperor Taizong's campaign against Xiyu states
Part of the Tang wars against the Western Turks
Tang Dynasty States of the Western Regions
640 AD 640 AD Tang campaign against Karakhoja
Part of the Tang wars against the Western Turks
Tang Dynasty Gaochang
644 AD 648 AD Tang campaigns against Karasahr
Part of the Tang wars against the Western Turks
Tang Dynasty Karasahr
644 AD 668 AD Goguryeo–Tang War Tang Dynasty
648 AD 648 AD Tang campaign against Kucha
Part of the Tang wars against the Western Turks
Tang Dynasty Kucha
645 AD 646 AD Emperor Taizong's campaign against Xueyantuo Tang Dynasty Xueyantuo
650 AD 695 AD Second Tikal-Calakmul War Tikal Calakmul
650 AD 758 AD Khazar–Arab Wars
656 AD 661 AD First Fitna Aisha's forces
Muawiya's forces
Rashidun Caliphate
657 AD 657 AD Conquest of the Western Turks
Part of the Tang wars against the Western Turks
Tang Dynasty Western Turkic Khaganate
657 AD 672 AD Tikal-Dos Pilas War Tikal Dos Pilas
660 AD 663 AD Baekje–Tang War Tang
670 AD 676 AD Silla–Tang Wars Silla
Former Goguryeo armies
Former Baekje armies
672 AD 672 AD Jinshin War
677 AD 679 AD War against Nuun Ujol Chaak Calakmul
Dos Pilas
Nuun Ujol Chaak loyalists
680 AD 1355 AD Byzantine–Bulgarian Wars
680 AD 692 AD Second Fitna Umayyad Caliphate Zubayrids
687 AD 711 AD Palenque-Toniná Wars Toniná Palenque
695 AD 695 AD Jasaw Chan K'awiil I's Campaign on Calakmul Tikal Calakmul
711 AD 718 AD Umayyad conquest of Hispania Umayyad Caliphate Visigothic Kingdom
715 AD 718 AD Frankish Civil War Charles Martel Neustrian Nobility
717 AD 718 AD Siege of Constantinople (717–18)
Part of the Byzantine–Arab Wars
Byzantine Empire
Bulgar Khanate
Umayyad Caliphate
719 AD 759 AD Islamic invasion of Gaul Merovingian Franks Umayyad Caliphate
720 AD 744 AD Third Tikal-Calakmul War Tikal Calakmul
735 AD 737 AD Marwan ibn Muhammad's invasion of Georgia Byzantine Empire
Bulgar Khazars
Umayyad Caliphate
736 AD 736 AD Yik'in Chan K'awiil's Conquest of Calakmul
Part of Yik'in Chan K'awiil's Conquests
Tikal Calakmul
743 AD 743 AD Yik'in Chan K'awiil's Conquest of Waka'
Part of Yik'in Chan K'awiil's Conquests
Tikal Waka'
744 AD 744 AD Yik'in Chan K'awiil's Conquest of Naranjo
Part of Yik'in Chan K'awiil's Conquests
Tikal Naranjo
746 AD 750 AD Abbasid Revolution Abbasid Caliphate Umayyad Caliphate
751 AD 751 AD Battle of Talas Abbasid Caliphate Tang Dynasty
Karluk mercenaries
755 AD 763 AD An Lushan Rebellion Tang Empire Yan
772 AD 804 AD Saxon Wars Frankish Empire Saxons
793 AD 850 AD Viking Raids on the British Isles Vikings Anglo-Saxons
795 AD 902 AD Viking Invasion of Ireland Vikings Irish Kingdoms
circa 795 AD 940 AD Viking Invasion of Francia Vikings Frankish Kingdom
811 AD 811 AD Battle of Pliska Bulgarian Empire Byzantine Empire
circa 830 AD circa 830 AD Paphlagonian expedition of the Rus' Rus' Khaganate Paphlagonia
839 AD after 844 AD Viking Raids in Spain Kingdom of Asturias
Emirate of Córdoba
842 AD 1330 AD Bulgarian-Serbian Wars Serbian Kingdoms First Bulgarian Empire
844 AD 844 AD Viking Raid in Portugal Vikings Emirate of Córdoba
854 AD 1000 AD Croatian–Bulgarian Wars
860 AD 860 AD Rus'–Byzantine War (860) Rus' Khaganate Byzantine Empire
862 AD 973 AD Hungarian invasions of Europe Magyar tribes Kingdom of Italy
East Francia
Middle Francia
Great Moravia
Byzantine Empire
Catalan Counties
First Bulgarian Empire
West Francia
Principality of Pannonian Croatia
Principality of Littoral Croatia
Kingdom of Croatia
Principality of Serbia
865 AD 954 AD Viking Invasion and Occupation of the British Isles Vikings Anglo-Saxons
869 AD 883 AD Zanj Rebellion Abbasid Caliphate Zanj
894 AD 896 AD Byzantine–Bulgarian war of 894–896 Bulgarian Empire
Byzantine Empire
894 AD 1003 AD Bulgarian–Hungarian Wars
913 AD 927 AD Byzantine–Bulgarian war of 913–927 Bulgarian Empire Byzantine Empire
Principality of Serbia
913 AD 913 AD Capsian Expedition of the Rus' (913) Tabaristan
Caucasian Albania
Volga Bulgaria
Rus' Khaganate
914 AD 980 AD Second Viking Invasion of Ireland Irish Kingdoms Vikings
Kingdom of Dublin
941 AD 941 AD Rus'–Byzantine War (941) Byzantine Empire Kievan Rus'
943 AD 943 AD Capsian Expedition of the Rus' (943) Caucasian Albania
Rus' Khaganate
955 AD 955 AD Battle of Lechfeld
Part of the Hungarian invasions of Europe
Kingdom of Germany
965 AD 968 or 969 AD Destruction of Khazaria Rus' Khaganate Khazars
966 AD 966 AD Second Viking Raid in Portugal Emirate of Córdoba Vikings
967 or 968 AD 971 AD Sviatoslav's invasion of Bulgaria Byzantine Empire Kievan Rus'
968 AD 1018 AD Byzantine conquest of Bulgaria Byzantine Empire
Kievan Rus' (968-969)
Kingdom of Hungary
Principality of Duklja
Kingdom of Croatia
Bulgarian Empire
Kievan Rus' (970-971)
977 AD 978 AD War of the Three Henries (977–978) Holy Roman Empire Henry II
980 AD 1012 AD Second Viking Invasion of the British Isles Vikings Anglo-Saxons
993 AD 993 AD First conflict in the Goryeo–Khitan War
999 AD 999 AD Battle of Svolder Denmark
Earls of Lade
999 AD 1000 AD Leinster revolt against Brian Ború Kingdom of Meath
Kingdom of Munster
Kingdom of Leinster
Kingdom of Dublin